created by theconstellinguist on 28/01/2025 at 07:22 UTC*
2 upvotes, 1 top-level comments (showing 1)
1. **Empathy issues are tied to issues separating the therapist from the self, “the inability to sustain reasonably mature self-self-object ties.” Thus, “absence of a relationship in transference” is accounted for by attempting to use objects as parts of a missing self structure.**
It was a major contribution of Kohut to recognize that in the narcissistic personality disorders, what previously had been thought of as the limited or absent capacity of these individuals to form transfer- ences was better viewed as the specific nature of the transference when narcissistic pathology was dominant. From the point of view of self psychology, early empathic failures of the caretakers lead to a defect of the self that cripples the capacity for forming mature self-selfobject ties. These patients' transference responses are charac- terized by infantile unconscious idealizing and mirroring tendencies that are themselves a result of the raw grandiosity and exhibitionism of the immature self structure. The consequent inability adequately to separate self representations from object representations accounts for a continuing attempt to use objects as parts of missing self structure. The resulting damaged capacity for empathy and the inability to recognize the therapist as an individual, separate from one's own needs and fantasies; that is, the inability to sustain reasonably mature self-self- object ties, gives the initial impression of an absence of relationship in the transference.
2. **Self structure building allows the individual to separate self from object, and appreciate the object as separate, and in so doing, construct new structures of self that are more congruent with how reality is structured.**
In Kohut's view, the capacity of the analyst to im- merse himself empathically in the patient's **inner** world leads to trans- ference regression to early narcissistic needs and provides the opportu- nity to build missing self structure that will lead to the patient's increasing ability to separate self from object and to appreciate the object, and through these experiences to begin to construct new struc- tures of the self..
Comment by [deleted] at 13/02/2025 at 20:42 UTC
1 upvotes, 2 direct replies