A few months ago Smirk was about to sell his Olympus C-5500 Zoom digital camera [1] on eBay [2] when I decided to buy it (price was right—about $100) for Spring [3], who had been wanting one for a long time.
It turns out that Spring didn't really like it—she preferred my digital camera [4]. And looking over hers, I found it had many features I missed having in a digital camera—manual shutters, manual aperture, manual focus, higher resolution, better performance in low light, blah blah blah, that I preferred her camera.
So we traded.
[Loony over a digital camera] [5]
Can you believe that's without a telescope [6]? Just the Olympus C-5500 zoomed all the way out.
It's a nice camera.
[1] http://www.dcresource.com/reviews/olympus/c5500sz-review/
[4] http://www.steves-digicams.com/2003_reviews/d560.html