CAPCOM is a public aggregator of subscribable Gemini pages and Gemini Atom feeds. It was inspired by:
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Aggregating 76 Atom feeds from Geminispace.
The Boston Diaries - These robots enable employment
Idiomdrottning - Fighting the Screen
JBanana's gemlog - Quote of the day - museum section ⚒️
thrig bphflog - Space Time Scoping
Idiomdrottning - Havre gör sig bättre på tallriken än i glaset
thrig bphflog - vi learnin' part DCXL feed - Working with an SRE Interview
thrig bphflog - Twistier Passages
Darren's gemlog - A Tour of Old Languages
thrig bphflog - Twisty Passages
Solderpunk vs the windmills - Saariston Champion
That It Be! - a very neovim weekend
That It Be! - keyd is aweseome, but…
Lantashi's Gemlog - Five Random Things That a Sylvan Likes
thrig bphflog - Rogue Level Generation
thrig bphflog - Security Theater
The Boston Diaries - I am Socrates
thrig bphflog - Symlinks and Stuff
The Boston Diaries - Security Theater
The Boston Diaries - It's still cargo cult computer security
JBanana's gemlog - End of Christmas 🎄🚫
Remy Noulin's glog - Installing virt-manager in debian
The Boston Diaries - It's more like computer security theater than actual security
🤨 Curiouser and Curiouser - A more bingeable XKCD interface 🤖 ⚗️😆
Solderpunk vs the windmills - Electronic goals for 2025
🤨 Curiouser and Curiouser - Non-server Linux still sucks
The Boston Diaries - A preference for deterministic tools over probabilistic tools
JBanana's gemlog - Another new year, more auto-generated resolutions 📅
Solderpunk vs the windmills - I have a PGP key now feed - Posts from October to December 2024
🤨 Curiouser and Curiouser - Google News RSS isn't really RSS
Solderpunk vs the windmills - VF-1 1.0.0 is here!
SL1200 - Sustituyendo los servicios de nube pública de terceros por Syncthing
GeminiLoggBookOberDadaisticus - A poetry recital
Willow's feed - Status update December 2024
Solderpunk vs the windmills - Non-electronic goals for 2025
Lantashi's Gemlog - Artificial Intelligence
Lantashi's Gemlog - Supernatural Mystery
station ping - Красота против простоты
The Boston Diaries - Life imitating art
Lantashi's Gemlog - December 27, 2024, Into the Future
An Inhabitant of Carcosa - Bored but also discouraged
thrig bphflog - Mushroom Identification Guide
Lantashi's Gemlog - 12/26/2024 - Gemlog Cleanup
Idiomdrottning - Thinker or Themer?
Laniakea Journal - compact calendar for 2025 and 2026
The Boston Diaries - Notes on an overheard conversation late at night
The Boston Diaries - I'm adjusting my tin hat to talk a bit about Google banning people
Idiomdrottning - The wrath sing, Yoda, of Anakin's son, Skywalker
The Boston Diaries - An interesting take on a Christmas Song
Halfway to Mars - I publish “Productivity-systems desiderata”. It feels incomplete.
JBanana's gemlog - Polyglot tomfoolery ⬜ feed - Random Helix Themes
SL1200 - Aplicaciones y servicios por defecto de 2024
Idiomdrottning - How Shutter Island got the name wrong
JBanana's gemlog - Minor thing about git 💾
Halfway to Mars - I try out a bunch of fonts in Typst in white-on-black.
SL1200 - Sesión de ciberseguridad sobre bloqueo de contenidos
Idiomdrottning - The Page Flow Ad
JBanana's gemlog - Clarification of puddings 🍮
Idiomdrottning - Skuldens ideologi
The Boston Diaries - Why would anyone be a henchman for an evil organization?
station ping - Снова про отладку
SL1200 - Uso de PassKeys con KeepassXC
Rainywhile's Photography - Photos (12)
That It Be! - I'm still the weird neighbor
That It Be! - thanksgiving was almost carnivore
Idiomdrottning - Med svidande styng i dom otrognas bröst
Remy Noulin's glog - Using zfs on a separate partition
hearsay - —Unto the Sons, "Roots" for Italians feed - f3s: Kubernetes with FreeBSD - Part 2: Hardware and base installation
Rainywhile's Photography - Photos (22)
Idiomdrottning - Medborgarskap
Rainywhile's Photography - Photos (9)
Laniakea Journal - a compact calendar - corrected
station ping - Gemini на микроконтроллере
That It Be! - minor capsule changes and some rambling
That It Be! - I was gifted an RG35xxSP
Laniakea Journal - a compact calendar
Laniakea Journal - I am an AI sceptic
Laniakea Journal - Thoughts on degrowth
JP's log - How I Watch for Website Updates
GeminiLoggBookOberDadaisticus - Of squirrels and magpies
Roche Limit - Teachers Should Grade Work Less
Solderpunk vs the windmills - More info on VF-1 updates
station ping - Деды против
SL1200 - Sesión de ciberseguridad sobre contraseñas y segundos factores de autenticación
🤨 Curiouser and Curiouser - Yahoo New's Topic-specific RSS feeds are dead
Laniakea Journal - Humanity is done
GeminiLoggBookOberDadaisticus - Controlled opposition media
🤨 Curiouser and Curiouser - Bad Clock == No Internet
JBanana's gemlog - Re: Night trains of Europe 🚆