Diamond Hands etymology


created by Bigfourth on 24/06/2020 at 23:10 UTC

8 upvotes, 7 top-level comments (showing 7)

This might seems like a strange question for this sub, but I’m wondering if anyone happens to know what the “Ur Text”(origin or etymology) for the term “diamond hands,” comes from. Does anyone happen to know the original of the phrase, the original post or comment, and if this had been preceded by another term (I.e. hard hands or gold hands etc) I just find the term Fascinating.


Comment by TristanPowell at 24/06/2020 at 23:16 UTC

22 upvotes, 2 direct replies

In the beginning there was strong hands which eventually through the passage of time evolved into steel hands. Steel hands had a short reign and quickly became solid gold hands.

Yet Gold was not enough and that's where the term "diamond hands" came from.

FYI people with diamond hands are pussies. I'm rocking Rainbow Dragon Scale Hands

Comment by 3psilonZer0 at 24/06/2020 at 23:19 UTC

14 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Weak hands panic sell. What’s the opposite of weak? Well diamond armor is the strongest in Minecraft and is an emoji so I think that’s where it came from.

Comment by frostbiite1790 at 24/06/2020 at 23:17 UTC

10 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Bro take this down before they find it... oh no, its too late

Comment by AcquirerOfGains at 25/06/2020 at 03:14 UTC

6 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Here’s my personal idea:

Diamonds are formed under pretty intense pressure. The idea of diamond hands is that you hold onto something not worth much (ie graphite-like stonk), with such intensity that it becomes worth something (a diamond)

Comment by BitcoinCitadel at 25/06/2020 at 01:28 UTC

4 upvotes, 1 direct replies

First you explain Ur Text

Comment by [deleted] at 25/06/2020 at 09:35 UTC*

4 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by huynhorlose at 24/06/2020 at 23:14 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

fuk ur mom