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Posts from 2024

2024 was another hard year in "real life". Regarding the gemlog I did relatively well until summer when there was a gap. In the end I managed to write 7 posts just like last year, so at least more than one every two months on average. I finished covering basic jails management with CBSD (3 articles) and wrote another two for my trip report to EuroBSDCon - even though I was exceptionally late with them. Just before the end of the year I decided to do something special and dug into retro computing, exploring the very influencial 8-bit OS CP/M in two articles.

(February 2024) Exploring the CBSD virtual environment management framework - part 6: Jails (IV)

The fourth and final article on basic jails management discusses executing commands in jails from the host, changing a jail's configuration, updating the jail userland and managing snapshots of jails.

(March 2024) Exploring the CBSD virtual environment management framework - part 7: Updating and help

Part 7 is about updating CBSD to newer versions and how to take backups beforehand. It covers using the help system as well.

(July 2024) Exploring the CBSD virtual environment management framework - part 8: Customizing CBSD

Part 8 covers configuring CBSD to better match your needs and preferences. It discusses customizing the color scheme, command output, custom facts, defaults, custom profiles and update hooks.

(October 2024) EuroBSDCon 2024 report (1/2) - arrival & tutorial days

The first part of my trip report of EuroBSDCon 2024 in Dublin covers my arrival and the two tutorial days.

(November 2024) EuroBSDCon 2024 report (2/2) - Main conference and trip home

In the second part of my trip report I cover the main conference days of EuroBSDCon 2024, the social event as well as my trip back and a conclusion.

(December 2024) A journey into the 8-Bit microcomputing past: Exploring the CP/M operating system - part 1

In this article I'm taking a look at an influencial operating system which is over 50 years old at this point: CP/M! This first part covers an introduction as well as the 1.x and 2.x versions.

(December 2024) A journey into the 8-Bit microcomputing past: Exploring the CP/M operating system - part 2

The second part of this article series is about CP/M version 3 as well as the various ports. It also discusses MP/M and CP/NET.