The dreaded “Early Morning Call”
Blowing things up with alien technology
“Houston, we have a problem … ”
There is a difference between routing and blocking …
“And together, they must save Elvis from the Illinois Nazis.”
How Ricky Bary Harbord can be a pregnant former First Lady
“Ooh, look! A Monopolistic Phone Company Repair Van in its native habitat!”
They certainly know how to time power outtages around here
There's a reason why a feature that takes five minutes to implement takes ten hours to code …
But it will still save on electricity
Then again, no two people on any given airplane paid the same amount.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
You know, Mussolini did make the trains run on time …
A moving experience, that's for sure
Software wise, we're still in the mid-1980s it seems
“Energy problem? What energy problem?”
Speaking of Bruce Willis films, Hudson Hawk wasn't a bad film either
I hate it when I have to troubleshoot the tools required to troubleshoot the actual problem …
But on the other hand, wouldn't Snape also know she's a Death Eater?
Class notes from the School of Hard Knocks
I never did handle stress well
Our customer wasn't the only thing down this week …
Life at Casa New Jersey via snippits of email
Why yes, I am making up for lost entries this week. Why do you ask?
My Life, not with the Thrill Kill Kult, but with the Monopolistic Phone Company
With a large enough hammer, anything will fit!
Actually, I've gotten over the cravings and now wish to divest myself of these classic computers