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Posts from 2015

My fourth blogging year started out with posts about touch-typing, but then I completely went down the BSD route. OpenBSD at first, then mostly FreeBSD. The year ends with some thoughts about a game studio giving away the Linux version of their game for free.

Top things that I missed in 2015

This post talks about some things that I would have liked to blog about in 2015 but didn't find the time to do. (Perhaps there are some clues there what might happen in 2016?)

Thea: The gain of giving away for free

This post is about Thea, a game that was developed for Windows and an experimental port for Linux given away for free. I also write about a few thoughts on (more) open game development.

Exploring FreeBSD (3/3) – a tutorial from the Linux user's perspective

The third and final post is about updating binary packages, the ports system and updating FreeBSD from source.

Exploring FreeBSD (2/3) - a tutorial from the Linux user's perspective

The second post is about updating FreeBSD using binary updates as well as user, package and service management.

Exploring FreeBSD (1/3) - a tutorial from the Linux user's perspective

The first of three posts about what makes using FreeBSD different from using Linux. It deals with using the shell.

Installing FreeBSD - a tutorial from the Linux user's perspective

This blog post details the installation of FreeBSD (version 10.1).

FreeBSD - from the Linux user's perspective: Introduction

This post introduces the most popular BSD system. Where does it come from? What is it good at? And why might you want to try it out?

Pacman on OpenBSD (pt. 2)

The second (and this time successful) attempt to bring Pacman to OpenBSD

Pacman on OpenBSD (pt. 1)

This post is about the toxicity of some elements in the Linux community as well as my first attempt of getting Pacman to work on OpenBSD.

Puffy goes Pacman!

This is 2015's April fools post: Presenting "ArchBSD/Open"!

TEK - The _Truly Ergonomic Keyboard_

This post is my review of the TEK, updated in Jan 2021.

Keyboards, layouts and ergonomics (pt. 2)

The second part of this series describes another ergonomic keyboard and discusses keyboard layouts.

Keyboards, layouts and ergonomics (pt. 1)

This blog post is the first of two about ergonomics and typing on a computer. It is about keyboards in general, touch-typing and injuries due to the strain from frequent typing.