WARNING: metablogging ahead!

I've been working on the blog the past few days, mostly background programming stuff. A bunch of little things here and there that you might notice if you actually view the site at http://boston.conman.org/ [1] (such as changing the search engine I use to Clusty [2], which is returning better results than Google [3] (please! Stop with the Las Vegas ads!) for the searches I'm doing) but the biggest change has been adding support for Atom [4], a better defined site syndication format than RSS (Really Simple Syndication) [5] (so those of you reading me through my RSS feed [6] might want to switch over to my Atom feed [7], but I'll keep both around for now).

There was also a problem with the Obligatory Email Notification that prevented anyone from signing up that I had to fix (webserver configuration issues than an actual programming issue) so anyone trying to sign up for email notifications (like that's a real common occurance) should be able to now.

[1] https://boston.conman.org/

[2] http://clusty.com/

[3] http://www.google.com/

[4] http://atomenabled.org/

[5] http://diveintomark.org/archives/2004/02/04/incompatible-rss

[6] https://boston.conman.org/bostondiaries.rss

[7] https://boston.conman.org/index.atom

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