has stepped up to the plate to not only inform people of their Errors in a clear precise fashion but to prevent other less scrupulous Internet Entrepreneurs from using the errors to expose Internet users instantaneously to material that is intended for adult audiences. This is not a form of censorship, ErrorMan Inc. holds the highest regard for the Constitutional rights granted every citizen of the United States.
[1] [2]
Spring [3] found him, hiding behind and boy, is the world a better place for it (that was sarcasm in case you didn't notice).
Besides the obvious notion that the world is nothing more than the 51^st State, ErrorMan looks like a B-stringer for some small press super hero comic book lineup. Not only that, but that blue dot makes him look a big pugish, and the outfit isn't quite skin tight like all good superhero outfits are supposed to be.
I wonder how long it will be before ErrorMan is shilling Hostess Fruit Pies [4] to an unsuspecting teenage population? And will they stop the Dreaded 404Man? Or how about the ever evil General ProtectionFault? Or that nasty of villains, Core Dump? Maybe tossing a few fruit pies would stop PC Load Letter, but since no body really understands her, maybe they won't stop her. Who's to know?
More to the point, who cares?
[1] /boston/2001/10/30/ErrorMan.gif