Stripping strips from a website

I started reading a new on-line strip, Player Versus Player. [1] Seems promising but I'd like to read the archive, of which it reaches back to May of 1998, making it two full years of archives to go through.

It's a simple enough matter to write a program that downloads the entire archive of strips:

  sprintf(cmd,"lynx -source %s >%s",url,filename);
  sleep(10);		/* be nice on their server */
  day ++;
  if (day > daysinmonth(year,month))
    day = 1;
    if (month > 12)
      month = 1;
      year ++;
      if (isthistoday(year,month,day)) break;

I feel somewhat odd about doing that though, seeing how they get their revenue through advertising (not that I agree that's the best way to make money, but that's beside the point). Well, that and if they check their logs and see a bunch of requests for just the strips, every 10 seconds, well, in case I do end up liking the strip I don't want to be banned from their server.


Gemini Mention this post

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