So your mom left today to see grandma and you threw a fit, a bad one. Due to the Corona virus you haven't been without her for about two months. So when she left you went nuts. You were throwing youself on the grownd and screaming. After about 5 minutes of this I pulled out your favorite book. This book for toddlers "Word Of Reading - Marvel Super Heros". It's basically how Disneys pulls children into their IP's at an early age, but it's a fun read none the less. I started reading the first Spiderman story, but you still cried. After a few pages you began to smile, but not a regular smile, the type of smile one has when they are trying to hide it. I love that smile, it means I'm getting throught to you. Then a few more, now I've won you over. Now you start to get up and read with me. It's always great to win you over in a genuine way, when you give me that look that says "Everythings going to be OK with Dad", it makes me feel good as well.
After that I made you Quinoa. Normally this wouldn't be worth talking about but you had me cracking up. Quinoa look like little balls, so you with your 3 year old mind you looked at it and proclaimed "Balls Dad, this is balls. This is my balls Dad. Goodbye balls. Balls gone". Your moms reaction was "Oh my god. lol", when I text it to her.
"I wanna go outside, Mommies outside". You kept saying that:)
Normally I don't do the whole YouTube thing with you. We'll give you some time to watch TV here and there, but we really try not to over do it. With that said, we watched 2 hours of Raccoon videos. Haha. You have these Encyclodedia Brytannica For Kids books and for some reason you just loved the Raccoon in one of those books. So I put on some YouTube videos and it never stopped. I'm amazed at how many people have pet raccoons, I'm more amazed at how many people will view them. This one video I sat threw had these people with their pet raccoon "Cheeto" and he was taste testing, guess what?............You guessed it, Cheetos. This video went on for what felt like forever. On top of that, these people were sellng merch!! Fucking merch dude. They were selling merch for their "look at my pet raccoon" videos. I don't know man. David Pakman gets 10 - 20k views per video now-a-days, while Cheeto eating Cheetos gets 145k. I can only imagine how YouTubes algorithm will operate when your old enough to read this. Rant over. Then we watch a National Geographic Doc about raccoons. Another hour:)
'People Screaming About "Rights" Ignore "Responsibility"'. When I was scrolling Pakman I saw a video with that title. That's very true remember that. Reminds me of the Spiderman comic we read. "With great power, comes great responsibility".