“Does this mean he'll have seven years bad luck?”

I got a call from Lenee the other day. She's the wife of John the paper millionaire of a dotcom and she wanted to know if I would help with their garage sale to get rid of some stuff before they move into their new home.

I agreed, on the condition I didn't have to arrive at 9:00 am. She said to show up at any time, preferrably before the garage sale ended.

I managed to arrive around 1:00 pm, beating Mark. [1] It was pretty much finished by that time; only a few items left that their neighbor bought.

While it was no one person's fault, a mirror did get broken, and Lenee was highly upset over the incident. Okay, so it would cost about $75 to replace the mirror, but no one was hurt, and the piece of furniture wasn't damaged (other than the broken mirror). It could have been a lot worse.

Afterwards we left for lunch/dinner where the topic of conversation dealt with the broken mirror. Sigh.

[1] http://www.conman.org/people/myg/

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