I'm watching the talking heads on the TV (Television) claim over and over again that the World Trade Center Attack [1] is another Pearl Harbor.
This is no Pearl Harbor!
Pearl Harbor was a millitary attack on one sovereign nation's naval base by another sovereign nation's navy. The enemy was easily identifiable and most, if not all, of the causalties were millitary personel. The reasoning for the attack is understandable (if not forgivable).
The World Trade Center Attack was an as yet unidentified paramillitary or religious group attack on a purely civillian target. The enemy is not easily identifiable, most, if not all, of the causalties were civillians and the reason for the attack is not understandable at all (at this time; we're still trying to figure out who did it).
And like Pearl Harbor, it was an unexpected attack on the United States. That's about the only similarity between the two.