I walked to the local corner store. It's such a nice day and the store isn't that far, just around the corner; it being a local corner store and all that.
The experience brings back memories of years ago when I used to bike more than I do now. Back then (and we're talking about fifteen years or so) my main method of transportation consisted of a 12-speed bike (I wouldn't get a car until I was 19. I didn't learn how to drive until I was 19, but that's another story for another time). So the bike got plenty of use.
Now Florida is flat.
Kansas is mountainous compared to Florida.
Lows in the high 70s, highs in the high 80s. Partly cloudy with a 20% chance of scattered showers. Winds NE at 15 knots; seas 1-3 feet with a light to moderate chop.
So you would think that biking down here would be easy—no hills that require twice the effort for half the speed to climb. Right?
Sure, there are no hills down here.
But there's this constant breeze. Runs about 15 knots on average and overall, I would prefer hills to that! Granted, it's easy when you're going with the wind, like it's easy going down a hill, but …
Ever bike into the wind at 15 knots? Tiring isn't the word. Tiring is going across the wind. And right there, about 75% of the directions you want to travel are already uphill.
Hills? Give me hills any day …