Comment by [deleted] on 23/12/2018 at 16:05 UTC

5491 upvotes, 18 direct replies (showing 18)

View submission: [deleted by user]

okay why do people get mad at you for doing the right thing, like its better that u use them than the consequences of not using them, but the cashier sounds like she was trying to be polite and make like an awkward conversation but it failed


Comment by spookyblacksgirlfrnd at 23/12/2018 at 17:38 UTC

3232 upvotes, 10 direct replies

My friends mom went through her room and found weed and condoms. Didn’t get mad about the weed but grounded her for having protected sex 😬

Comment by Telaneo at 23/12/2018 at 18:22 UTC

193 upvotes, 5 direct replies

Cause from her perspective he's still doing the wrong thing: having sex.

She's a fucking cashier though. She should just keep her mouth shut about it.

Comment by BenCream at 23/12/2018 at 20:23 UTC

7 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Walgreens has a pretty explicit policy that states you NEVER make comments referring to a personal hygiene/sexual item. Not that you should be chatting it up over their general merchandise, but especially not these types of items.

Comment by HereForSickShit at 23/12/2018 at 20:11 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Dude my fiancé’s mom called her a slut and attacked her for having the pamphlets for protection. We were in our 20’s. Moved her the fuck out of that. She didn’t know it was already applicated and not just researched.

Comment by g5082069nwytgnet at 23/12/2018 at 21:28 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

It doesn't sound like anyone is mad at him.

Comment by Leafshield at 23/12/2018 at 21:58 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

No one in this story is mad but OP lmao what do you mean

Comment by Necro_OW at 23/12/2018 at 21:03 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Because they refuse to accept that framing. Their only acceptable solution is for you to just be abstinent.

Comment by peculiar_pandabear at 23/12/2018 at 22:13 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

DNE, I agree with you wholeheartedly. It's incredibly stupid that when people are trying to have safe sex, they get judged.

Comment by [deleted] at 23/12/2018 at 22:31 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Might be a religious thing.

Sex-ed in the States is still lagging behind in some areas where religious types have tried submitting abstinence only.

Comment by MrMcDudeGuy7 at 23/12/2018 at 22:42 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

a b s t i n e n c e o n l y e d u c a t i o n is a hell of a drug

A lot of people actually believe that you shouldn't be allowed to have sex until you're 18 under any circumstances.

Comment by This_is_my_phone_tho at 24/12/2018 at 00:15 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Because people are nasty, mean spirited, judgmental assholes who think about things less than a teenager thinking ahead to buy condoms.

Comment by skatchawan at 24/12/2018 at 01:23 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Abstinence only ! That's the Lord's way!

Comment by r4mm3rnz at 24/12/2018 at 04:59 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

There are some old conservative prudes out there..

Comment by shadovvvvalker at 23/12/2018 at 20:27 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

The need to force others to adhere to the rules you observed throughout your life is a fundamental conservative value.

Many of their hang ups exist solely to satisfy this need.

Gay people can’t be gay because I wasn’t allowed to be gay. Even if i didn’t want to it doesn’t matter.

There are only two genders because I wasn’t allowed to be the other gender if I wanted so neither should you.

I didn’t have sex out of wedlock so neither can you.

This can go on day after day. It doesn’t matter how broken the rule is, if they have lived their lives under that rule they won’t accept challenges to it.

It’s a cycle. We will be guilty of it once something new pops up. Sure we may have challenged for gender equality, sex positivity, body positivity climate change etc, but if were 46 and we’ve spent our entire life living mostly monogamously and the new generation starts challenging for widespread polygamy and polyamory, a fair share of us are going to insist that society stay largely monogamous.

Comment by executeorder666999 at 23/12/2018 at 20:16 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Right? My dad yelled at me for throwing used condoms in the trash. Okay dad, would you rather me be having safe sex or help me raise a child?

Comment by FstrThDg at 23/12/2018 at 20:48 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Of course he was doing the right thing---but there is a big chunk of people who profess to be guardians of pre-birth life, and anti sex except under the conditions they approve, and are so self righteous they feel entitled to force their views on everyone. Personally, I would just ask to see the manager, and copy down her name if she is wearing a name tag. If she refuses the request for names, hit google and other media sources to get them, and then write a full, civil, letter of complaint. Do not make threats, just move affirmatively toward legal action.

Comment by Armless_Dan at 23/12/2018 at 20:49 UTC

-1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Because condoms make baby Jesus cry.

Comment by [deleted] at 23/12/2018 at 21:12 UTC

-1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

People are jealous that the customer is getting some when they're stuck at the till all day. Gotta bring everyone down to feel good about themselves.