Statement on Reddit

created by theconstellinguist on 10/11/2024 at 00:35 UTC*

2 upvotes, 0 top-level comments (showing 0)[1][2]




On November 2, 2024 after r/MiddleEast out of the blue in a truly deranged fashion banned me after I hadn’t been on their subreddit for three months due to finding it to be antisocial and not of value, a bizarre and disturbing abuse of power on Reddit began. Previously r/MiddleEast banned me as an attempt to hurt and harm for a comment they didn’t like on a women’s subreddit where they were stalking my activity. I had not invited them, did not want their supervision, they are not in a place of supervision no matter what deep and pervasive narcissistic delusion they may be in characterizing the worst and most violent types of delusional stalkers, I do not find them of value due their pervasive and pathological antisociality and narcissistic vitriol over which they have repeatedly demonstrated they do not have control especially towards women, and therefore this attempt to assert their dominance fit both pathological narcissism and inability to control as they are well out of the sphere of influence.

Embarrassingly, this act included several professional Think Tanks. I was then banned by Reddit itself after a similar attack on the piece "The colonial remains of Brexit: Empire nostalgia and narcissistic nationalism. Narcissism coincides with exceptionalism through British exceptionalism" where Reddit top down deleted it and tried to hide behind an AI narrative, but when I tested for each part of it and found the German RT link to be the alleged reason for the trigger, it didn't respond to the usual technique of breaking the link up. So it was again them trying to hide behind an AI narrative. This was followed by the full top down ban from r/MiddleEast, where as we know Prince Harry did military work and now resides in California near Elon Musk with housing help from Russian billionaires at multiple different occassions after reporting harassment three times. This fits the profile of human traffickers that violently attack those who file reports trying to incentivize them not to report through the violent reversal.

It also fits the profile of X which repeatedly and inappropriately has tried to assert its offering where it is not wanted nor appropriate, such as on Reddit, after I left due to repeat similar instances of Elon Musk showing inability to control trying to evade the clear and obvious legal finding of targeting a private citizen similarly saying they were slowing down certain accounts, being unable to explain how and why they slowed down my account, then saying it was a technical issue, then blaming engineering for it being slow, finding a scapegoat and firing, when in fact it simply happened again and **showed the exact same pattern of self-inconsistent narratives covering up a clear inability to control and a clear structural incompetence with justice.**

It has shown signs of real narcissistic rage and collapse when all X posts were blocked for being not of value. I have also similarly stated X under Musk, which was purchased and maintained with the help of Saudi Arabia, was not of value and not worth returning to. “ Saudi Arabia's Kingdom Holding Company (KHC) and the private office of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal were the second largest investors in Twitter after Elon Musk's acquisition of the company in 2022.” This would fit with why it came through r/MiddleEast and showed the same fits and inability to control that came from X when I started blocking all X posts on Reddit, including Musk’s sudden and pathetic ban on blocking on X a few months after I clearly stated “I can block whoever I want.”

I am not helping sick and misogynist individuals structurally incapable of compensatory justice and in what looks like a permanent state of inferior supervision because of that misogyny achieve a return on their value. It was purchased in 2022 when I was still on it and as soon as the purchase happened very quickly I went off due to repeated repulsive and entitled behavior clearly showing all the signs of someone who can��t get control of themselves and actually and unironically struggles with third world concepts of slavery and literally trying to insinuate this third world failure of comprehension repeatedly in a first world space instead of just adapting.

I don’t want to make a return for misogynists with no respect to speak of, and haven’t been back to a pathetic and petulant inability to show the required respect after repeated backend abuse that showed all the tell-tale signs of inability to control including flailing narratives to explain the private targeting of a citizen (they slowed down select accounts, then it was a technical error, then they didn’t know why it happened, then they fired an engineer that called Musk out on his gaslight of it being slowed down, and still showed that that coverup was not going to work as well after all that happened Musk then again initiated attempting to take away the block button). It showed all the same style of none of it being self-consistent and none of it checking out when examined. Failure to show even basic respect and adherence to compensatory justice is a sign of permanent, pathological and structural incompetence.Instead of being embarrassed like anyone of significant intelligence would be, they simply tried what already didn’t work again and again and again and then wondered why it didn’t work to keep me on, interested, or find them of value while they failed to adapt and comprehend basic principles of international competence. The compensatory failure should be deeply embarrassing for anyone and all involved with it, especially those who considered them first world. I believe people involved with this are not any better than who they are trying to sanction and chastise and should be reevaluated for their country’s real development level if found to be involved with this as consistent struggles with pedophilia, slavery, human trafficking and basic competence with compensatory justice. These struggles are markedly third world.

This would fit the profile of this coming from r/MiddleEast which is as pathetic as it is disgusting as they don’t even own it anymore nor do I consent to any relationship with them nor am I involved legally in any operation with them. They are beyond suspicion for international illegal activity given the nature of where violent report reversal is seen most often.

Due to the above, Reddit administration shows real signs of normalizing and enacting violent report reversal found on human traffickers meant for those out of control of their bodies and well aware of it to prevent victims from reporting what they know they will not be able to control in themselves as a grooming process, incompetence with justice found in corrupt inferior administrations, and inability to control found on the pedophile community.

It is not safe for anyone to be anywhere near incompetent people who think they are competent who clearly have repeatedly demonstrated inability to control, violent report reversal only found on communities at the very least intersecting with actual human traffickers, and rotting corruption by the administrative infrastructure that allows pedophile rings with its human trafficking features to remain. Any country or area that has pedophile ring dynamics normalized all the way up to the police and court system should be reevaluated for a third world assignment as opposed to a first world assignment unable to achieve mastery with even basic international standards.

The reversal shows the violent reversal of human traffickers trying to disincentivize their victims from reporting and therefore deep and structural incompetence with justice. Therefore, I am moving to a Wiki as Reddit has been found in a state of inferior supervision possessed of incompetence with justice and low intelligence unable to support higher intelligence levels without repeatedly narcissistically collapsing as found in my comments. Most people when faced with new, higher learning and comprehension levels stretch their brains, become receptive, and learn. The brain growth results in new, heightened intelligence. Instead, we are seeing a behavior that causes intelligence atrophy that may lead to real and actual mass intellectual disability where instead of engaging with this with productive struggle, they narcissistically collapse and even try to violently disincentivize the stimulus that increases learning and with it intelligence. Therefore, this fits the description of inferior supervision is described in Abdi, Parisa & Delkhah, Jalil & Kheirgoo, Mansour. (2016) unable to stop narcissitically collapsing when faced with a developing impulse when, like in learning, one would otherwise lean in, productively struggle with the material, and come out with increased understanding that leads to more general effectiveness and competence with the world.

Reddit is found structurally and permanently due to the complete incompetence with justice just witnessed to be in a potential permanent state of inferior supervision given the egregious witnessed narcissistic collapses from which they repeatedly failed to learn suggesting a real, permanent structural issue and not safe for anybody significantly intelligent or vulnerable to be on to a large degree.

Stalkers and others show real inability to control and compulsive abuse befitting the pedophile and other compulsive perpetrators intersecting with these compulsive abuse disorders as described in Slavin, M. N., Scoglio, A. A., Blycker, G. R., Potenza, M. N., & Kraus, S. W. (2020). Child sexual abuse and compulsive sexual behavior: A systematic literature review. Current addiction reports, 7, 76-88.

Due to this and other issues, it seems that Reddit may be incapable of supporting higher intelligence levels pathologically and structurally repeatedly falling into the same type and style of narcissistic collapse in the face of it with no sign of learning or improvement or a pervading sense of improving one’s own intelligence. Instead, they violently fall into narcissistic collapse, demanding free accommodations labor from a position of compensatory failed comprehension and failing to adapt to higher learning/reading/comprehension levels. This would only be remedied by the offender transforming into a position of personal responsibility instead of externalized responsibility. That is the root cause of demanding the stimulus to change for the perceiver as opposed to the perceiver taking agentic responsibility to comprehend their perceptions.

Therefore, at this time I have found Reddit to be in a state of structurally inferior supervision and deeply dangerous showing signs and symptoms found only on the human trafficking and pedophilia community and normalizing and enabling them up to the central ban capacity. I believe this is markedly third world and if it is coming from America with normalizing and enablement instead of sanctioning and resolution so it does not reoccur, I believe a reevaluation of America’s developmental state may be in order with a demotion down from first world given the excessive times bribes, corruption, violent report reversal and inability to control has been seen on what are otherwise top American personalities. Being American has become too humiliating to be what it once was anymore. It should be reevaluated so people of the required development level can make an informed choice and move to be a more competent, safe country not capable of things like violent report reversal to groom victims.

Exposure will be minimal and slowly but surely I am moving everything off of this onto Wiki as they are no longer even remotely worthy of any trust after this incident banning the person who reported harassment three times and then trying to change the narrative after the act as a technical issue, then appealing it on the basis of harassment for the violent report reversal seen on human trafficking victims who report like it wasn’t a technical issue, then changing it to a spam narrative, then showing structural incompetence with justice not being able to get the original report or the appeal right showing violent reversal meant to groom human trafficking victims both times befitting a lower intelligence level unable to support a higher intelligence level without repeated and violent narcissistic collapse.

X as it collapsed under Elon Musk and r/MiddleEast show the same low intelligence unable to support higher intelligences without repeat and pathological narcissistic collapse from what was once every few weeks to what was once every few days. They show no ability to be able to do anything other than narcissistically collapse, so they are found to not be able to support higher reading/level/comprehension levels structurally and are so pathological that their narcissistic collapse is often violent instead of learning and adapting like a more fit model. When a student struggles with difficult material, they get outside support and accommodations like tutors, they do not beat or abuse the teacher into submission or call the research or publication institutions and demand they rewrite it to their level. This entitled behavior can cause full intelligence collapse permanently stunting the country’s development capability by demonstrating narcissistic collapse where productive struggle and external accommodation seeking would otherwise be seen in a healthy, high-functioning learner.

Due to the fact this narcissistic collapse has now shown features only seen on the actual human trafficking and pedophile community, it is no longer safe for anybody of sufficient intelligence or vulnerability to be on. Interaction will be minimal and everything is being moved to Wiki. Reddit is in a structural state of inferior supervision showing all the signs of violent reversal and compulsive abuse that is sincerely deeply unsafe. The evidence from repeated comment interactions have demonstrated they may be structurally not capable of supporting significant intelligence levels and with that structural inability are also structurally incompetent with justice and potentially fully unable to ever create real justice.

Given the presence of r/MiddleEast, the congruence with the flailing and identical coverup narratives of targeting a private citizen on X, and my not having been back since the 2022 buy up by Musk not interested in making money for misogynists structurally incapable of doing direct business with women they are targeting and providing no return from a position of nothing more than the misogyny that differentiates underdeveloped countries still struggling mentally with the mental and ethical failure that is slavery especially of women from developed ones, they are therefore in an embarrassing state of what might be permanent inferior supervision.

This is strengthened given the 2024 election results that showed no improvement on the 2016 election results where the ban just “magically” with its four self-contradictory narratives happened during election week, I believe that the investors from Saudi Arabia may be doing what they constantly do from a position of consistent rotting corruption and bribed Reddit. I believe this may show signs of taking a bribe. Compulsively bribing is not a relevant replacement for productive struggle and taking responsibility for external accommodations for learning, in the same way inappropriate student-teacher relationships will not do anything for the student’s actual comprehension of the material no matter how it may look so if the student really personally wants to become good with the material this is not going to help with their personal comprehension and will never be a good replacement for real competence with the material. I believe therefore they are in a permanent state of inferior supervision as an actually worthy administration would have had the fortitude to turn this down and maintain a reputation for high integrity and low corruptibility that comes with true excellence with justice.

These individuals are structurally therefore incompetent with justice, showing well-researched symptoms of human traffickers who violently reverse reports onto the victim to groom them into not reporting and pedophiles that show inability to control and flailing self-contradictory narratives after the fact, and therefore are not safe for anyone vulnerable or of sufficient intelligence to interact with. I will no longer be interacting with Reddit, and will be slowly titrating down the posting of my research to platforms that do not struggle with corruptibility (those that do not struggle with not taking a clear corrupt bribe) and those that in general do not deeply struggle with being in control of themselves.

Compulsive bribing just makes someone else a crutch. It does not lead to real, personal competence with the material. All learners and researchers are equally responsible for their own personal journey with productive struggle and taking responsibility for their comprehension as well as seeking external accommodations for external circumstances/issues that may limit them. This is in stark energetic opposition to demanding energetically foundationless (unpaid for) accommodations internally from a position of compensatory incompetence which can cause collapse in itself. Never experiencing real comprehension being enabled and allowed to just bribe away the conditions that conspire for true, personal competence is a really tragic affair and I highly suggest that they understand they are missing out on something real, powerful and amazing to possess–personal and profound competence with the material. Using others as crutches is not a replacement for the experience of this achievement and it is a tragedy if someone has never experienced this sense of oneself in real competence constantly trying to crutch everything out onto other people never once experiencing this profound feeling instead of agentically taking responsibility for their own understanding. It is core-reactivity resolving and the creation of real autonomy which is profoundly stabilizing, resolving the profound suffering of reactive codependence, and replacing it with a feeling of true, non-toxic power to feel oneself possessed of in a core way that leads to a marked reduction in violence and a clear increase in development feeling oneself possessed of a true comprehensive power that is deeply and sustainably powerful in a profound way. Finding this in oneself is never possible if it is never exercised being enabled to just use others as crutches which ironically go to stripping this person from ever experiencing this stabilizing, autonomy creating experience of a real personal power which leads to real, sustainable and resolving satisfaction with life. I cannot emphasize enough the tragedy of those who may go their whole lives never experiencing their own personal agentic and comprehensive power bribing everything away and crutching their own learning responsibility onto others simply by not challenging themselves to stop doing this and really earn their own competence. I truly think it is not only their own personal ethical failure but a real tragedy on its own, just going through life as this irresolvable Chernobyl when otherwise is definitely and clearly in sight. They just refuse to engage the conditions that generate true and genuinely empowering autonomy and enable themselves into that. That is their own self, enabling their own self. Not much else to be said. As a previous teacher, I truly think it’s profoundly tragic.

Slavin, M. N., Scoglio, A. A., Blycker, G. R., Potenza, M. N., & Kraus, S. W. (2020). Child sexual abuse and compulsive sexual behavior: A systematic literature review. Current addiction reports, 7, 76-88.

Kärgel, C., Massau, C., Weiß, S., Walter, M., Borchardt, V., Krueger, T. H., ... & Schiffer, B. (2017). Evidence for superior neurobiological and behavioral inhibitory control abilities in non‐offending as compared to offending pedophiles. Human Brain Mapping, 38(2), 1092-1104.

Abdi, P., Delkhah, J., & Kheirgoo, M. (2016). Counterproductive behaviors in state hospitals: A review of the role of organizational cynicism and injustice. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(4), S1.

English, A. (2017). Mandatory reporting of human trafficking: potential benefits and risks of harm. AMA journal of ethics, 19(1), 54-62.

Cameron, E. C., Cunningham, F. J., Hemingway, S. L., Tschida, S. L., & Jacquin, K. M. (2023). Indicators of gender inequality and violence against women predict number of reported human trafficking legal cases across countries. Journal of human trafficking, 9(1), 79-93.


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