For those that read the LiveJournal feed [1] of this site, I apollogize for sending a flood of entries your way.
It's something I have to remember—that the <title> element of the RSS feed (Really Simply Syndication) [2] cannot contain named HTML (HyperText Markup Language) entities since RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is messed up that way. I need to use the numeric versions.
What happened is this—I titled an October 7^th entry [3] “A Møøse once bit my sister …” and used øø in the title. The LiveJournal [4] RSS parser rejected the feed because of that. And because of that, my entries since the 7^th haven't been showing up.
I just became aware of the situation and fixed the title (by replacing øø with øø) which means a sudden influx of twelve (or thirteen if this gets in with the current batch) entries.
Sorry about that.