Sucker rod

I'm reading the man page for syslogd when I come across the following under the security threats section:

4. Disabling inet domain sockets will limit risk to the local machine.
5. Use step 4 and if the problem persists and is not secondary to a rogue program/daemon get a 3.5 ft (approx. 1 meter) length of sucker rod† and have a chat with the user in question.
†Sucker rod def.—3/4, 7/8 or 1in. hardened steel rod, male threaded on each end. Primary use in the oil industry in Western North Dakota and other locations to pump “suck” oil from oil wells. Secondary uses are for the construction of cattle feed lots and for dealing with the occasional recalcitrant or belligerent individual.

That's just darned amusing …

Gemini Mention this post

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