A small karmic payback

I know what it's like being stuck in the middle of nowhere; 5½ years ago I found myself in the middle of Georgia in a car with a seized up transmission. Being 500 miles from home is bad enough.

It's worse when half-way between Christmas and New Years Eve.

On the weekend.

But due to the kindness of quite a few people I didn't know (like the tow truck driver who never did charge me for towing) and quite a few people I didn't know in person (some friends I met over the Internet drove the three hours south from Atlanta to pick me up) I was able to enjoy the rest of my vacation and get home (I arranged a ride with a couple [1] down to Disney (Fee the Mouse you bastards!) [2]; from there I was on my own, which is a story for another time).

Chuck didn't have it quite as bad.

Chuck, a high rise window washer (which made for some interesting conversation during the drive) who hails from Ohio [3], found himself stuck in Miami [4], having missed the last Tri-Rail [5] train. My friend Greg found him there (as he too, missed the last Tri-Rail train out of [DELETED-Dodge-DELETED] Miami). Chuck needed to get to the Tri-Rail station serving the Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport [6] so the two of them shared a taxi (which Greg expensed to his company, since he was down in Miami on business).

It was from there that I met Greg and Chuck to give them a lift.

Actually, I was only expecting to give Greg a lift.

But to save Chuck from riding his bike nearly 10 miles, at night, up hill all the way (okay, so maybe not up hill) I gave him and his bike a lift.

[1] http://slumberland.org/wedding/honeymoon.html

[2] http://www.disney.com/

[3] http://www.state.oh.us/

[4] http://www.ci.miami.fl.us/

[5] http://www.tri-rail.com/

[6] http://www.broward.org/fll.htm

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