[1] [2] I took this picture [3] a few weeks ago and it reminded me of what it might look like in Detroit [4] on Devil's Night [5] which historically has a higher incidence of arson than the rest of the year.
I've never experienced Devil's Night but I've heard about it plenty of times from family that live in the Detroit area. But in reading up on it [6] it seems that the amount of “urban renewal” going on has dropped dramatically over the past fifteen years or so.
[1] /boston/2002/10/30/t-firestorm.jpg
[2] /boston/2002/10/30/firestorm.jpg
[3] /boston/2002/10/30/firestorm.jpg
[4] http://www.ci.detroit.mi.us/
[5] http://www.kstatecollegian.com/ISSUES/v100/FA/n052/ap-DevilsNight-11.3.html