[Take two. First time through, the keyboard got stuck in uppercase that some how survived a reboot. It took a powercycle to get the keyboard unstuck. Go figure. —Editor]
It's funny.
Wil Wheaton [1] is currently in Las Vegas [2], one year after I was there [3]. Hoade and I had just missed World Series of Poker [4] when we went, which probably explains this entry on page 22 of the “Viva Lost Wages” notebook: “I don't think we'll be running into Wil Wheaton anytime soon.” It would have been quite funny to go up to him and mistake him for William XXXXXXX Shatner [5].
[1] http://www.wilwheaton.net/
[2] http://wilwheaton.typepad.com/wwdnbackup/2006/07/like_a_skillet_.html
[4] http://www.worldseriesofpoker.com/