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Posts from 2020

This is the first part of my 2020 posts; the year is split due to me moving on from the old form of my blog (Web-only "EerieLinux") to my new platform (Gemini-based 'Neunix' which is only "mirrored" on the Web). This year was weird in other respects, too. Thanks to all the fuss with COVID-19 hitting the world and impacting all our lives, I didn't get around to post articles even after writing them. And just as I was getting back on track, I grew so sick of Wordpress that I decided to finally make a change. These are the posts that were still written on WP.

(Jan 2020) Should you abandon Linux and switch to *BSD?

This post picks up a recent call to switch all Linux machines over to BSD. It discusses some of the problems with Linux and why some people are starting to look for alternatives.

(Feb 2020) FreeBSD on SPARC64 (is dead)

In this article I cover my last minute adventures with FreeBSD on the SPARC64 platform. I encounter various broken areas and try to get things fixed so the platform could survive - in vain. But this documents that there at least were people who tried to keep it running!

(Aug 2020) Retreat... and reboot! Is there life outside of the Web?

This article is about why I chose to end the _EerieLinux Blog_ in its previous form. It's also about the very sad state of the world in tech right now: We have to do with a bloated Web that brings all the countless and useless annoyances with it and run things on broken hardware with little hope for the near future. Or do we? There's the lesser known _Small Internet_ with alternatives like e.g. _Gemini_. I'll try to find a new home there.

(Oct 2020) Neunix: Eerie transitioning to Geminispace

This post is about the _Neunix Gemlog_, the successor to the _EerieLinux Blog_ in Geminispace. It describes the current state of my new capsule and shows how to access it.