So you wanna add a modem to Linux?

Friends that know me know that I tend to get very frustrated when things I think should be simple, or at least straight forward, aren't. This is especially noticible with respect to computers.

And it's one of the reasons I haven't bother to set up printer support under Linux (or Unix in general). Unix weenies chant “Simple. Simple. Simple,” but what they do is “Complex. Complex. Incomprehensible.” I'll take the case of modems under Linux, since I have more than my share of experience with what normally should be rather simple and painless.

Situation: Hook two Linux systems together via modem. Mark [1] and I have done this several times over the years and every time it takes several hours to get it working. The first time it took like 16 hours, but that's because we wasted 12 hours on a core-dumping uugetty (that we didn't know was dumping core).

And you're done.

Oh, I forgot to mention, that's only for one half the connection—the one that is accepting incoming calls. Doing the other side is similar but I think I got my point across—this is insane.

Now, for a printer …/p>


Gemini Mention this post

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