I just won the Jury Lottery

Nothing quite like getting a letter with


across the middle.

For the United States District Court.

Could be worse. My first summons ever was for the Federal Court down in Miami (fortunately for me, I was able to get out of that due to being a student at FAU (Florida Atlantic University) [1]).

Starting August 8^th I have to call the court house no earlier than 5:30pm to see if I have to serve the next day; a ritual I have to follow for the following two weeks. There's a form to fill out (using a #2 pencil of course) and the questions are all fairly standard questions like “Have you ever been convicted of a State or Federal crime?” but there were two that just struck me oddly. The first is silly:

And the second was:

Now, question 6 was the “Have you ever been convicted …” question, and honestly, I didn't know how to answer question 7. So I didn't. But in the “REMARKS” section on the back, I wrote the following:

I did not answer #7 since it didn't seem to apply in my case. Answering “yes” would imply that at one point my civil rights were restored, while a “no” answer would imply I don't have civil rights. Since my civil rights were never taken away, they never had to be restored in the first place so I felt that the question does not apply in my case.

Will I have to serve? I'm not sure … the first time I actually went in, I wasn't selected, but the second time I was selected [2] (although the case was settled before it began [3] so we were dismissed), so now I'm figuring I have some chance at being selected. But given that lawyers for both sides tend not to like highly educated people (since they're harder to bamboozle) and I listed eight years of college (never mind I never graduated—the form just requested the number of years) I might not even be considered. Who knows?

But we'll see …

Now, off to mail the form.

[1] http://www.fau.edu/

[2] /boston/2000/05/31.1

[3] /boston/2000/06/02.1

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