.-=-.     Christina's
,|`~'|     Brewed
`|   |     Awakenings
  `~'      a Gemini capsule

take two of these... I do



Sundogs - mail userid is christina

"To speak of knowledge is futile. All is experiment and adventure. We are forever mixing ourselves with unknown quantities." --_The Waves_, Virginia Woolf



Christina's status

Shufei interviews me for taisui.space

My replies to other .gmi


11 February 2025

Torn between going to Scrabble and Bridge, I chose Scrabble. I won two of three games, both times bingoing out with blanks, one on a triple word score: EETUY?? -> TUYE(R)E(S)/ERODE. Yes I'm pleased with myself, you'd be pleased with yourself too.

Sundogs muster was lovely, probably because of the international participants, and of the topics: ISS signal can be listened to with special receivers when it passes over a locality, ham radio, magnesium and Vitamin D3 for health. I neglected to take vitamin D3 today; however, I take over 5000IU a day usually, more if I am indoors, so I doubt, with my blood serum level likely over 80ng/mL, that any cytokine storm will cause such a ruckus in my lungs as to result in hospitalization.

I am still angry, but having mastery over elements within my control helps. It's cold, but I can still have an hour of sun and a nature walk. I read some sundogs' gopher phlogs, some posts calming if not entirely uplifting. I'm going to either save them or collect the URIs. The seventh anniversary of MARE TRANQUILLITATIS CIRCUMLUNAR is next month. For the fifth anniversary I submitted recipes, I may do that for the seventh, only this time from 1920s/1930s Hollywood stars, keeping it

celestial. Joneworld's recipe for Chicken Cacciatore I'd like to try soon.

I also renewed my two PGP keys. If you read this and we've exchanged keys, we can exchange renewed ones if you're ready. the openPGP keyserver should have both of mine.

9 February 2025

You will not believe this, but this InCoWriMo I was going to write to Tom

Robbins. This week I was going to write to Tom Robbins. Two weeks I had

a chitchat with someone on a WFMU Show Comments Page about Tom Robbins.

Guess who's dead? Tom Robbins. Now I'm afraid for the other two celebs

I was going to write to.

Atop everything I'm grateful for today is my 4:26 pm - 5:02 pm 38 km round-trip dash to Vancouver Public Library to pick up a book waiting for me on hold. The library closes at five, more deep-freeze temperatures approach, and

the highway and tunnel I take are undergoing construction and lane closure

hours from now. Best possible parking too. I was in and out in three minutes.

7 February 2025

Given my 23 years' experience living in the US as a permananent resident, and the 2024 US Presidential Election results, how do I stop seeing my southern neighbours as angry, ignorant people? "Oh we knew this would happen, we know history, the Capitol riot is still in our memories, that's why 30+% of us didn't vote, and 75 million people chose him again!"

How do I 'un-'know the 'coincidence' of his exwife falling down like so many Russians do, a week before she was to testify against him? How do I 'un-'remember the leak of Project 2025? How can I have so much information about the southern neighbour and see them like I see 75% of my compatriots?

Were Americans promised new wide-screen televisions, unlimited servings of high-fructose corn syrup, an AK-47 in the hands of every student aged 12 and older because to Americans, the real threat of tyranny has been people under the age of 18 attending school? Did the demographics change where women are now the minority?

In the interest of fairness, Americans can ask me "why would a woman be so cowardly as to flee a mass shooting at her favourite cafe, instead of bringing her own weapons and killing the shooter with one perfectly aimed bullet because bad guys with a gun no matter how early they get a surprise shot in are always felled by the good guy with a gun no matter how terrified and inexperienced?"

5 February 2025


I gotta figure out where my gopher folder went to. Just wrote a real letter to solderpunk. I want to be able to express myself freely so hoping this isn't hosted on US server. I lived in the US for 23 years.

Okay, I figured where my gopher folder is. But the bbs will not let me create a new message, a pity, as I yearn to share my mulled wine recipe, a delight for below-freezing temperatures.

4 April 2023

Test test is this thing on?

1. How do people find time to read?

2. I miss you. Unless we've never interacted in which case I am waving at you figuratively.

But if you're reading this from some bongusta or gemini corollary of a phlog roll then I

do miss you.

3. Does it bother you when people take an undetermined time-out from some online path or another without telling you?

4. Do you do spring cleaning? Do you do it in bursts of up-to-an-hour daily?

Five Questions is my attempt at some interactivity.

Answers may be shared in your gopher entry, Gemini capsule, or

submitted by email. I am not checking Mastodon this month.

April 2023

1. What is your most memorable recent dream?

2. What instantly improves a sub-par day?

3. Is there an uncommon, little-known, wellness or beauty hack you use?

For example, I feel about under my rib cage for 'hot spots', and tap

or massage them until either the sore feeling is gone, or I forcibly

exhale through the mouth.

4. What is something that feels embarrassing but shouldn't?

5. If you live in a small space, how do you responsibly discard or recycle

excess items?

March 2023

1. If you were a potato chip (potato crisp, croustille), what flavour would you be?

2. What's the most unusual way you've made a new friend?

3. Tell me of a film, miniseries, play, or book wherein your sympathies for the protagonist shifted to the antagonist. What caused the sympathy shift?

4. I wish to improve my Gopher phlog. I could justify the text, or add RSS functionality, or add external links of interest. What are your recommended resources for getting me beyond the basics? [If you use Gemini, share ideas for prettifying my capsule.]

5. What's an entree you prepare so well at home that you don't order it at a restaurant? [My examples: beef stew, chicken paprikash, spaghetti bolognese]

Answers may be shared in your gopher entry, Gemini capsule, or

submitted by email. I am not checking Mastodon this month.

Bonus: what would it take for you and for me to be either better acquainted or more in contact?

Truly, prepare to question groupthink