We should have gone to the International Map Fair [1] instead. [2] If anything, this year's Miami HAMFest [3] was smaller and less thrilling than last year [4] and that's saying something!
Outside the world of PC (Personal Computer)s, there were very few Macs for sale (one, a Mac laptop, didn't work) and a Sun SPARCStation 2 (but for $100, no thank you). Even worse, we only saw two (2!) PS/2 keyboards, and only one for sale seperately from a computer and even then, it had key caps missing (Mark [5] picked that one up).
The only interesting things I picked up this year were a slide ruler [6] and a 24-hour analog clock for the Computer Room.
Overall, a very disappointing year
[1] http://www.showtimeinteractive.com/top/1,1419,S-Showtime-Home-X!EventDetail-35354,00.html
[5] http://www.conman.org/people/myg/