Nursing Injustices: An Unsparing Psychological Profile of Vladimir Putin will Reveal a Deeply Vulnerable Kremlin Leader Part 5
created by theconstellinguist on 21/01/2025 at 18:16 UTC*
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Nursing Injustices: An Unsparing Psychological Profile of Vladimir Putin will Reveal a Deeply Vulnerable Kremlin Leader Part 5
- *Nursing Injustices: An Unsparing Psychological Profile of Vladimir Putin will Reveal a Deeply Vulnerable Kremlin Leader Part 5**
- *TW: Gay rape, homicide, rape**
- **I just became aware that “pity het” means “go away” in Ukrainian, for anybody being harassed by a hypocritical gay/anarchist concentration camp Russian faction while they ironically Nazi-cry. They are what they hate most, in multiple ways. Putin is a allegedly a gay-hating het worthy of pity, while he arguably remains very repressed. Personally "pity het" resonates with a lot of my life, especially recently.***
- **It should also be noted that there is a disturbing, logically broken conflation between narcissism and homosexuality. Though there are intersections such as the repressed Russian homicidal homosexual as discussed in this piece who tends to show a higher than normal level of envy, narcissism is measured by scientific psychological measures and being homosexual is not a predictor. This is true even where it may have a higher than usual comorbidity rate. Such comorbidities however are still not causal (A and B existing at the same time does not imply A, therefore B, to insist on as much would be magical thinking) and to conflate higher than usual comorbidity with direct causality would be scientific failure. A successful scientist would know to derive a more fundamental shared core construct between the two to explain the higher envy rate especially on the more homicidal repressed types rather than to immediately conflate the two from logical sloppiness. Non-narcissistic homosexuality abounds, just as narcissistic homosexuality is relatively prevalent as well. There is no inherent connection at a causal level, and such bad logic is encouraged to immediately self-correct as probably its own best candidate of narcissistic derision so self-assured of its own accuracy without merit. This is their complaint with narcissism, self-assurance without merit, which such logically inaccurate nevertheless proud conflations themselves are direct demonstrations of. It should be also noted that such a technique may be an incel’s technique to guilt or shame the person into satisfying their own unmet desires.***
- *Link:**[1][2]
- *Citation:** WALLER, J. M., & ARIAS-KING, F. R. E. D. O. (2021). Nursing Injustices.
- *Full disclaimer on the unwanted presence of AI codependency cathartics/ AI inferiorists as a particularly aggressive and disturbed subsection of the narcissist population:** **[3]**[4]
- *Perhaps the gay community gets its stereotype for poor logic on the repressed homicidal homosexual’s clearly described pattern for “injustice collecting”; enjoying and expressing enthusiasm for creating injustice that they know is a complete butcher of real justice for the situation.**
- *Repressed homosexuals may enjoy making a mockery of justice systems because their ongoing performance of being straight or facing straight, Orthodox wrath (not something to be strongly admired itself, including such logical jokes as “the West invented gayness” unironically) is an ongoing injustice from which there has been no relief. Thus they would be the first suspects if such matters were to occur quite clearly. This has been historically true and has lots of established evidence behind it.**
- *This does not occur nearly as often or really nearly at all where repression is not present. Thus, repression incentivizes the repressor’s systems to be made into a mockery of themselves because for the repressed homosexual that exists regardless of whether or not they are accepted, they absolutely are such jokes and are not capable of justice for them while they remain repressive. That they think they are while being that repressive is a vanity worthy of mockery to them.**
- *Where communists may view fertility/fecundity/productivity as “justice”, as in justice of bread from the Ukrainian bread basket known for its black soil that produces lots of bread (and also their skill with said soil; there is a lot of good soil all over the world but in places like Africa it is known for being over-reaped to the point it no longer produces; ironically during the war Ukraine began fighting to reopen closed grain corridors to Africa, which notoriously receives other Western help like help from the Gates foundation for low soil production due to excessive burdens upon it), the repressed homosexual views his sexuality as an “injustice”; the act of sex without the communist’s definition of heterosexual productivity justice.** **Thus he collects his own homosexual sex acts like he collects the attending "communist injustice"; with a lascivious glee.**
- *By far this is not at all the only measure of justice, which can be sexual and not directly productive, and shows a specifically communist value set, which is very similar to Angela Merkel’s given her history and her bewildering anti-gay positions that nevertheless intersect with humanity-based liberalism such as her open borders position.**
- *Interestingly, she didn’t open the borders necessarily out of a liberal concern for humanity, but because she sold an economic argument that these immigrants statistically were good for the economy by taking up elderly and childcare work from working women with educated skillsets who were better employed in different parts of the economy that appreciate and properly compensated their high skills. The idea was that more structured, high pay for these women would result in more taxes going to the government which could then be redistributed to solve poverty and other issues. This is ultimately correct. This also shows her more Eastern Bloc disposition given many Western Bloc women were the first to be kept at home out of the economy to raise their children. Eastern Bloc women were encouraged to work and there were women’s unions for women laborers, many of whom were responsible for developing the “caloric justice” calculations that have a specifically German female (concerned for the nutritional development of children primarily, using a heavily STEM approach) signature.**
- *Though this is technically correct and high skill women are more intelligently employed in high skill jobs for the sake of the economy, and that it is economically incompetent to insist on otherwise given the investment (expensive education):return (unstructured pay in domestic work, can’t contribute as much as it could) collapse inherent of failing misogyny, it is a more conservative reason for opening the country up.**
- *Much in line with Eastern bloc thinking which was renowned for its mathematical precision, up to and including “caloric justice”, this was based on Germany’s economic needs and not on the liberal inclusion that she was purported to ascribe to for so doing (as has become increasingly usual under the new reign, England sloppily projected its own values where they did not apply). (This confusion was ultimately why they started equating her to the liberal English ‘Queen’; they hadn’t examined her specific strictly economic reasons for doing this that were still very much aligned with a conservative bent despite appearing liberal to those who hadn’t done their research. The English Queen was notorious for doing things solely on a liberal, inclusive principle including legalizing gay marriage. The conflation was one of poor research, logical sloppiness, and standard English knee jerk misogyny that manifests in standard ‘Queen hating’ misogynist expressions. Ironically these are the first to not do their research, and are truly those they hate most when fully analyzed.)**
- *Thus, injustice fetishization is a product of the repressed homosexual with a predominately communist internalized value set and can be identified by the fetishistic implementation and creation of mocking, joke-like injustices so bad that they inherently defame the whole justice system.**
- *It is by far not just Putin who engages in this; similar claims were made of Navalny, and in Russian literature the man who mockingly marries and has excesses of murderous envy for the town beauties who attract the most attention, to the point he murders them wanting all men’s attention for himself, are common. That is clearly a homosexual issue.**
1. However, these experts do convey this idea discreetly by weaving the well-known symptoms of gay men in denial in their writings on Putin, perhaps as Hill and Gaddy did in their biography (on the multiple identities), Khrushcheva did with Putin’s knack for injusticecollecting (a central Berglerian “telltale sign”),
- *Gay men in denial show many clear signs.**
- *Several experts spoke on and wrote about the content but not many knew the signs of a gay man in denial.**
- *This may be because the gay men purposefully seek out from the sidelines those they see have a history of being more gay-friendly and for those who have no such history they may put on an especially falsified, fraudulent show where little to none of the signs are present.**
- *This is why it’s important to be inclusive because people will be gay whether they are hidden in the shadows or allowed to just be themselves. With repression comes extremes of envy for the heterosexual’s freedom to be as they are openly without feeling like an aberration or an anomaly. It also comes with falsity and homicide.**
- *Similar to legalization, it will happen anyway, the hate and lack of acceptance will just rot out everyone else’s lives as well, such as repression so bad it is only mildly forgiven during times of war when no women are around. This will just incentivize wars so homosexuality can express without being written off and uninvolved civilians will be caught in the crosshairs of individual’s failures to be accepting.**
1. Hill, before writing her Putin biography, had served as the Russia expert at the National Intelligence Council and had access to classified materials on the Russian president. She later served as special assistant to the president for Russian affairs on the Trump National Security Council. Even though the authors collaborated for years with Hill in the journal Demokratizatsiya, it is not revealed whether Hill was aware, while writing her book, that her descriptions of Putin show a high degree of coincidence with the literature on the psychopathologies of gay men in denial.
- *This is not the first time the West has been completely arrogant. Russia is a very old country that has come to master the skill of identity contortions so wild it is mind-boggling to maintain its strong grip on such a large swath of land.**
- *It is inevitable working with homosexuality will be a part of this and has its own standard set of operations.**
- *Snowden’s revelations were every day news for anybody from the history of the tsarist police. In fact, illegal backends may be inherent in most products nowadays, even worse than the government because they can’t be subpoenaed for public review of illegal information rendered to the government. It becomes increasingly clear that’s exactly what’s going on.**
- *Plausible deniability pathways for the government are everywhere, including as increasingly more insidious deals are cut by those who genuinely don’t know what they’re doing in terms of working with people like the Chinese police, who literally harvest organs of dissenters and have police so repressive next to nobody wants to generate original content anyway for fear of igniting the envy and insult of the local communist narcissist.**
- *If all economies come to resemble this structure, there will be nothing to predate and it will just be more massive collapse than has already occurred post Covid-19.**
1. Putin after 2016, they got the sense that the Russia policy people already knew this information about Putin, and even seemed slightly disappointed that they had lost their monopoly on that knowledge.
- *Putin’s relationship to Trump bears many of the “you clearly didn’t see that element of the time” features as well, with Putin trying to finagle other ways around Trump and Trump doing the same with Putin. The world seems to still think both are essentially pals; they are only as much pals as two business partners who really want the company are. If one has ever been privy to such a thing, simmering betrayals are lurking that only are a matter of “hitting threshold” in having the sufficient backing to come forward successfully with their ultimate strategy.**
- *Ultimately Trump’s love affair with Ukraine was a rejected affair with Zelensky betraying Trump’s phone call. Around that time, Nord Stream 2 was being constructed over their heads with Putin. Then this collapsed with the reign of Angela Merkel and the poisoning of Navalny when he was given safe harbor. It appears therefore that much of Putin’s operations are purely reactive to individual situations and he is told a lot about how he feels and what he is doing.**
- *Putin also takes a lot of cues from the world of what his ultimate relationship to Trump is; a lot of it demonstrates even he doesn’t really know and is kind of told by journalism and various sources how he feels.**
- *Meanwhile point blank misogynists who lack intelligence and foresight and just don’t want a female President are more than happy to pull him by the nose on war crimes to make money on him and do whatever they want in terms of Trump being sicked on America willy nilly. They have repeatedly been imprisoned for this and appear to have learned nothing from it.**
1. On the other hand, we see how Trump used his uncanny and unorthodox business methods ably to gauge the psychological profiles of both allies and adversaries in his personal high-level, behind-thescenes actions, and other unconventional politics to innovate in certain forms of personal statecraft with world leaders. Throughout his presidency, Trump maintained an uncharacteristically low-key approach toward Putin as he reluctantly signed congressionallymandated tighter Magnitsky sanctions on Russian oligarchs, and then enthusiastically broke precedent to send lethal weapons to Ukraine, pressed reluctant and unwilling NATO allies to live up to their share of the mutual defense burden, strengthened NATO’s most anti-Russian allies like Poland, reversed his predecessor’s support for Russian military presence in Syria and even used armed force to kill Russian combatants there, began a more robust ballistic.
- *That Putin was not miffed by Trump’s opposition to Nord Stream 2 and Navalny following the Trump line also** **ruining the little Russia-Germany over Ukraine + Poland's head “bond” there, only to be not protected by any Trump faction dying without any the money he was likely after through such an act shows that a good portion of this is dangerously reactive instead of strategic.**
- *For example, that Putin didn't shift to a more Chinese-backed faction in 2020 after the Ukraine betrayal and just remained steadily "okay'ing" everything Trump did is another “passing privilege”. Upon looking who won the presidency in 2020 and how (Kamala Harris was so friendly to China she let Xi Jinping sell seats in San Francisco next to Biden during the presidency) and the large level of hate-voting misogynist minority men he attempted to pick up around this time shows that he was not just dumbly "okay'ing" all of Trump's betrayals and exploited his more "Asiatic" faction of the Russian identity.**
- *Russia was notorious for colluding with China in the war in Ukraine, utilizing China against Ukraine on multiple occasions to the point Ukraine even attacked them. How Putin is going to be backing Trump while also colluding with China which Trump is trying to fight off for IP violations and trade violations shows that Putin is deeply reactive and trying to hedge his bets in relatively nonsensical ways.**
- *His logic about the West inventing gayness reflects just this. It is relatively clear Putin is not a big fan of Trump but deals with him.**
- *Putin's "jiu jitsu/contortionist" "catch and mirror as many incompatible positions as you can" is more Asiatic as that is a more Asiatic style. Integrity is less the issue for this Russian feature than harmony is. More Western values emphasize integrity as the central ingredient to real justice creation and can be identified by that emphasis. Asiatic values value large harmony across a large body while Western values are more about federalist union while unto themselves these states are responsible for their own integrity.**
- *Such large swaths of land in harmony will require catching and mirroring a great deal of fundamentally incompatible positions. Thus, the emphasis on the icon of the strongman may be all that's left when all the values cancels themselves out from sheer incompatibiltiy.**
- *This is why both countries so a strong reliance on a "strongman icon" even if this "strongman" does not in any way have the power or influence they allegedly do.**
1. Russia’s gas export economy hard by opposing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany—all without visibly antagonizing Putin or incurring his retaliation. Did Trump have something personal on Putin? History will tell.
- *The attempt to pick up minorities is more in line with Lenin. However, at different points Putin has also tried to unironically play “the new tsar” card citing his superior St. Petersburg and elite Stasi/FSB/KGB training.**
- *Continually he tries to straddle lines that are fundamentally incompatible and much of the way he operates show that he himself doesn’t really know what position he ultimately takes himself, and is told a lot how he feels and what he is doing.**
- *Again, he shows a lot of signs of being a maternal self-enhancement and internalizing himself as an extension. This isn’t always by force, but sometimes can be because they view the woman as the more powerful of the situation and deign to be her instrument to share in her greater power therefore. Sometimes however, it is by force where the personality is essentially blasted out of them.**
- *He shows a lot of signs of this, and his lack of coherent logic of the situation that is really just based on reactive flexibility in his ongoing “governance by jiu jitsu” alone resembles the patterns of a parental self-enhancement.**
- *These children don’t really have their own coherent logic why they do things, they just take cues from what they believe the parental source wants or is doing, and this often approximative and therefore inaccurate as only an individual themselves can know purely what they specifically want to an exact level.**
- *This is developmental, so it may continue well after the parent is dead if they were rewarded enough for it (being president of Russia is a pretty big reward) or it was violently enforced into them hard enough, destroying any resistant personality.**
- *All that is known of Putin’s regard for his dad is a more positive, slightly pitying, admission that he “hid from the German dogs in a swamp” while living a life of an impoverished survivor with his wife.**
- *The way Putin speaks to Merkel may be less about gayness, revealing projection, that it is about his internalized father “hiding from the German dogs”. His attempt to sick dogs on Angela Merkel may be revenge on behalf of his father who almost drowned in a swamp hiding from these dogs.**
- *However, it is not all projection even though a lot of it may very much be. He fits a lot of patterns of the repressed homosexual, just not to the degree those projecting on him due to their own repressed gayness insist upon.**
- *One should just be wary that there are many much, much more gay men who are projecting their much higher gayness on Putin, even though he definitely shows a lot of signs. They are just not as high as it is being made to seem; if they were, there is no way he would remain President of Russia when the Orthodox Church with all its Western-invented gayness logical brokenness still has such a strong grip.**
- *One should be wary that a lot of this is a sloppy projection, and to look at his parental history and relationships first because that makes it make a lot more sense, especially in terms of getting revenge for his father and maternal self-enhancement. The insistence may be more telling of the projector who may have the greater repressed gay problem, and should be examined for this. Again, there is no way he would stay in place if this were excessively true. It certainly fits the profile, but he is “sufficiently heterosexual”.**
- *Therefore, a lot of this may be projection by people who are conflating their own inner experience on intelligence research well before they have done the sufficient research of the person’s developmental and parental history, which is normally the obvious first step before making such extensive claims.**
- *Taking cues from Putin and his gay Macron screaming is not the answer; one does not simply do what the object of study is doing, one is called to examine it without the studied’s actions deciding their own.**
- *They should be examined for their own homosexuality struggles that are messing with the quality of their insight. Just calling everyone who doesn't do what you want them to do "gay" may be Putin's strategy towards Macron but that is not at all a functioning strategy for anyone long term. Most of the time it has much deeper issues at play that take much more research than the sloppy trick of calling people "gay" for not doing what they wanted them to do which usually just reveal the accuser's gayness more than anything else given the derived ratio at the end of mismatch: accuracy which is only explained through aggressive projective identification.**
- *That gayness is a cancel culture trump card up to including American speculation on Trudeau is just a massive joke in 2025 where many American gay marriages exist and persist in full public eye and happily. It is a bad joke from a backwards past that just has to end. Weaponizing gayness is a the poor analyst's cheap, sloppy trick and is not the trump card they're making it to be in a world where many countries have sufficiently beat the disease of repression.**
- *They are encouraged to get help for their own repressed issues with homosexuality given the sheer, violent, insistent pitch at the heart of their projective identification from which is derived an inarguably high mismatch:accuracy ratio that is a direct function of aggressive projective identification from massive repression issues.**
- *(For an infamous example of projective identification, think of how Ted Bundy was convinced that his victims wanted him to do the things he did to them. This is a classic example of projective identification, he projected what he wanted to do to them that hard onto the victims to the point he thought the motive lied with them. Projective identification therefore is extremely disturbing to witness due to the forceful velocity of its sheer inaccuracy; gay-accusing can often possess the same psychological impulse when it is forcibly off. That many of his fans like to copycat or claim for themselves this feature shows how desperate they are to share in the fear he generated due to their own feelings of deep powerlessness in their lives. He himself was paranoid schizophrenic and the whole glorified nightmare probably could have been put to a stop by early intervention from accessible, accurate and shame-free medical care.).**
1. It is striking how Russian history is replete with instances of minorities coming to power with a burning desire for revenge. Lenin’s Latvian or Lettish guards, whose motivation in part stemmed from their mistreatment by tsarist authorities (as did Lenin’s) and protected their patron with a vicious loyalty while he unleashed terror upon the land. This is true of most empires, as the medieval English did in Scotland, or as the more modern British did in Arab and African conquests and in India to empower aggrieved minorities to rule over those who had oppressed them. Russia’s minorities (ethnic, religious, ideological, cultural, sexual) occasionally come to power. How those minorities were treated by the average Russian will likely influence how they govern Russia. Putin, as many KGB officers before him, seems to have set out to mistreat a Russia that “conspired to make him a secret leper” all his life.
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