Biggest reaction yet [1] to an April Fool's Layout [2]—Spring [3] liked it, Bunny (who does not have a website as far as I know, but she sent email, and yes, that's her real name) didn't care for it, and Mike [4] had problems viewing it correctly [5], which I suspected as much, given the rigidity of the layout (any window less than 900 pixels across and the layout would be screwed up).
This years theme was drawing paper and the graphics were ones I stole from another blog (and I lost the link—sorry). I liked the look, but it proved to be less flexible for layouts than I wanted. It was an interesting experiment in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and if you are using Mozilla [6] or Firefox [7] you can view this year's April Fool's layout (or the past ones I've done) by going to the menu and selecting “View → Page Style”.