I don't know how anyone can actually use Microsoft Windows [1]. Yesterday and today I log in and Microsoft Windows XP Professional has thrown up speech balloons telling me that there are important updates to Windows that I need to install now and oh, why don't I get a Microsoft Passport [2] to use with Microsoft Messenger and while you're at it, want to make Internet Explorer your default browser, because I've noticed that it's some heretical browser and we can't have that, now can we?
Shut the XXXX up.
No, I do not want a Microsoft Passport.
Sure, muck with the system files as you update, if that will shut you up.
And you can stick Internet Explorer were the sun don't shine.
If it weren't for a single rare support issue (cough FrontPage cough) I wouldn't have Microsoft Windows XP Profession (or any Windows version for that matter) on this system.
But no, I fear I must have this daily dialog with Microsoft Windows XP Profession as computers excel at repetative drudgery.
[1] http://www.tupbiosystems.com/articles/xp_danger.html