.qggL .gggr. PMML /|MM |!MM, /`|MM .d/"q, qgg;+Ml qgg;+Ml vgg. .y. | YMM,j' |MM MM;.jMl |MM` " |MM` " qM| j` | qM#' |MM MM| |MM |MM MMg' .j|. qF .+MM.. 'MMbxr` jMM. jMM. 'MF x, / v#' .x/--\xxl ,xx ,gb . .dMT 'q| |MM '"' .dM dMM ` |MM/dMg, qgg;+Ml qgg j/"`+ qMM-. ,g'`fg, qgg/dM#,w#Mb j/"`+ MMM |MM MM| |MM` " |MM MMbx/ |MM `P'.jM| |MM |M| MM MMbx/ 'MMl . |MM MM| |MM |MM .`vMMl |MM ,gP`|M| |MM |M| MM .`vMMl 'vMb...r/` jMM..MM|. jMM. jMM. +,.,P' 'MMx: MM|r+M|. jMM..dM|..MM, +,.,P' ""
I've had this in my quotes file since 1988 and it was only now that I noticed that “Christmas” was misspelled “Christams.”
How embarassing.