Mysterious network connectivity issues at a D&D game.

Very bizarre. I'm at the weekly D&D (Dungeon and Dragons) game, and as usual we all have our laptops out running kLoOge [1]. Bob, the DM (Dungeon Master), is on his computer, connected to the router via a network cable; the rest of us (myself, Bibo and Mike) are connected via the wireless network. Every 901 seconds (fifteen minutes, one second) I would get disconnected from the network for 55 seconds. Like clockwork.

Bibo and Mike never got disconnected.

Just me.

At first, I thought it might either be kLoOge or Java 1.5 (I had to upgrade Java last week because the latest version of kLoOge requires Java 1.5, and Bob always makes us upgrade kLoOge), so towards the end of the game I didn't even bother running kLoOge (or Java 1.5).

I still got disconnected every 901 seconds. For 55 seconds.

Go figure.


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