created by theconstellinguist on 28/11/2024 at 11:14 UTC*
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- *Link:**[1][2]
- *Citation:** Podzimek, M. (2019). Problems of narcissism in education: The culture of narcissism as a dangerous global phenomenon for the future. *Problems of Education in the 21st Century*, *77*(4), 489-501.
- **Full disclaimer on the unwanted presence of AI codependency cathartics/ AI inferiorists as a particularly aggressive and disturbed subsection of the narcissist population:***[3][4]
- *One of the most powerful products of general industrialization is education. This confirms the link hypothesized of economy type and proclivity towards education. Mature economy types that include STEM and industry have a higher tendency toward education, and this means that there is much more personality flexibility opened up in individuals that opens up an exponentiated field of potential development paths compared to a much more limited merely genetic-natural environmental loop.**
1. Modernism, which appeared as a result of industrialization, has since then developed further, resulting in a postmodern society, characterized by a significant change in values. This shift in values is particularly evident in the quality of education, and man's subsequent relation towards work as a result.
**Narcissism can also be present in schools where education is endorsed, including the attempt to turn the teacher into a disability accommodations without pay as seen on my Statement on Reddit, a servant or a caregiver. This is precisely the damage narcissism can wreak on the educative sector.**
1. Schools have become social institutions in which learners spend their time in the role of served clients. The teacher is therefore assigned the social role of the servant, in which he is to primarily satisfy the pupil in his personal needs. This kind of relationship stems from the phenomenon of narcissism, which is already a cultural phenomenon. Studies of cultural narcissism are presented here, sampling relevant research of American provenience (with special focus on the USA). These studies suggest that cultural narcissism may become a global phenomenon in the future.
- *This “liberation of humanity” in education constantly meets the narcissism of those that think there’s nothing to learn and then complain about their entrenched poverty, human trafficking, oligarchy, lack of competitiveness with the rest of the world in terms of development level of economy, and lack of vision with attempted conquered territories the “conquering” to be relinquished by a mere matter of failure and lack of doing anything meaningful or satisfying with it.**
- *Comparatively, the European West in cases such as the Soviet Union satellites is more attractive because they have a more creative and fertile vision for these areas than what Russia’s vision has repeatedly had to offer; usually a combination of little to no education taken very seriously, an underdeveloped economy type based solely on natural resources, homicide work and human trafficking.**
- *This not only is not a satisfying vision but it also leads to great psychological malaise for all involved with all the symptoms of such dissatisfaction manifesting in all the usual ways. Should this dissatisfaction build up too long, it can cause aggression that is noxious to the world in general due to “conquering” impulses which are essentially attempts to resolve the anhedonias that resolve from such states.**
- *In the world of the internet, the geographical limitations of cold territory is no longer a barrier.**
1. He labelled this pathological "liberation of humanity" the problem of narcissism: a form of self-absorption analogous to that of the mythological figure Narcissus. Professor Lasch was one of the firsts who attempted to grasp this topic as a social phenomenon and described it from a historical-anthropological perspective in a coherent way.
- *This interaction of narcissism in particular with the educative background is uncharted territory.**
1. As it will be shown below, this is still a relatively “uncharted territory” both in sociological and pedagogical research. Nevertheless, some pioneering studies can be found, published during the first decade after the millennium in the United States, most typically in the form of research conducted by university lecturers and psychologists. This study is based on this research, even if one has to acknowledge that there are not many of them so far.
- *Successful theorists on this matter are very clear Freud has no place in educative theory based in cognitive neuroscience and not speculative psychoanalysis.**
1. The late professor Christopher Lasch claimed that to liberate humanity from such outmoded ideas as love and duty has become the mission of Post-Freudian therapies, and particularly of their converts and popularizers (Lasch, 1980, p. 13)
- *Ethnic pride is often what is used when poverty keeps them from engaging in education full-heartedly. Poverty leads to a machismo culture that ironically possesses a certain cowardice in being seen genuinely committed to research and educative material, trying to cheapen it where otherwise gravitation may occur since it does possess real capacity to solve the problems at hand.**
1. In terms of Consumer society not only provides individuals, but also groups, with the opportunity to achieve a malignant type of narcissistic gratification in their pursuit to avoid dissatisfaction. In turn, for those who are economically and culturally too poor to participate in this pursuit, the only source of satisfaction, and often a very effective one, is their narcissistic pride in belonging to a group (Fromm, 1964, p. 89).
- *The culture of narcissism is identifiable by the following traits. The book also suggests that in order to insure against later self-hatred in life after the cult of beauty has had its classic parade through the twenties and thirties and some of the earlier years in more unfortunate cases, one should engage in activities that sustainably prop up the personality such as educative achievement, achievement with art and other satisfying relationships.**
1. The Culture of Narcissism: - a general loss of historical continuity (indifference to the past and the future); - dependence on bureaucracy; - inability to empathize; - decline in institutional authority; - overfocusing on psychotherapy; - tendency to hypochondria (cult of health); - experiences without a deeper search for meaning; - identification with celebrities; - diverting attention only to one's own person; - identity crisis and a crisis of relationships.
- *Even though there are many features of it that do not require industrialization and are fruitful fodder for corruption criticisms, American wealth is still very much a product of its comparatively developed and advanced economy.**
1. . Rich American society has thus gone through considerable development and contemporary society looks like the underworld of the past (Lasch, 1980, p. 53).
- *The hedonist male swinging as many capitalized deals as he can has come to represent the “happy hooker” of American capitalism. Anything goes, even clear fraud, as long as it retains money.**
1. Acquiring wealth has meant a major cultural transformation of capitalism. The American, and eventually also the European citizen, at the latest from the 1970s, has had no intention to be a modest self-made man, but has rather stylized himself as a “happy hooker”, who tries to captivate others through his image (Lasch, 1980, p. 64). Pleasure has become his truly desired goal: a fast and pleasant delight, a modern awakening of hedonism.
- *To the narcissist, as long as they feel like they** ***could*** **learn something they have apathy that there is anything to learn or that learning something new is a worthwhile endeavor. The more information makes itself available and free, the more a more narcissistic type devalues it when a less narcissistic type cherishes it for its generosities doing profound work making science and research widely accessible.**
1. This new kind of apathy toward learning anything new is not caused by any distress, but rather by an excess of constantly alternating stimuli, which ultimately causes that the more rights, comforts, possibilities and information society gives us, the less we care about them (Lipovetsky, 2005, p. 53)
- *Unfortunately, even with all these offerings and opportunities available, most people only engage in education when they have to during required education or when they have to for a job training.**
- *However, many people cite these are the most organized and satisfying times of their lives. These organizing features can be carried over voluntarily into adult life through open resources but now that there is not tension on the agency or reactance, like clockwork, it is devalued instead of cherished.**
- *Thus the tensions and extortions of capitalism continue in their abusive logic to help people see what they were already looking at. This is a phenomenon sadly seen on even on people who identify as not greatly capitalist, who tend to only care about material until the competing group is. That is unfortunately a capitalistic process.**
1. However, very few young people today are willing to sacrifice their time and will to acquire knowledge in areas such as mathematics, science, the knowledge of another language, etc. If one has not learned the necessary degree of discipline at an early age, he often suffers from a pathological inability to concentrate and to have a deeper interest in serious subjects and questions, which is naturally relevant from the perspective of education and training.
- *The use of the DSM was used to identify narcissism.**
1. Similarly, the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
- *The International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders added new features to narcissism.**
1. the International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders concluded that narcissistic personality disorder would be kept as a distinct type of disorder, but with four characteristic traits, namely: pathological disposition, a grandiose or on the contrary, vulnerable phenotype; expressivity or, on the contrary, being unable to properly express oneself verbally; and a specific overall structure of personality (Morey & Stagner, 2012).
- *The following traits commonly found in Narcissistic Personality Disorder often are markedly barriers to education and getting educated.**
1. The reason for this is that Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be measured by methods, which detect, above all else, the presence of the following character traits: arrogance, self-centeredness, desire for attention, exploitation, charm, cunning, malice, disdain, revenge, boastfulness, uneasiness, grandiosity, reserve, inaccessibility, insecurity, indifference, anxiety, supremacy, coldness, aggression, day dreaming, shyness, sexual inhibition and others (Paris, 2014).
- *People with narcissism often don’t understand that therapy is essentially management of more antisocial traits keeping them at levels that are sustainable to society, such as watching a vulnerable or grandiose proclivity, but view it as a fun way to get to know themselves.**
- *Though this is part of therapy, when a personality disorder is in play a functional management of the issue is also required. It is not all pleasure, especially where limiting grandiosity is quite the opposite but is necessary, especially in the world of climate change.**
1. People suffering from cultural narcissism often attend therapies, but often not to analyze and understand the depths of their problems, which would then be solved by them under the guidance of the therapist. The basic intention of people seeking a psychotherapist is often only to learn something new about themselves.
- *Inflation may occur where narcissists go to work. Unable to see any real attachment to excellence in their work, they go to work to get the pay doing whatever is necessary to make it seem real, and then go home to sit on the funds. Ultimately this drives down the connection between the representation of value to actual money and causes an inflation process, repressed or overt depending on the identification with policy compliance in the given area.**
1. Being employed is understood by the narcissist mainly at an instrumental level. It is the necessary evil which is needed to make the money as easy and as fast as possible in order to obtain enough funds to experience the narcissistic relationships of leisure-time. Work is perceived by the narcissist as burdensome duty, albeit necessary from a strictly utilitarian perspective: it makes enjoying free time possible. Employment is the necessary evil of the week, preparation for real life at the weekend. In order to make the unpleasant period of the work week more tolerable, the pressure to make work maximally enjoyable is growing in the atmosphere of cultural narcissism
- *Active engagement in work without active engagement in the underlying ecology of work can also be narcissistic where they view the world’s information as something for them to be consumed without showing the proper agency and responsibility for taking responsible action in it.**
1. The individualization of hypermodern man, narcissistically self-absorbed in himself only, then prevails over all other social aspects, especially interest in work and the public sphere. This creates a kind of zero sociality (Lipovetsky, 1983, p. 19), which is referred to as the second phase of consumerism (Lipovetsky, 1983, p. 26). One of the most visible signs of such behavior is, on the one hand, exaggerated activity towards one’s own person, with passivity and indifference to the outside world and its events on the other hand. The individualized person has become a passive observer of public affairs, which he only considers from a distance, often without his own opinion; well-entertained, irresponsible for anything else than his own spacetime, perfectly personalized, condemned to narcissist self-service
- *Speculation is a gambling procedure where its allegiance to truth is a gamble. It may match in some cases, and not in others.**
- *In contrast, the scientific and logic processes do not leave it up to chance and with skill derive the core of the issue and correctly target the correct truth wherever such thing is anywhere to be found if at all (and in cases of the natural world, it almost always is).**
- *Narcissists are more likely to engage in theory speculation and pseudoscience as a gamble if it will work or not. Unlearning a speculative process and becoming invested and agentic with the precision of one’s logic and discovery is a narcissism-resolving process.**
1. The study’s method of ascertaining respondents’ willingness to take risks was based on the strategy that after answering 101 knowledge questions, respondents were given the opportunity to choose or bet on another answer. The conclusion of the study has shown that narcissists are more able to take a risk and gamble – they bet and guess more often.
- *Even when feedback says that real work must be done to improve, narcissists avoid this. Perhaps this may be to avoid a deep, heartbreaking depressive experience at the core as the narcissistic personality is inherently compensatory when otherwise endogenously rigid (however, it may be able to derigidify and that is up for new research such as the use of medically assisted therapy for narcissism that is undergoing research right now).** **[5]**[6]
1. Campbell’s team has found that in such cases narcissistically-oriented individuals use the so-called top-down strategy. They seem to repeat to themselves that they are good and great, and therefore they cannot fail at the task. Because of this internal narcissistic strategy, they remain proud and self-confident even when factually their performance is low or truly bad.
- *This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the optimism for which they are often valued is preserved by this failure to adhere to the reality of their results.**
- *Such against-the-facts optimism is absolutely necessary in certain survival situations, and much research on narcissism does show it can be a survival based defense with antisociality in what should otherwise be the prosocial sectors like health (weaponized malpractice), education (knowledge sabotage) causing a rigid narcissistic defense of continuing against the odds of the antisocial behavior that has insidiously infected where it is not okay to have insidiously infected at all.**
1. . In addition, it has been shown that a narcissistic individual can, due to his uncritical optimism, self-love and absence of fear of failure or depression, draw emotional benefits from remaining in such an emotional state. The authors have thus confirmed the results of older case studies on narcissism and they confirmed the hypothesis that narcissists are in fact generally happier than others as they have higher self-esteem and suffer less depression and anxiety (Watson & Biderman, 1994). A different team of Campbell, composed of Campbell, Rudich, and Sedikides, has published another interesting study under the title “Narcissism, SelfEsteem, and the Positivity of Self-Views: Two Portraits of Self-Love” in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
- *Narcissists show an incredibly curated online presence, including stilted use of language, excessive presentation curation, and false behavior presentation.**
1. It shows that even though narcissists have lower self-esteem in the real world, they are more creative in online activities and can do whatever it takes for better self presentation and an improved online image. A typical feature of narcissistic behavior is thus the exaggeration of information about one’s own person and showing off.
- *The denial of repressed realities seen in economic and housing behavior mirrors the narcissistic denial that is rigid around the unsafe core that is undergoing an onslaught (being unhoused, or being forced into debt by countries that consider themselves in relief financially to the US or using the US’s economy, suffering and failure, to bolster their own from a predatory perspective. Not okay at all but very pervasive.)**
1. A phony national economy (with $11 trillion of government debt).The mortgage meltdown and the resulting financial crisis are just one demonstration of how inflated desires eventually crash to earth (Twenge & Campbell, 2009, p. 6).
- *Obsession with celebrity without humanizing them also breeds narcissism where people feel entitled to the most intimate details of someone’s life and reality because the person has been commodified almost to the core when in fact nobody is ever entitled to such things. It normalizes a violating dehumanization of people simply because they present at a certain social gravity level.**
1. These privacy shots are then narcissistically shared on social networks, and everyone can feel like a celebrity at least in the circle of their acquaintances. In addition, these people have a growing desire for luxury, to which ultimately every admirer has the right, as well as having the right to behave only according to their own ideas, similarly to their admired celebrities.
- *The obsession with being “in” and never “out” is likely what is behind the excessive curation, creating an illusion that celebrities can never be “out”. This is often because the depths of money generating return on them have structured in that they never are out even if they want to be.**
- *The return became more critical than the person.**
- *“Means of production” comes to mind. Without such financial structurings, pretty much anybody can be “out” and anybody should be allowed to be “out” if the return is more for others and they do not themselves benefit nearly enough. That is predatory.**
1. The narcissist “metrosexual” is thus born, one who always wants to be luxurious, beautiful and dressed in designer clothes according to the latest fashion, in short always “in” and never “out”.
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