created by chintokkong on 21/01/2025 at 04:16 UTC
13 upvotes, 2 top-level comments (showing 2)
Compare this teaching of Dogen’s Gakudoyojinshu to his Fukanzazengi (Universal Recommendation to Sitting Meditation).
Unlike some modern Soto interpretations of zazen to be purposeless/pointless/goalless, a point of Dogen’s zazen in Fukanzazengi is actually to attain the shedding and dropping away of body and mind (to realise the supposed original face).
This falling away of body and mind is called the second phase in Gakudoyojinshu, whereas for the earlier phase, expedient is employed to take full charge of the manas first.
Here’s an excerpt of Fukanzazengi for the expedient employed in sitting meditation.
Deliberation (思量 volitional thinking) is a function/operation of manas.
In the Abhidharmakosa, the mind-triad of citta-manas-vijnana is defined as such:
The instructed line of “deliberate that which does not deliberate” is a huatou of another zen teacher’s koan (Yaoshan Weiyan’s koan). So the expedient employed in Dogen’s zazen here is basically huatou/koan contemplation.
In embarking on a concentrated/collected (samadhi) contemplation of this Yaoshan koan by following the instruction of “*Diligently/steadily sit in samadhi, to deliberate that which does not deliberate*”, the two phases of taking complete charge of the manas then falling away of body-and-mind (to manifest the original face) can happen for the seeing of the way to be possible.
Comment by HakuninMatata at 21/01/2025 at 23:19 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
The challenge being that the thoughts "I'm trying to reverse light to return illumination" or "I'm trying to shed body and mind", etc., are obstacles to doing so. "It's purposeless" is an expedient means.
Comment by GentleDragona at 21/01/2025 at 10:30 UTC
-2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
They speak of the glory, of sweet sacred satori