CAPCOM Geminispace aggregator

CAPCOM is a public aggregator of subscribable Gemini pages and Gemini Atom feeds. It was inspired by:

The Bongusta aggregator for Gopherspace

Each month, CAPCOM randomly selects 100 distinct URLs from its database of active feeds, and includes their content in its output. This makes it a nice way to discover new content in Geminispace. If you're enjoying content from one feed, you should subscribe to it yourself in some way, because that same feed is not guaranteed to be one of the 100 feeds chosen next month!

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Aggregating 76 Atom feeds from Geminispace.


thrig bphflog - Adventure


JP's log - So You Want to Blog for Traffic?

JBanana's gemlog - Re: The Man Who Would Be King 👑

Lantashi's Gemlog - Playing with Offpunk


Ghostzero - Graphical Mode Links2 on Mac

Idiomdrottning - On the back foot


Idiomdrottning - The Dystopian Hellscape of Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator Concept Video

Lantashi's Gemlog - Lantashi Dance - Kingdom of Joy


thrig bphflog - Quote

Lantashi's Gemlog - Lantashi the Ranger in Action Again


Lantashi's Gemlog - Dangers - Mysterious Friend


Remy Noulin's glog - Installing nerd fonts


JP's log - Week Notes 9

The Boston Diaries - I never got the memo on “copyover servers”

The Boston Diaries - Two videos on how we figured out our solar system just based on obversations alone, long before we left the surly bonds of Earth


thrig bphflog - The Man Who Would Be King


That It Be! - note browsing with fzf


Idiomdrottning - I can't think of an alternative to free speech

thrig bphflog - Notions

Idiomdrottning - Att översätta “D&D” till “Drakar och demoner” feed - Random Weird Things - Part Ⅱ


JBanana's gemlog - I hate voicemail 📞

thrig bphflog - Old New


The Boston Diaries - Concurrency is tricky

thrig bphflog - Divergence

The Boston Diaries - Artisanal code to solve an issue only I have

kelbot's gemlog - Food Forest: Taking Gardening From Occasional Chore to Obsession


JBanana's gemlog - Night of the Long Film 🎦

Halfway to Mars - I spruce up my Gemini page up a bit. You know, the page that links to things I’ve written about Gemini and Geminispace and capsule architecture and whatnot.

Lantashi's Gemlog - Dangers - Lantashi's Visit


The Boston Diaries - And now some metacommentary on the artisanal code I just wrote

Halfway to Mars - I add a companion idea graveyard to the ideal-OS page. Its first entry: Retina-class 16-grayscale monitors. Only. With a backlight color you can change.

Halfway to Mars - I float the idea of an ortholinear QGMLWB keyboard on my ideal-OS page.

Halfway to Mars - I publish “Rip in peace”, a list of capsules that died.

Halfway to Mars - I add astroterm to the programs list. And spiff up some other entries, and remove one loser.

Halfway to Mars - I add a couple links to people talking about adjusting to writing on the Internet with the assumption that LLMs are ingesting what you’ve written.


Idiomdrottning - Enh, I tried…

thrig bphflog - PF Rule Ordering

Halfway to Mars - I get wind of circumstantial evidence that Geminispace is being scraped, probably to be fed to LLMs because why else would one bother?


thrig bphflog - Two Heads

thrig bphflog - On netmasks


SL1200 - Pequeña sesión de ciberseguridad sobre navegadores web


JBanana's gemlog - Almost gone 🚴 feed - f3s: Kubernetes with FreeBSD - Part 3: Protecting from power cuts


That It Be! - mutt and deleting email via protonmail bridge

thrig bphflog - Off Kilter

Idiomdrottning - Contexts and sequencing


Idiomdrottning - Intent vs Results


thrig bphflog - TL;DR UI design is teh hard

Darren's gemlog - Domain-Specific Languages


Solderpunk vs the windmills - Some circumlunar responses

thrig bphflog - Simple Game AI

That It Be! - Thinking about Not Much


JP's log - Week Notes 8


That It Be! - Neovim Telescope for links

thrig bphflog - Blog Questions Challenge 2025


Idiomdrottning - Pagination

JBanana's gemlog - Hold on, this is what I *didn't* want 😕

thrig bphflog - Hobgoblin State Machine

Halfway to Mars - I go running in 60-second spurts and up my sauna game sort of maybe.

- twenny twenny five


ping station - Разговор с ChatGPT

JP's log - Blog Questions Challenge 2025


thrig bphflog - rsync


thrig bphflog - Birbs

The Boston Diaries - I bet this comes with an automatic compacting bit-bucket for disposing of all that network noise


The Boston Diaries - These robots enable employment


Idiomdrottning - Fighting the Screen


JBanana's gemlog - Quote of the day - museum section ⚒️


Idiomdrottning - Havre gör sig bättre på tallriken än i glaset

2025-01-14 feed - Working with an SRE Interview


Darren's gemlog - A Tour of Old Languages


Solderpunk vs the windmills - Saariston Champion


That It Be! - a very Neovim weekend

That It Be! - keyd is aweseome, but…

JP's log - Week Notes 7

Lantashi's Gemlog - Five Random Things That a Sylvan Likes


JP's log - My Experience With Outer Wilds: Spoiler Edition

JP's log - Outer Wilds: My Favorite Game Played in 2024


The Boston Diaries - I am Socrates

Halfway to Mars - I add “Nice personal website”, the kernel of page that kind of points you in the direction of making a nice personal website if Gemini is too restrictive for you or whatever.


The Boston Diaries - Security Theater

The Boston Diaries - It's still cargo cult computer security


JBanana's gemlog - End of Christmas 🎄🚫

Remy Noulin's glog - Installing virt-manager in debian


The Boston Diaries - It's more like computer security theater than actual security

That It Be! - so much snow


🤨 Curiouser and Curiouser - A more bingeable XKCD interface 🤖 ⚗️😆


Solderpunk vs the windmills - Electronic goals for 2025

The Boston Diaries - Guess who made predictions for 2025? Can you say “Nostradamus?” I knew you could

🤨 Curiouser and Curiouser - Non-server Linux still sucks


The Boston Diaries - A preference for deterministic tools over probabilistic tools

JBanana's gemlog - Another new year, more auto-generated resolutions 📅


Solderpunk vs the windmills - I have a PGP key now feed - Posts from October to December 2024

🤨 Curiouser and Curiouser - Google News RSS isn't really RSS


Solderpunk vs the windmills - VF-1 1.0.0 is here!

SL1200 - Sustituyendo los servicios de nube pública de terceros por Syncthing

Willow's feed - Status update December 2024


Solderpunk vs the windmills - Non-electronic goals for 2025

skyjake - Tinyloggin'

Lantashi's Gemlog - Artificial Intelligence


JP's log - Week Notes 6

Lantashi's Gemlog - Supernatural Mystery


ping station - Красота против простоты

The Boston Diaries - Life imitating art

Lantashi's Gemlog - December 27, 2024, Into the Future

An Inhabitant of Carcosa - Bored but also discouraged


Lantashi's Gemlog - 12/26/2024 - Gemlog Cleanup


Halfway to Mars - I openly waffle on whether to get a spiffy new e-ink terminal that I don’t need. I decide I’m not going to buy one unless my needs change.


Laniakea Journal - compact calendar for 2025 and 2026


Halfway to Mars - I throw up a three-bullet-point page describing why the Internet is as centralized as it is. It’s very incomplete.

ping station - Солярис

The Boston Diaries - Notes on an overheard conversation late at night

Remy Noulin's glog - My TUIs


JBanana's gemlog - Polyglot tomfoolery ⬜

SL1200 - Aplicaciones y servicios por defecto de 2024


JBanana's gemlog - Minor thing about git 💾

ping station - О systemd

SL1200 - Sesión de ciberseguridad sobre bloqueo de contenidos


skyjake - jked

JBanana's gemlog - Clarification of puddings 🍮


JP's log - Week Notes 5


ping station - Снова про отладку

SL1200 - Uso de PassKeys con KeepassXC

Rainywhile's Photography - Photos (12)


That It Be! - I'm still the weird neighbor

That It Be! - thanksgiving was almost carnivore