Nursing Injustices: An Unsparing Psychological Profile of Vladimir Putin will Reveal a Deeply Vulnerable Kremlin Leader Part 3
created by theconstellinguist on 19/01/2025 at 23:36 UTC*
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- *Nursing Injustices: An Unsparing Psychological Profile of Vladimir Putin will Reveal a Deeply Vulnerable Kremlin Leader Part 3**
- *TW:** Gay rape, homicide, rape
- **I just became aware that “pity het” means “go away” in Ukrainian, for anybody being harassed by a hypocritical gay/anarchist concentration camp Russian faction while they ironically Nazi-cry. They are what they hate most, in multiple ways. Putin is a allegedly a gay-hating het worthy of pity, while he arguably remains very repressed. Personally "pity het" resonates with a lot of my life, especially recently.***
- *Link:**[1][2]
- *Citation:** WALLER, J. M., & ARIAS-KING, F. R. E. D. O. (2021). Nursing Injustices.
- *Full disclaimer on the unwanted presence of AI codependency cathartics/ AI inferiorists as a particularly aggressive and disturbed subsection of the narcissist population:** **[3]**[4]
- *TW:** Gay rape, homicide, rape
- *Russian troops were notorious hypocrites, raping German and Polish women almost as bad as Nazi troops raped German and Polish women. They were no improvement.**
- *Just like the Tsars had allowed homosexual relations in the inner circle while prosecuting them in the general populace, Stalinist police allowed for the rape of girls and women in the inner circle.**
- *The rot was just on a cycle. None of them were any better than the others even though they dethroned each other like they were. The Russian revolution in retrospect becomes an act of serious vanity. Both flunked massively with women and homosexuality.**
1. . On the other hand, Beria made no effort to hide from his comrades the fact that he was a depraved heterosexual predator on a large scale. For him and the Stalinist inner circle, there was no shame in raping girls and women. Nor would there be in the Soviet Army as a whole, where gang rapes of Polish and German females of any age62 were so common during World War II that Soviet troops raped as many as 100,000 girls and women in Berlin and 2,000,000 in the Soviet-occupied part of Germany in 1945.
- *Homosexuals in the Soviet Union were increasingly repressed and many of them fled until the Stalin/Yagoda-era law against homosexuality was abolished in 1993 after the Soviet collapse. Around that time San Francisco was a pro-gay hot spot really pushing the international gay celebration agenda.**
1. Vladimir Putin devotedly calls himself a chekist, honors the September 11, 1877 birthday of Dzerzhinsky, and officially observes every December 20—the date of the Cheka’s founding in 1917—as “State Security Workers Day” or “Chekist Day.”64 Meanwhile, it was the KGB’s job of enforcing the Stalin/Yagoda-era law against male homosexuality until it was abolished in 1993 after the Soviet collapse.
- *Putin spent his life in the KGB as part of the anti-gay enforcement machinery. Communists and Eastern Bloc individuals all were not able to integrate homosexuality in anything other than a repressive way. To suggest one can be communist and also well-reconciled to homosexuality is likely spouted by someone who flunked history. Really it is only the anarchist faction and the more integrated Ukrainain cossacks that had a healthier relationship with gayness while being sufficiently compliant with the communist Soviet Union that was able to integrate more things without profound fragility found in mainland Russia. Relative freedom from the Russian Orthodox Church may be the cause.**
1. Putin, the internal security officer, had spent his entire life in the KGB as part of the anti-gay enforcement machinery.
- *The irony is stark where to control sexuality men were encouraged to rape men. Thus repressed gay men were likely to seek out these anti-gay enforcement positions because then they could rape men on behalf of the party. The logic is irreparably broken.**
1. Pavel Svyatenkov wrote in Vzglyad in 2013, later reprinted as a Radio Liberty report, about the KGB’s use of male-on-male rape as a form of intimidation and control at the time Putin was an internal security officer:
- *Slang also now used for homiciding someone was used to differentiate between active and passive gay rapists.**
- *Someone who fantasized about homiciding someone was a “petukh” or rooster, and someone who actively took action to complete the action was a “real patsan”.**
- *A “real patsan” was worthy of more respect for completing his act of gay rape than the one who merely fantasized about it. “Dropping” is the same terminology used by hired murder contractors to describe murder.**
- *There is plenty of literature on Russia’s homicide problem, and there is plenty of literature on how anal fixation especially with anal sex is a repressed murder drive, especially in cases of sexual abuse.**
- *The Russian male is notorious for his issues with homicide, even where it is still very political and rejected even within the country itself.**
1. it was shameful to be a passive homosexual, or a petukh [rooster] as they were called. However, an active homosexual was described as ‘a real patsan’ [fella]. There is a status in labor camps known
- *Being able to commit gay rape was treated the same way being able to complete a drop was treated; as a sign of real power. You had to not mess with that guy because he was crazy enough to do it.**
- *This led to the usual toxic dynamics of who is a “top” and who is a “sub”, concurrent with the toxic homosexual dynamic that the “girl” is the one who undergoes the most sexual violence.**
- *Ironically, this is about as capitalistic a thought process as it can get with the person who gets the most power the one who is willing to take that power in a sexually violent way through the greatest male lunacy.**
- *In this way, this should also be considered repressed hyper-capitalism in communism as much as it should be considered repressed male homosexuality.**
1. Since you would have to have strength and power in order to be able to ‘drop’ somebody, homosexual relations in labor camps mirrored the structure of power; the relations of authority and submission. The labor-camp philosophy infected all of Soviet society, particularly the siloviki [armed officials] and the intelligence services.”65
- *Gays failed by communism were the first to be targetted by the CIA in such regimes that made homosexuality illegal, likely leading to Putin’s association that the West is gay and takes the gays off your hands.**
- *Ironically, internally speaking in America the CIA is hated for cruelty towards gays during the AIDS epidemic, and Putin has confused the CIA’s crimes against homosexuals with the fact the CIA would often recruit gay people. For gay people, neither were options. In fact, gays in the CIA were accused of having inferior logic just for being gay. Meanwhile this is the logical caliber Vladmir Putin shows. Neither the CIA or Putin had strong logic in these cases; their attempt to scapegoat gayness for poor logic was itself a symptom of poor logic. (see: Alan Turing, the man who basically invented the computer which is probably one of the most strictly logical inventions of the day).**
- *Similar hypocrisy is seen on the UK that exports lots of CIA torture; they have hatred against homosexuals on logical caliber lines that in no way follow (see Alan Turing) only to pretend to be the peak governor of how to respect sovereignty while notoriously having massive issues violating just about everyone’s sovereignty if they think they can get away with it. The logic is broken at a fundamental level.**
- *The option was to be discriminated against by the CIA or to be in a glorified Russia gay concentration camp often shared by anarchists who were not so deeply threatened by their homosexual impulses as Vladmir Putin and others like him in the FSB and KGB. The fact that such people Nazi-cry while running literal concentration camps is just a pathetic joke and shows how deep their repression issues are, including repressed fascism and repressed hyper-capitalism.**
- *(For instance, it is a joke that many of the Russian mathematics imported to America today struggle to see how Covid-19 collapsed en masse the standardized score. It demonstrated a massive de-intelligencing all intersected in a network of trauma, destabilization, and isolation. If communists or people with a communist past who criticized the CIA were good for anything, you would assume it would be not struggling to see these features. They struggled just as bad if not worse. The Russian mathematician as world renowned is basically just an empty placeholder from the Soviet Union’s past during the STEM Cold War. Way too many Russians allegedly involved in systemic competency in mathematics struggled to see and realize the Covid-19 effect; the residual empowering ghosts of the Soviet Union style mathematics have all left for less humiliating solar systems. In the modern age, the Russian makes the same mistakes in helping along de-intelligencing emergent properties from sheer inability to see them as any good old CIA agent from the West.)**
1. Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA from 1953 to 1961, wrote in his landmark work, The Craft of Intelligence, about the extent the Soviet foreign intelligence services went to establish gay agent networks abroad and recruit foreign homosexuals, usually because they were closeted by social or political necessity and could be blackmailed.66 John Barron’s classic 1974 book on the Soviet intelligence service described how the KGB abroad recruited “the particular homosexual who, while more or less a functioning member of his society, is nevertheless subconsciously at war with it and himself. … Being different, he easily rationalizes that he is not morally bound by the mores, values, and allegiances that unite others in community or society. Moreover, he nurtures a dormant impulse to strike back at the society which he feels has conspired to make him a secret leper.”67
- *The KGB, like the CIA, likes to gather blackmail and use it to control people before pushing them into the fold.**
- *Those fragile gays are the perfect employee for both, who will do anything to avoid their gayness coming to light while walking into traps that encourage it to express.**
- *The CIA is no better than the KGB in extortion/rape-recruiting.**
- *It is a repulsive strategy and they should both lovingly gaze into the mirror of the other instead of mutually criticizing like either is any better than the other.**
1. This was a key trait that the KGB sought not only for its own officers, especially in the internal repressive apparat, but for foreigners to be recruited as controlled agents. Note the distinction here: The KGB did not recruit gays because they were gay; it recruited repressed gays because they were either considered vulnerable to blackmail or tended to feel a need to fight back at their real or imagined oppressors and to become empowered. In Barron’s KGB assessment, “To such a man, treason offers the weapon of retaliation.”68
- *KGB officers were also selected because they had to be willing to rat on their nearest and dearest. Some evidence suggests similar practices in the CIA, including being cleared just to be voyeurs to people they are otherwise sexually locked off from. These made the perfect candidates, and they could hide behind a “it’s my job” rhetoric for their perversion, while this perversion kept them quiet due to its blackmail effect.**
1. What the KGB foreign intelligence service did do was to recruit Western repressed gays because it regarded them as resentful and more willing to “get back” at their societies by working for the KGB.
- *Thus gay people were associated with Western diplomatic services.**
- *The Soviet Union was notorious for neighbor covertly betraying neighbor without any need to pay anyone to do this on top of that, even though that also happened in cases of the KGB/FSB.**
- *The Soviet Union was impressed by their mutual consideration and true loyalty in the homosexual population compared to this. “Love won” instead of “hate-infused Beria style voyeurism won”.**
- *In addition, many homosexuals would not denounce their recruiter who approached them, demonstrating a more mature approach to both consensual recruitment and mutual discretion with no blackmail or extortion required, whereas in the CIA it is not uncommon for the CIA to have a “recruitment fit” where they try to destroy the lives of someone that rejects CIA recruitment even going to truly and utterly mentally deranged lengths to try to continue the extortion/blackmail campaign.**
- *This consensual, mutual discretion approach is superior and it is apparently something the CIA has come to lack.**
- *The attempt to literally use methods of human trafficking as debt bondage, hacking, extortion, blackmail and rape to get people to join these ranks says everything about how they have no respect for the meaning of what constitutes a crime and preventing it. They flunked before they started.**
- *This is a far cry from these consensual, mutual discretion approaches allegedly described by Russian intelligence, at least at the time of this paper. It is likely Russia started acting like the CIA at some point as both have little to no self-control notoriously in stealing the techniques of the other, even if it’s not a good idea.**
- *There is nothing about intelligence that implies it must work for a state, especially a state that thinks it can just breed, abuse and extort intelligent people just because they are intelligent. That is disgusting levels of entitlement, especially when most of intelligence develops in sectors that were largely untouched by the state until they were discovered. They do not owe their feature therefore to the state in many cases.**
1. Considerable success was achieved among foreign diplomats tinted with homosexual perversions; it is no secret that the biggest concentration of homosexuals can be found in the diplomatic services of Western countries. Those of these who agreed to work for the Russian network were instructed to approach other homosexual members of the diplomatic corps, a strategy which was remarkably successful. Even when those approached declined the offer to collaborate, they would not denounce the recruiter to the authorities. Soviet intelligence officers were amazed at the mutual consideration and true loyalty which prevailed among homosexuals.”69
- *Nazi-crying by the KGB is a joke because the KGB would coerce gays to act as informants otherwise they would be sent to forced labor camps, just like the Nazis had, on essentially the claim they were “Jews” for not helping. That is truly disgusting.**
- *That said, informants are not agents and are only used as a touch and go basis, not targeted for their general intelligence.**
1. Let’s revisit NKVD/KGB attitudes toward gays in internal security or political repression and enforcement work. As we have seen, the KGB and its predecessors recruited gays as informants through coercion, and under threat of being sent to the forcedlabor camps. However, informants were not agents, any more than a drug-dealing informant is a police officer, and few people recruited under coercion become the most reliable assets.
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