Comment by ImportantBug2023 on 02/02/2024 at 00:47 UTC

3 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)

View submission: Narcissists Spite Accountability Features Because They View Everyone But Themselves as Incompetent; Narcissistic Myopia, Narcissistic Hatred of Democracy , Narcissistic Overconfident Interruption, And Narcissistic Rage When They Can’t Convince Others Despite Having Non-convincing Reasons

Seems like a textbook case of why Trump shouldn’t have power. He can’t accept anything that is not in his thinking. Not even the law.

I see Putin got a mention as well.

No wonder the world has a problem.


Comment by theconstellinguist at 02/02/2024 at 01:37 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Yep, Putin, Bill Gates (interestingly enough; Bill Gates lets Putin weaponize Microsoft IP law prosecution to target NGOs under a legal pretext when it's really that they do not support Putin) and Trump all are in a mutually enforcing male narcissist feedback loop.

They all show the disdain for female leaders characteristic of my latest piece here:[1][2]



They also show why narcissist force and distort the democratic collective to look and act more like them to the point of severe damage before they're ultimately removed from power for the pain that causes, demonstrating why narcissists should never even make it to administrative positions whenever possible (at least Trump and Gates were entrepreneurs, so their leadership was really hard to stop before it grew out of control. One to keep one's eye before it festers out of control right now would be Bob Ferguson, he has silenced his entire team on the issue of his chain of custody rape victim silencing technique. Extremely not ok, especially when they're publicly funded).

For more on why administrators cannot be narcissists there is this study here:[3][4]

