“An Era has ended. The wise have moved on.”

Last weekend, I decided to do something I've always dreamed about. Travel. Alone. Unrestricted and for an indefinite period of time.…
I will sell or get rid of most of my posessions. and keep one trunk of important stuff here in the States as well as my golf clubs and sailing gear. The rest will go. I need to do this in two weeks so I can get out of my expensive apartment.

Via an email from Ken [1], Steve Smith's Livejournal [2]

Steve is a friend from college who moved up to Boston several years ago. He was (and still is) quite the character—he lived in his office at FAU (Florida Atlantic University) [3] for an entire semester, moving in when he couldn't afford either a dorm room nor an apartment (granted, living in Boca Raton [4] isn't cheap).

But now that Boston [5] is no longer the place to be (apparently), and without a job (it isn't clear whether he was let go or quit) he just up and decided to see the world. I wish him well.

[1] http://www.jkaugust.com/kenmaier.htm

[2] http://martian2b.livejournal.com/day/2002/08/14

[3] http://www.fau.edu/

[4] http://www.ci.boca-raton.fl.us/

[5] http://martian2b.livejournal.com/day/2002/08/27

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