Stalking Ableism: Using Disability to Expose ‘Abled’ Narcissism, Part 1
created by theconstellinguist on 25/11/2024 at 22:10 UTC*
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- *Stalking Ableism: Using Disability to Expose ‘Abled’ Narcissism, Part 1**
- *Citation:** Campbell, F. K. (2012). Stalking ableism: Using disability to expose ‘abled’narcissism. In *Disability and social theory: New developments and directions* (pp. 212-230). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
- *Link:**[1][2]
- **Full disclaimer on the unwanted presence of AI codependency cathartics/ AI inferiorists as a particularly aggressive and disturbed subsection of the narcissist population:***[3][4]
- *Disability and ability exist to some degree in most of us.**
- *However, the disability in any given person tends to be a deeper threat to the ability in that person.**
- *Sometimes ability can trigger disability with vicious and nasty abuse of someone with notable gifts and abilities.**
- *Ironically, this is the behavior of disability because what could help to resolve the situation has its effectiveness lowered or taken away, only for the perpetrator to then claim there's been no help for the ongoing issues when they're actively disabling what support they get. This is the behavior of disability.**
- *The action and consequence do not seem to be easily strongly linked as the root of the issue in the person doing the supervision that results in this rigid negative feedback loop.**
1. An act of speaking otherwise, this chapter shifts to a focus on abled(ness) to think about the production of ableism. We all live and breathe ableist logic, our bodies and minds daily become aesthetic sculptures for the projection of how we wish to be known in our attempt to exercise competency, sexiness, wholeness and an atomistic existence.
- *Speaking about failure is required for real improvement. Pretending it’s not happening or side-eyeing it out of vanity will only cause deep spirals that entrench the issue.**
1. It is harder to find the language and space to examine the implications of a failure to meet the standard or any ambivalence we might have about the grounds of the perfectibility project.
- *Those with noticeable disability may feel profoundly threatened by this and try to spin their disability as hyper-ability.**
- *Rather, accepting disability is the sign of a healthy human but is also a product of a more pervasive sense of the competence in the environment that shows signs of actually being able to help with the issue.**
- *For instance, one may be willing and able to come forward about disability in a competent environment, but when a more narcissistic environment tries to “take it from here” and screws it up, the data may become more and more inaccurate as they take away their trust due to witnessed incompetence.**
- *Areas high in collective narcissism are especially prone to seeing good work done in one area and then suddenly jumping on it when it gets just too good, like it should be being done there instead.**
- *However, if they do poor work with it it may shut down everything that was happening in the competent environment.**
1. Finally I will discuss the possibility of disabled people turning their backs on emulating abledness as a strategy for disengagement both ontological and theoretical.
- *Ableism sees nothing to respect in disability. Ironically, this shows someone with no capacity for nuance and integrated thinking on the fact most of us possess contradictory ability and disability to different degrees, and that this is not fundamentally threatening.**
1. An ableist perspective might propose that in a democracy disabled people should be treated fairly on the basis of toleration. Such a stance does not however suggest that disability is considered a reasonable and an acceptable form of diversity, or indeed that disability can be celebrated. Ableist thinking is based on a premise where all disability, irrespective of type and degree is assumed to be unacceptable. Disability is harmful and inter alia a form of harm. In my work I conclude that disability is both provisional and tentative – it is always subject to being erased if a solution comes along (cure, correction, elimination)
- *Given the behavior of China in terms of intellectual property fraud that is becoming more and more normalized in the United States, Western ideas of autonomy are challenged showing how dependence and disability-rejection of that dependence are both normal and abnormal parts of the human experience.**
- *For instance, though being less possessive with content may be considered perhaps more of a Chinese state in terms of information, extreme possessiveness is seen to the contrary on the material effects of the products of these information.**
- *For instance, though there may be cultural defenses of violation of informational boundary law, it becomes disturbing to see the same communistic/shared space rationale are not shared with the material products, such as paying those the material effects of what they stole which is usually how open source features are structured–you can take the information, but you also have to share the products back through equitable and intelligent donation** **of time through voluntary work or its relative representation, money.**
- *This is a sustainable model that has had high success and is known for its high success where the right balance of user type and design is achieved.**
- *This may be more familiar with group-hunting based societies that would not have survived without each other due to the climate of the areas, where it was fine to take from a group’s bounty as long as you also contributed to restore its balance.**
- *In contrast, the comparatively more agricultural Chinese state may, similar to Russia, view information as a natural resource not a direct product of an agent like a house. Meanwhile, Western culture views it more as a direct product of an agent like a house.**
- *The problem here is a failure to recognize what is and isn’t agentic in places with historically agricultural or natural resource based economies where in general providence is not tied up with what most are immediately able to view as some degree of an agent (earth’s ecology has its own intelligence, but it is not conscious) like more hunting-reliant cultures are.**
- *The clash is often based on this attempt to make non-agentic what is clearly agentic by states that see the informational products of others as equivalent to less conscious earth resources and unable to adapt correctly to conflicting pushback that these are fact way more agentic than they are being treated and massive violation is going on.**
- *It doesn’t matter if they do or don’t care as decoupling due to unbelievable parasitisms and disrespects emerging becomes more and more attractive. The abused always has a right to leave an abuser.**
- *Otherwise, conflict is clear evidence of failure, and is especially inherently destructive to any leadership premising itself on harmony, similar to the communal narcissism found in Scotland or the alleged harmony value of Jinping's China where it is ironic to witness its willingness to go to war.**
1. Ableism denotes the meaning of a healthy body, a normal mind, how quickly we should think and the kinds of emotions that are acceptable to express. The universal reach of reason gains potency when coupled to a self-assured individual autonomy. Reason as truth becomes discourse dependent and in turn generates notions of ‘disability’ and ‘ability’ (able-bodiedness). The human (adult) subject is assumed to be an independent centre of self-consciousness, who holds autonomy to be intrinsically valuable. Neo-liberalism’s normative citizen in the words of C. B. Macpherson (1964: 3) is a nominal ‘possessive individual’:
- *For more incompetent governments, disabled people are seen as a burden or a problem.**
- *For example, aggression in disabled males tends to center on a feeling of uselessness and projecting uselessness wherever they think they may be able to successfully project and offload their shame. Therefore, these acts should be considered better conducted in front of a mirror and ironically the failure to put that together is again part of a self-awareness deficit that may achieve the level of disability.**
- *In fact if one looks to some degree of pointing out the obvious or looking closely, real contributions often emerge from exactly this population.**
- *People coming forward about their disability experience has helped to create the many successful defenses in court where they are applicable and not chosen, minimizing the toll on justice to any given case by extracting the root causes to prevent a similar environmental creation of that kind of phenomenon.**
- *These are made from the open sharing of the disability experience.**
- *Similarly, new drugs and treatments come from the open sharing of this experience that can open up neurological pathways across all brain types.**
- *Ironically, this black and white thinking about value creation and disability is itself probably a feature of some sort of disability when most ability measures in life are possessed of contradictory features to some degree.**
- *In fact, again, in very disabled communities, sufficiently abled people may be targeted and viewed as traitors for things they are born with which is simply not ok. They may then be targeted for disability out of sheer narcissism, only for the community to ask for or solicit abled help only a short time later and wonder where it went.**
- *This particular feature is clear evidence of the managerial disability with the situation which can create entrenched, recursive, and rigid cycles until this particularly toxic feature is worked out.**
1. . Ableist belief values certain things as felicitous and particular sorts of contributions. Disabled people are often seen as a burden, a problem, a drain on the system, who make no civic contribution. According to this understanding of ableism, ‘disability’ refers to people who do not make the grade, are unfit in someway – and therefore are not properly human.
- *Compulsory abledness is very ironic because compulsivity is viewed as an incompetence with one’s body, in this case the incompetence with one’s body is aggressively asserting its competence in a way that speaks for itself about its own contradictions.**
1. The nuances of ableism are not static; they are transcategorical, having specific cultural alignments with other factors such as race, gender, sexuality and coloniality. Compulsory abledness and its conviction to and seduction of sameness as the basis to equality claims results in a resistance to consider peripheral lives as distinct ways of being human lest they produce marginalisation
- *Behind some of the more intrusive and inappropriate stalking crimes has been seen the characteristic of looking for “deviancy and delight”.**
- *Ironically, the stalker fails to see themselves possessed of these two predispositions primarily and the behavior begins to seem to be an exercise in self-awareness, trying to find something that is sufficiently like what they sense about themselves, but are not able to recognize in the normal, intrapersonal pathway.**
- *They are looking for something to make sense of the deviancy they feel and suspect in themselves that does not resolve until a sufficient match is found, and then the narcissism mechanism attaches, projects and offloads the feelings of shame as aggressively as possible.**
1. Pointing to difference can be quite dangerous on a number of grounds. Differences can be reduced to the lowest common denominator, with attributable and immutable (pigeonholing) characteristics that can become signs of deviancy or delight.
- *Behind stalking therefore may also be a call to sameness, with “this is not sufficiently like or about me” and I must watch and stalk the situation to figure out how to achieve sameness.**
- *That is the narcissism that struggles with difference and cannot be tasked with harder problems just for that. The ongoing attack on invaluable DEI programs where they are not abused or used as weapons by the relevant parties (aka, ‘death to america’ anti-imperialist use of DEI programs, which are a ‘getting along’ approach and do not deserve such antisocial energy in any way, shape, or form) shows how not all diversities are equal; some have more deleterious effects on other diversities, even if they are still part of diversity overall.**
- *This is the catch-22 of narcissism.**
1. A call to sameness appears to be easier as these requests galvanise and rearticulate the normative even if such a norm is somewhat vacuous and elusive.
**Normalcy and anomaly can be conflated with disability and ability. For instance, something anomalous can be seen as pathological. For instance, the behavior mentioned on our Statement on Reddit shows how ability can be seen as disability simply because they have conflated anomaly with disability.**
1. Studies in ableism (‘SiA’) attempts to shift our gaze from a disability pre-occupied minoritisation towards ableist normativity and concentrate on what the study of disability tells us about the production, operation and continuation of ableism which has all the population implicated. Instead of looking directly at disability, ‘SiA’’’ focuses on how the able, able-bodied, non-disabled identity is maintained. The direction is to examine elements of what is presented as ‘normal’ or aspirational. This approach not only rethinks disability, it provides a platform for reconsidering the way we think about all bodies and mentalities within the parameters of nature/culture. ‘SiA’ as a field of enquiry is concerned with the processes and effects of notions of normalcy and anomaly (disability).
- *Conflated ableism (ableism that does actually signify a real difference in the targeted ability) can occur with things like racism or misogyny. For instance, particular ability with a minority or a woman is considered disturbing or horrific suggesting that these identities are associated with disability for some populations.**
1. Central to a system of ableism are two elements, namely, the notion of the normative (and normal individual) and the enforcement of a divide between a so-called perfected or developed humanity (how humans are supposedly meant to be) and the aberrant, the unthinkable, underdeveloped and therefore not really-human. The ableist divide can also capture asymmetrical relations based on differences of sex and (not white) race, which in different ways, in epistemology and social practices have been constituted as sites of aberrancy or disability. There are two features that produce ableism relations
- *For particularly backwards countries, the value disabled bring goes completely unseen. Ironically, these are the areas with likely more undetected intellectual disability due to higher prevalence of black and white thinking. Disabled here may be found not grievable and dispensable, showing a disturbing lack of bondedness to the children may be in intersection with higher overall governmental collapse and collapse rate.**
1. Disabled people have not yet established their entitlement to exist unconditionally as disabled people. This ambivalent status means it is less certain whether we could regard disabled people’s lives as grievable or merely dispensable, a form of collateral damage in the pursuit of progress (cf. Butler, 2009).
- *People who enjoy or like features of their disability are particularly enraging for ableists because they sometimes premise their self-esteem on these people hating themselves.**
- *Someone who actively would prefer certain features of their disability over normativity incite a narcissistic rage that also shows (ironically) delusional features where people assume these individuals are very interested in them and envious of them, when they may be more interested in each other or themselves.**
- *For instance, abnormal psychology is particularly interesting to people with abnormal psychologies. This detracts attention from people with normative psychologies who feel entitled to be the leader of these people or found more interesting when they are neither.**
- *For instance, the derogatory use of weird is especially embarrassing to be around to abnormal psychologies given it is actually a token of pride and interest for these communities when someone may be found actively selecting against people who are normative, aka “that guy is way too square.”**
- *They may be actively trying to preserve their abnormality as it gives them abilities that they prize and aren’t willing to lose on someone whose life they don’t actually see as comparatively more interesting or a better life. Similarly, not wanting to look or live like a celebrity is mindblowing to people that don’t understand and haven’t experienced niche corners of the human experience that are actually far more interesting and satisfactory. Shared features with human trafficking and economic abuse may also be being avoided which look absolutely torturous when considered for themselves.**
- *Again, this shows a rigid narcissism unable to understand the normative presentation as the universally accepted currency of what is desirable or wanted.**
1. It is not surprising that we receive mixed messages about disability – ‘be kind and nice to the disabled! … but there is no real right to exist, and how dare you be happy because of your disability and not in spite of it’.
- *The use of data for research may suddenly lose control of itself and crop into the use of data for treatment. If the real purpose is not disclosed and in addition the use of the data is incompetent, like illegal data mining for bitcoin, it may have a profoundly deleterious effect on not only the treatment outcome, but the data quality. This is the danger of someone profoundly out of control of oneself portending to be in a position of being more able and with it more allegedly more trustworthy from an ableist perspective.**
1. Constitutions are related to the structure or attributes of an entity which shapes a characterisation. It is a division that requires people to identify with a category – ‘are you disabled or not?’ ‘Oh, no I am not disabled, I am ill or depressed!’, ‘I am able-bodied as I can do things’, please ‘tick the box’ say governments. For the ease of conversation we often feel the need to minimise any confusion. In traditional research design classes, students are encouraged to produce research that is coherent and has clarity about where people fit (participant sampling).
- *The “border-creation” of able and disabled does what any border creation does, develops narcissism on both sides. Which side is doing the most development of what narcissism is up for further research.**
1. Enshrined in ableism is a metaphysical system which feeds into an ethics of disability. A critical question to be asked is what is the nature of the ethics or ethos invoked by ableist practices? Does ableism produce a form of narcissism in the disabled person or are ableist practices themselves essentially narcissistic?
- *Theory without evidence is particularly dangerous.**
- *For instance, a demand for disabled people who clearly do not have even enough for themselves and are constantly under attack by the ignorance of those not intelligent enough to work with their community (ironically) may be resented for essentially being uninterested in these relationships that go nowhere and instead do what is best for their non-typical bodies.**
- *This shows that those seeking them out clearly see they have real abilities that these “abled” people feel they are owed but then they deny them as well in insisting that the person, despite these skills that are making them so aggressively sought out, are disabled so as to discredit them.**
- *It may even be a particular risk factor and technique of human trafficking and labor extortion to not recognize them while aggressively seeking them out in an entitled fashion.**
- *One might go so far as to say the disabilities may be reversed, showing the disturbing denialism with covert behind the scenes recognition found towards the “Queen” resentment of England by Scotland, suggesting relative codependency that yet somehow fails to satisfy.**
- *It makes entire sense why such a toxic behavior set would be desired to be shut permanently off; it is inordinately horrific to seek someone out for a skill and then deny it from a position of vanity. It must be shut off.**
- *The codependence and inability to engage in autonomous behavior not premised on and in reference to the sought out individual speaks for itself about violently denied hypocrisy.**
1. Without rehashing their material, a psychology of narcissism asserts that disabled people are exemplary narcissists. In not being able to be cured, disabled people turn away from love of others towards themselves in a neurotic, disengaged form of self-gratification. Such a view reached its zenith in Australia in the professional indemnity insurance crisis of 2003–4, where ‘high’ disability compensation payouts were blamed for the collapse of a major insurer (Mendelson, 2008).
- *Disabled people had higher rates of low self-approval but also were more likely to aggressively deny and compensate for this to remain in the orbit of or identified with those considered more able. However, this identification deflated when the differing rates of self-approval were derived.**
1. This theory of narcissism would appear to conflict with emerging research around the experiences of disabled people and internalised ableism which suggests that there are extraordinary attempts at engagement with the abled ‘Other’ and high degrees of precariousness around self-approval (Campbell, 2008; Reeve, 2006).
- *Seeking out behaviors such as the link of insane to incompetent must be noted showing that a predatory attempt to deny competence through the use of ableist language while seeking it out must be removed as horrifically and irredeemably predatory towards that individual.**
1. Indeed how is the very conceptualisation of ‘hearing’ framed in the light of discourses of ‘deafness’? In law the juridical notion of sanity depends upon a delimitation of the ‘insane’, ‘unfit’ and ‘incompetent’. A reframing of the question may expose underlying presuppositions about the grounds of pathology, reasonableness and mentality. By decentring abledness, it is possible to ‘to look at the world from the inside out)’ (Linton, 1998: 13) and unveil the ‘non-disabled/ableist’ stance. And in doing this act of inversion ableism ‘loses its crucial position as a pre-condition of vision and becomes the object of scrutiny’ (Haraway, 1989: 152).
- *Similar to how one does not treat two markedly different bodies with the exact same logic, geographic, ecological, economic factors of the particular bodies all inform their logic and may not actually be disabled unto themselves, just disabled to a body viewing it that is out of awareness of how bodies differ and do not have the same currencies or languages valued, structured or spoken in the same way as a feature of these underlying and relatively massive features.**
- *This can lead to gross incompetence in calling a relative ableism for a given environment as an disability in another.**
- *A good example is the high prevalence of OCD in Japan, which, when viewed as a relationship to a trauma response due to overwhelming natural phenomenon like tsunamis, may be a self-soothing self-ablesing that remains in full knowledge and awareness of what nature is capable of that would otherwise be crippling and cause no action possible whatsoever, much less an economy.**
- *To try to diffuse OCD in such a geography would be a massive mistake and clear evidence of gross incompetence with the differing bodies and their relationship to their geographies. High intelligence and speed may also be prioritized here because they have to “go faster than nature” which often causes pervasive emergencies.**
- *This is a competence, not a pathology, in such a geography that allows for people to take action without feeling deeply helpless to their geography and has been hugely successful in so doing.** **However, like all things, it can be overdone and those should be treated by the person's self-report that it has grown abnormal well beyond the reasonable demands of a specific body type/geography.**
1. Geodisability knowledge acts a bit like the McDonalds™ strategy – just as there are documents, devices and drilled people all around the globe who know how to prepare and deliver a tasty BigMac™ hamburger, geodisability knowledge acts as the landscape for thinking about disability and shapes the flows of consciousness around vitality. With the ICD-10 (International Classification of Disease 10) and ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) – disability collectors can visit services and assess funding applications around the globe and believe that there is an operational
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