I got my very first comment spam today, on my LiveJournal [1] account (which has since been deleted):
XXXXXXXX gives users access to some of the best games and reviews online. No need to waste your time looking for your arcade fix. XXXXXXXX.com is the hub of online gaming. Flash, Java and Shockwave powered high-quality games, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! If you're not sure, you can choose trial!!! Vizit http://XXXXXXXXXXXX/
When I saw that it was authenticated through OpenID [2] (see also: Wikipedia [3]) my initial thoughts were: OpenID is dead. It's just too easy for spammers to set up self-authorizing hosts (or obtain “accounts” at AOL (America Online) [4] or even LiveJournal [5]).
Perhaps I'm overreacting. Perhaps spammers are only targetting accounts with no (or very little) activity on them (I have the account to respond to friends who do use LiveJournal; my posting an entry once-per-year is mostly a joke). But I do expect to see more and more of this in the future.
[1] http://spc476.livejournal.com/
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenID