About a week and a half ago, I wrote about the transclusions of images [1] on the web, mainly, transclusions of my images by other people (and of the pages I could see, never an attribution). Last week I pointed to Mike Taht's rant about branding [2] and was inspired to finally do the Photo Friday picture on packaging [3].
I found out today that Mike Taht transcluded that image on his site [4]. I found it very amusing, given the chain of events. Even cooler that he's heard of, and read about Xanadu [5].
And for the record, we met sometime in 1999 or 2000 when Mark [6] and I were called over to the company he was working for (which doesn't seem to be around anymore) for a kind of semi-let's-talk type interview and we were introduced to Mike.
[4] http://the-edge.blogspot.com/2003_06_15_the-edge_archive.html#105573844967568720