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2023 began like a pretty standard gemlogging year. I managed to write four more articles in the CBSD series until May when disaster struck (multiple family-related incidents) and instantly made the year a horrible one for me personally. Despite thinking about letting EuroBSDCon pass, I eventually decided to attend after all. Since the event for me meant the positive highlight of 2023, I was able to write a two part trip and conference report. At the end of the year I decided to finish an article that I had started almost three years ago and finally review the ergonomic keyboard that I'm using these days. 7 articles in total is far from being great but not my worst performance, either.
(January 2023) Exploring the CBSD virtual environment management framework - part 2: Setup
The second article of this series details the initial setup of CBSD which is necessary before it can be used.
(February 2023) Exploring the CBSD virtual environment management framework - part 3: Jails (I)
This article is about creating the first jail with CBSD and managing it. CBSD's dialog-like menu system as the easiest method is covered in-depth.
(April 2023) Exploring the CBSD virtual environment management framework - part 4: Jails (II)
The second article on jails covers the interactive creation script with an unusual use
-case to show off a few less common options you have when working with jails. Also fil
esystem mounts for making jails partially read-only and still useful are explained.
(May 2023) Exploring the CBSD virtual environment management framework - part 5: Jails (III)
The third article on jails shows how to create jails using _jconf files_ and via argument passing on the command line as well as deleting jails. It uses Seafile as an example on how to create a jailed private cloud and also briefly discusses the implications of using jails for networked services.
(September 2023) EuroBSDCon 2023 report (1/2) – arrival & tutorial days
First part of my trip report on EuroBSDCon 2023 in Coimbra, Portugal. It extensively covers the arrival journey as well as both of the tutorial days quite extensively to (hopefully) convey some of that conference experience and feeling.
(October 2023) EuroBSDCon 2023 report (2/2) – Main conference, social event & conclusion
Second part of my trip report on EuroBSDCon 2023 in Coimbra, Portugal. This post covers the main conference days, the social event and the journey back home plus a conclusion.
(December 2023) The TEK Cleave: A unique typing experience
My review of the TEK Cleave keyboard as well as thoughts on keyboard use cases and ideas for further improvement.