/r/johndeehist 's AMAs -- time traveller from 2146 - a possible timeline of the future


created by Mindbeam on 04/01/2021 at 01:22 UTC*

10 upvotes, 10 top-level comments (showing 10)

Fictional or not, it's been fun to put together u/johndeehist 's timeline as professed in an AMA several months ago.

1947 - John Dee's wife arrives in past to observe events.

2017 - John Dee arrives in past to observe events to come in next several years

2020 - predicted Covid-19, but sees it as a "blip", 2020 to get much worse.

2020 - November - Donald Trump not "elected"

2021 - October 4 - World War 3 - nuclear war, US coasts destroyed - war lasts from 2021-2025

2022 - early this year Putin's dangerous successor comes to power

Before the cataclysms- India is fast becoming a major world power. They've put a man on the moon, participated in a joint mission to mars, and were a major player in the third world war

Per CartainandUzi - The Cataclysms (2031-2073) will include the sinking of San Andreas, the largest recorded tornadoes, the driest droughts ever, the worst winters ever, and more a large portion of the earths livestock was destroyed, making livestock a rare commodity.

2031 - California swallowed by ocean after 14.7 magnitude earthquake

<unknown exact date>THE REBUILDING - with livestock slowly going the way of the dinosaur, the cloning laws of your time were lifted, and live stock were brought back to pre cataclysmnumbers over the next several decades.

2050s-the decline of NASCAR?

2051 - animal protein substitue invented

<unknown> - Moon colonized. The moon was discovered to be semi hollow, and as such, perfect for a sub-surface colony. The surface scattered with a few bases which are housed within semi-transparent duerotanium domes.

2087 - April - scouting mission to Titan

2087 - December - colony mission to Titan

2088 - first city on Titan established

2092 - Pornography outlawed

Pornography was dubbed harmful to the sanctity of union and gave the young unrealistic expectations of copulation, leading to deviant behavior.

21?? - Johndee meets wife at age 10

2133 - JohnDeeHist married

2136 - Amarak colony established.

. The farthest we have been is a planet that we call

Amarok. In your time, i believe it is called Gliese 163c. It's about 15

parsecs away in the constellation Dorado.

2154 - JohnDeeHist travels back in time to 2020



Daily Life in 2154:

politics don't get in the way of progress. By moving away from

Democracy and politics, we have made amazing advances in science, medicine, and the human condition. The future, at least ours, is immutable.

We do not use paper to clean ourselves anymore

Alternative forms of pleasure are achieved through cortical stimulation or Veritol-5, a drugdubbed "The orgasm pill", for obvious reasons.

Earth in 2154:

nowhere near as many people live on Earth inmy time? That's because it's become sort of a preserve of our native wildlife, as well as a monument to pre cataclysm history


Government in 2154:

It is more a platform for politics and celebrities to promote their brand, in sort of the way musicians took over Myspace in your time. As mentioned previously, Democracy as you know it does not exist. We are governed (and i use that term loosely) by the United Planetary Council, who govern the "Lord" of each colony. Laws are created by the people, given to the Council, voted on by the people, and ultimately passed by the Council. Laws are revisited every 5 cycles and voted on again. Lords are elected by the people every 2 cycles. The Archons of the Council are elected by the people every 10 cycles "Freedom" is an antiquated notion. In our society, the people decide what is best for themselves, the UPC reviews and deliberates, and ultimately passes the law or laws if certain criteria are met.

Democracy no longer exists. We don't have a "Leader" or "President", at least not in the sense that you are used to. The Earth and the other 4 colonies are governed by a body known as The United Planetary Council, and it's 12 members are refered to as Archons. Generally, they leave governance to the elected official for each planetary colony, but on

important decisions, The UPC is the prime governing body

Scientific advances by 2154:

Speed of spaceship travel - we have achieved 55% of C, but only inlaboratory testing. Max speed on our ships is about 8% C.

No Dyson Spheres - still impractical

We no longer use gasoline fueled conveyances.

Businesses in 2154:

Twitter, if you can believe it, is still around. Though it isn't used for sending short status updates anymore.



Rules of time travel, time travel devices:

Due to the way the Seyfreid-Marshall field works, only a minuscule amount of time will have passed in my present. Something on the order of nano seconds.

Time is linear. Meaning that everything that has happened was set in stone, and everything that will happen is also. The very few exceptions to this rule include unauthorized changing of events and time anomalies. Now here is the tricky part: This isn't the only timeline.

Branching off from our timeline are many possibly futures, with minor variations in difference. We monitor these branches and do our best not to steer a timeline into one of the branches. We doour best not to create or come into contact with major anomalies, but the ones theorized in your time are insignificant.

An "ELI5" explanation is: The way the Seyfreid-Marshall field works creates a sort of bubble that shields us from minor anomalies.

If i were to commit a crime here, i would be prosecuted by the laws of your time. If the same law exists in my time, there is an extradition process. I would serve my sentence in my time. If the lawdoes not exist in my time, i would serve my sentence here. Although no Time Historian has ever broken a law in a jump. Of course. I won't go into too much detail, but some of them include not giving away knowledge that could directly affect an individuals place in history (lotto numbers, sporting event outcomes, "how will i die?"), no significant changing of events ("let's kill Hitler!"), and you can't go back and meet yourself, for obvious reasons.

I wouldn't worry about the DPRK. This will all blow over soon to make way for some things you should really be worried about. That is VERY subjective, and would depend on geography and a number of other factors. 8 points A quick search of the DIANET shows NASCAR was an auto-racing sport that started to decline around the end of the 2050s. W Ended? No. I won't go into details unless asked, but Earth survived a string of major cataclysms relatively intact, although the majority of Terrans now reside on Titan or Terra Nova. Interesting question, i suppose. One that i'm afraid i can't accurately answer. I'd rather not comment on the size of my own penis, either. Modesty still exists in 2154

Edit 1/10/21 - CartianandUzi offered some corrections, based on his experiences, so I've updated the timeline.


Comment by [deleted] at 09/01/2021 at 06:41 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Putin's successor came in power in early 2022 after he died, not the 2040s.

California sank in 2031, not 2032.

WW3 also lasted from 2021 to 2025.

I don’t know nothing about John tho, he’s just an average time traveler.

Comment by [deleted] at 09/04/2022 at 20:13 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by AvocadoAdorable1687 at 17/05/2021 at 18:12 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

The war in Israel is happening now do you guys think it’s the beginning of the ww3 that johndeehist been talking about?

Comment by Mindbeam at 17/05/2021 at 20:20 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies


Comment by leafhog at 04/01/2021 at 04:20 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

When did he predict Covid?

Comment by PapiChula12 at 10/01/2021 at 23:47 UTC

1 upvotes, 2 direct replies

The amount of things he accurately predicted is scary, especially since I’m 18 and worried about getting drafted into the military in ww3

Comment by [deleted] at 18/01/2021 at 17:51 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by 34u1n0x at 20/05/2021 at 08:33 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Is this our Balkan powder keg ?

Comment by Honest-Clothes7704 at 15/06/2021 at 11:24 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Hey I'm wondering if you come across any other time travelers on reddit who use a seyfried marshall field to time travel?

I just love reading johndeehists posts

Comment by kelvin400 at 27/12/2021 at 20:16 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Fake He copied others and made up his own stuff 80% false