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There are only two post-"EerieLinux" posts in 2020, because the decision to re-organize my blogging activity by re-basing things on Gemini space happened only in the last quarter of the year. Those two posts are about quite different topics: The first one celebrates my first addition to the FreeBSD Ports Collection and is related to Gemini, the second is about IBM killing the classic CentOS Linux distribution and some thoughts on what could be done with a BSD-inspired Linux distro.
(Oct 2020) My first FreeBSD port: Castor
This post talks about Castor being my first committed FreeBSD port. I also describes the current version of Castor a little and presents some ideas on new features that I'd like to see.
(Dec 2020) CentOS killed by IBM - a chance to go new ways?
This article is about what "enterprise" means in software and how a bit of BSD thinking (base system and package separation) could open up interesting possibilities for a stable Linux distribution to be created.