“No fighting in the war room!”

WASHINGTON - Law enforcement officials were stunned recently after they urged the nation to be on the “highest alert possible”, and they were informed that we already were. Soon after that, Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld ordered our nations military to go to “DefCon 1”, the highest defense condition possible, and he too was informed that they already were at “DefCon 1”.

Via my dog wants to be on the radio, [1] Defense Sec Rumsfeld Requests More DefCon Levels [2]

Now that things have returned to normal [3] (network wise), I figured it was time for a bit of levity.

Besides, you can tell that Defense Secretary Rumsfeld isn't a computer guy—1,024 is is much better than 1,027. And I suspect it would have been Ashcroft to ask for more DefCon levels, not Rumsfeld.

[1] http://gweezlebur.com/~ivey/weblog/

[2] http://www.brassknuckles.net/humor/other/defcon.php

[3] /boston/2001/11/15.1

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