Nursing Injustices: An Unsparing Psychological Profile of Vladimir Putin will Reveal a Deeply Vulnerable Kremlin Leader Part 2

created by theconstellinguist on 19/01/2025 at 23:34 UTC*

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***Full disclaimer on the unwanted presence of AI codependency cathartics/ AI inferiorists as a particularly aggressive and disturbed subsection of the narcissist population:***



1. The regime made that meme illegal—an action that became subject of an article in the U.S. Army’s professional scholarly journal to discuss how the United States could use ridicule as a non-kinetic weapon against the Kremlin.34

1. A. Unfounded conviction of the presence of homosexual trends in everyone.

1. B. jealousy surpassing anything observable in heterosexual relations; this jealousy is but a window-dressing concealing masochistic injustice collecting.

1. Compensatory hyper-narcissism and hyper-superciliousness.

1. Flippant-cynical outlook on life, with special emphasis on tearing down accepted values.

1. Peculiar and neurotic attitude toward money; when in poverty, pathologic parasitic tendencies predominate…whatever they get is not enough; when wealthy, allows others to take advantage of them, but indignantly complain of the beneficiary’s “ingratitude”.

1. Conspiratorial attitude: hyper suspicious, hyper-secretice, rather unscrupulous execution in their aims.

1. “Artistic pose”: Homosexuals at least consider themselves superior beings, possessing sensitivity and sensibility higher than the norm.

1. This of course is easier in the United States or Scandinavia than in traditional societies such as Russia where homosexuality is widely considered socially unacceptable and shameful.

1. When the European Union granted Ukrainians visa-free travel, Putin punned that Ukraine was fleeing to “blue” (i.e., “gay”) Europe. “Blue” in Russian is a deprecatory slang for gay.

1. Putin obsessively accuses the West of “spreading homosexual values” and being governed by homosexuals, goaded often by certain Western embassies’ display of the rainbow flags for certain seasons and events.

1. Putin implied that all American diplomats are gay when the U.S. embassy hung the rainbow flag in 2020.48

1. In order to boost the chances of a Kremlin-favored candidate in the French presidential elections, the Russian disinformation machine accused the eventual winner, Emmanuel Macron, of being gay. Part of Putin’s own crafted cult of personality is the portrayal of the Kremlin leader the sword and shield against such corrupting values.

1. In a heated exchange with an American journalist at the St. Petersburg economic forum, Putin lamented that European Union figures do not regard him as a true European leader.

1. For the Russian president, the crises in bilateral relations, Ukraine, Syria, protests and the devaluation of the ruble, and many other problems, are all foreign plots against him.

1. The second reason to suspect that Putin is denying or concealing his sexuality in ways that matter to international security and diplomacy comes from the KGB’s long association with gay men in denial, and how this influenced both the organization and therefore the country.

1. In Russia, male homosexuality remained a moral issue until it was criminalized under Tsar Nicholas I in 1835 and became a state matter. The laws, however, were not enforced among the upper class. “Powerful supporters of the Romanov dynasty, and members of the tsar’s family, were flagrantly gay, and received patronage and immunity from the throne,” according to a historical essay in the Moscow Times. The tsars did not outlaw lesbian relations.

1. The Bolsheviks legalized male homosexual expression in November 1917, not pro-actively as some revisionist historians suggest, but as a matter of their nullification of all tsarist laws. The Soviet criminal codes of 1922, and as revised in 1926, legalized voluntary same-sex relations.54

1. Pravda and Izvestiya, respectively the official newspapers of the Communist Party and the  ran an article simultaneously on May 23, 1934, authored by prominent writer and future five-time Nobel prize nominee Maxim Gorky, with the slogan, “Destroy homosexuality and fascism will disappear!”55

1. This was less than two weeks after Yagoda became full NKVD Commissar. Yagoda then commenced the Great Purge of mass arrests, show trials, and publicized executions of Stalin’s rivals within the party, and designed and supervised the massive slave labor camp system known by the acronym GULAG. The NKVD actively recruited gays as informers if they wished to avoid persecution and be sent to the camps.56

1. Here it is appropriate to comment on Beria’s sexuality as a means of determining how Stalin’s inner circle, and the NKVD itself, viewed sexual behavior. Beria was a serial rapist and murderer of women and girls.


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