2016 April Fools subreddit pranks list


created by 202halffound on 01/04/2016 at 12:31 UTC*

77 upvotes, 20 top-level comments (showing 20)

Comment below with new ones and I will add them. Only subreddits with 500 or more subscribers will be listed.

│        Subreddit         │                       Prank                       │
│                          │ Added a robin button which links to /r/robin      │
│ Reddit                   │ which links to /r/joinrobin. Who knows what it    │
│                          │ does when you press it...?                        │
│ /r/2007scape             │ Themed to look like the old Runescape client      │
│ /r/4chan                 │ Moderators have seen the light[1] of Donald Trump │
│ /r/agario                │ Purchased by Miniclip[2]                          │
│ /r/apple                 │ Now themed to the old black and white System GUI  │
│                          │ circa 1984                                        │
│ /r/amiibo                │ Has a Disney Infinity theme now                   │
│ /r/amiibocanada          │ Is now about Skylanders[3]                        │
│ /r/arrow                 │ Now is solely about the Olicity shipping          │
│ /r/army                  │ Redirected to /r/militaryfaq                      │
│ /r/australia             │ Usernames changed to famous Australian people     │
│ /r/android               │ Themed[4] to look like XDA Developers site        │
│ /r/androidcirclejerk     │ New rule[5]: only users of previous-generation    │
│                          │ Nexuses are allowed to post                       │
│ /r/anime_irl             │ All usernames changed[6] to /u/Whowantspie        │
│ /r/askhistorians         │ Posters are now role-playing[7] as historical     │
│                          │ figures, asking questions from first person       │
│ /r/askmen                │ All caps, Comic Sans; weird background CSS; and   ��
│                          │ an over-the-top mod fight[8]                      │
│ /r/askscience            │ The flairs are now multicoloured[9] and animated  │
│                          │ cycle through colours                             │
│ /r/badrocketleaguegoals  │ Will change to[10] "/r/RLAudienceAppreciation",   │
│                          │ about the audience in Rocket League               │
│ /r/baseball              │ All the flairs changed[11] to various baseball    │
│                          │ players posing                                    │
│ /r/beachcity             │ Rebranded[12] as "Flavor Town", taken over by Guy │
│                          │ Fieri                                             │
│ /r/belgium               │ Now themed like /r/thenetherlands                 │
│ /r/blackpeopletwitter    │ Now changed to "Bikini Bottom Twitter[13]" for    │
│                          │ Spongebob only                                    │
│ /r/blackops3             │ Rebranded[14] to "/r/BlackOpsMarket3[15]" after   │
│                          │ the hated market system in-game                   │
│ /r/bleach                │ Now rebranded[16] as "Momo's Safe Space"          │
│ /r/bombing               │ Fake ban message                                  │
│ /r/brasil                │ Banned politics[17]                               │
│ /r/canada                │ AutoModerator has taken over[18] the subreddit    │
│ /r/casualconversation    │ Something about pineapples?[19]                   │
│ /r/CFB                   │ Now has a Pokémon theme as CFBÉMON[20]            │
│ /r/circlebroke           │ "I'm pregnant, you're the father."[21]            │
│                          │ The "Aficionado of the Month" was announced[22]   │
│ /r/cigars                │ to be a random user who had barely participated   │
│                          │ for years                                         │
│ /r/circlejerk            │ Anyone making April Fools jokes will be           │
│                          │ banned[23].                                       ��
│ /r/clashroyale           │ Changed theme to fictional "Boom Royale" game     │
│ /r/conservative          │ Announced[24] that they will become a closed      │
│                          │ community requiring a questionaire to get in      │
│ /r/comics                │ Artists all posting the same comic in different   │
│                          │ styles and accusing each other of plagarism       │
│ /r/coys                  │ Theme changed to "Coys Circlejerk", all posts     │
│                          │ about DeAndre Yedlin reach the top                │
│ /r/daystrominstitute     │ Now is called "Tuvix Institute" about one         │
│                          │ specific episode                                  │
│ /r/dbz                   │ Rethemed[25] with low-quality drawings of the     │
│                          │ characters in Dragon Ball Super                   │
│ /r/destinythegame        │ Moderators hold a dance competition[26] (in game  │
│                          │ dance)                                            │
│ /r/detroitredwings       │ Themed like the Toronto Leafs                     │
│ /r/diablo                │ Themed like rainbow My Little Pony thing          │
│ /r/disney_infinity       │ Themed like Lego Dimensions toys                  │
│ /r/electronicmusic       │ The banner is now just lots of album covers by    │
│                          │ Spinnin Records                                   │
│ /r/elitehudson           │ Themed like the Windows 95 OS                     │
│ /r/engineeringstudents   │ Added "Approved Accounts[27]" -- requiring a      │
│                          │ certain GPA or company job                        │
│ /r/europe                │ Now taken over[28] by Russia -- only pro-Russia   │
│                          │ posts and sources are allowed                     │
│                          │ Announced[29] new moderators who only care for    │
│ /r/explainlikeimfive     │ "making the subreddit profit" from sponsors and   │
│                          │ investors                                         │
│ /r/fairytail             │ Now has an Ichiya theme                           │
│ /r/fatlogic              │ Now only allows[30] reposts of old content or     │
│                          │ memes                                             │
│ /r/fireemblem            │ Banner now features characters' faces spliced     │
│                          │ onto other characters                             │
│ /r/fivenightsatfreddys   │ Two moderators swap usernames                     │
│ /r/flashtv               │ All usernames changed to Jay Garrick              │
│ /r/floridapanthers       │ Themed like the Quebec Nordiques                  │
│ /r/fountainpens          │ Inclusive of[31] all pens, including mechanical   │
│                          │ pencils and highlighters                          │
│ /r/fuckolly              │ Is now about[32] "Fuck Jon" instead               │
│ /r/furry                 │ Had a competition for banner; instead[33] used    │
│                          │ their own banner                                  │
│ /r/gallifrey             │ All mods and users carry the flair[34] "I ♥       │
│                          │ LOOMS"                                            │
│ /r/games                 │ Weekly games discussion topic? The Simpsons[35].  │
│ /r/geekboners            │ Now allows men to be posted                       │
│ /r/geometrydash          │ Mod posed[36] as developer and announced delay in │
│                          │ update                                            │
│ /r/gifs                  │ Now allows[37] all kinds of posts                 │
│ /r/godzilla              │ Now is a Godzilla resurgance[38] circlejerk       │
│                          │ subreddit (screencap)[39]                         │
│ /r/gravityfalls          │ Banned[40] all content relating to Gravity Falls  │
│                          │ Now displays a text terminal running              │
│ /r/grimdawn              │ `./gameover.sh` which apparently deletes the      │
│                          │ users' save files                                 │
│ /r/Greece                │ Swapped themes[41] with /r/Turkey                 │
│ /r/halo                  │ Now fanatically dedicated to[42] the community    │
│                          │ manager, Bravo                                    │
│ /r/harrypotter           │ Rethemed[43] after[44] Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.  │
│ /r/hawks                 │ Themed like the St. Louis Blues                   │
│ /r/hearthstone           │ Now about Yu-Gi-Oh with new theme                 │
│ /r/hearthstonecirclejerk │ Banned shitposts[45] in an effort to become a     │
│                          │ serious subreddit                                 │
│ /r/highschooldxd         │ Took on part of /r/Shinmai_Maou's CSS             │
│                          │ (screencap)[46]                                   │
│ /r/hockey                │ Some flairs have changed[47]                      │
│ /r/hockeycirclejerk      │ Now has a giant portrait of John Scott            │
│ /r/homestuck             │ Claimed[48] to have changed everything to         │
│                          │ Undertale theme                                   │
│ /r/hunterxhunter         │ Swapped themes with /r/yuyuhakusho                │
│ /r/iphone                │ Now has a old Nokia phone theme                   │
│                          │ Now locked; subscribers must defecate on a piece  │
│ /r/imgoingtohellforthis  │ of paper with their username signed to gain       │
│                          │ access                                            │
│ /r/india                 │ Now is the "Official Nana Patekar Fan Club"       │
│ /r/jokes                 │ All themes must be about[49] Donald Trump         │
│ /r/k_on                  │ All flairs replaced[50] with the same character   │
│                          │ Yui                                               │
│ /r/kerbalspaceprogram    │ All posts depiciting the injury or death of       │
│                          │ kerbals[51] are prohibited                        │
│ /r/kirby                 │ Now about[52] the cleaning products instead of    │
│                          │ the character (screencap)[53]                     │
│ /r/kotakuinaction        │ Moderators posed as /r/gamerghazi moderators      │
│ /r/kpop                  │ All posts now end with "omo"                      │
│ /r/leafs                 │ Themed like the MLSE parent company of the Leafs  │
│ /r/ledootgeneration      │ Stickied[54] "proof that mr skeltal isn't real"   │
│ /r/latterdaysaints       │ Announced[55] a reboot of the sci-fi Mormon       │
│                          │ Church franchise                                  │
│ /r/leagueoflegends       │ Traveled back in time[56] with a League of        │
│                          │ Legends: Clash of Fates theme                     │
│ /r/legodimensions        │ Switched to an Amiibo theme                       │
│ /r/lewronggeneration     │ Redirects to /r/scaruffi                          │
│ /r/lgbteens              │ Now about[57] "STRAIGHTeens", removing all        │
│                          │ rainbow colours from the subreddit                │
│ /r/litecoin              │ Subreddit closed, redirected to /r/dogecoin       │
│ /r/liverpoolFC           │ Theme is now "Liverpowl FC"                       │
│                          │ Rebranded to "Aquors"[58], only about second      │
│ /r/lovelive              │ season; first-second posts must be posted at      │
│                          │ /r/garbage instead                                │
│ /r/manga                 │ All posts end with "~de geso"                     │
│ /r/marvelstudios         │ Now themed[59] like Batman v. Superman            │
│ /r/meirl                 │ Banned[60] men, ableist slurs, frozen peaches,    │
│                          │ capitalism, America, video games, etc.            │
│                          │ Mods having fun changing what posts end with      │
│ /r/metalgearsolid        │ (e.g. "But that's okay...", or "Merry Christmas", │
│                          │ etc.)                                             │
│ /r/minecrack             │ Bolded letters in the sidebar spelling "UHC"      │
│                          │ (Ultra Hardcore)                                  │
│ /r/minecraft             │ A number of the thumbnails are now upside down    │
│ /r/mlplounge             │ Themed like a MLP and Undertale cross             │
│                          │ Introduced the "/r/mmorpg Collectors              │
│ /r/mmorpg                │ Edition"[61], a paid version of /r/mmorpg with    │
│                          │ special perks                                     │
│ /r/movies                │ All submissions are required[62] to be memes      │
│ /r/MURICA                │ "Due to an influx of damn commies, we have...     │
│                          │ removed your freedom of speech."[63]              │
│ /r/naruto                │ All meme posts now belong in /r/dankruto          │
│ /r/nba                   │ Flairs are now close-up faces of various NBA      │
│                          │ players                                           │
│ /r/newyorkislanders      │ Themed like the New York Rangers                  │
│ /r/nfl                   │ Theme changed to NRL                              │
│ /r/nintendo              │ Announced[64] partnership with Mercedez-Benz with │
│                          │ theme change                                      │
│ /r/oldpeoplefacebook     │ All usernames changed to AgnesBarnes@aol.com      │
│ /r/onepunchman           │ Rethemed[65] after the original webcomic[66]      │
│ /r/overwatch             │ Added a fake[67] message to make people click it  │
│ /r/patriots              │ Now about[68] Pat McAfee                          │
│ /r/pcmasterrace          │ Added[69] a single dead pixel to the subreddit    │
│                          │ Initially banned link posts, then allowed them    │
│ /r/pics                  │ again[70] as "the headquarters for karmawhores on │
│                          │ reddit", changing usernames to that of reddit     │
│                          │ karmawhores (e.g. Unidan, GallowBoob)             │
│ /r/pitchforkemporium     │ Banned[71] pitchforks in favour of shovels        │
│ /r/pokemon               │ Now has a CFB theme                               │
│ /r/polandball            │ Is now /r/noncountryballs, disallowing[72] any    │
│                          │ countries                                         │
│ /r/politics              │ Theme changed to look like a period newspaper[73] │
│ /r/ps4                   │ Theme changed to the same as /r/books; moderators │
│                          │ hold book discussion on The Road                  │
│ /r/reactiongifs          │ Themed to look like "Wrestling Gifs"              │
│                          │ Is now "Dank Memes for Bernie" featuring          │
│ /r/sandersforpresident   │ endorsements from the Koch Brothers and Wall      │
│                          │ Street                                            │
│ /r/scenesfromahat        │ All posts appear to be gilded; title is now "Drew │
│                          │ Carey's House Payment"                            │
│ /r/schoolidolfestival    │ Just... really terrible CSS[74] in general        │
│                          │ pretending to be a "new design"                   │
│                          │ Announced that[75] all political posts must       │
│ /r/scotland              │ belong to /r/scottishpolitics... 5 weeks before   │
│                          │ the election                                      │
│                          │ The whole page is rotating like /r/smashbros,     │
│ /r/slovenia              │ also Comic Sans; also growing text; and the title │
│                          │ has been changed to Slovakia                      │
│ /r/sonic                 │ Now about[76] the drive-thru chain rather than    │
│                          │ the hedgehog                                      │
│ /r/ssbm                  │ Now has a lot of animated Kirbys running around   │
│                          │ the screen                                        │
│ /r/ssbpm                 │ All flairs are upside down                        │
│                          │ All usersnames changed[77] to /u/Sledgehammer70   │
│ /r/starwarsbattlefront   │ to hide the *real* Sledgehammer70 from the reddit │
│                          │ admins                                            │
│ /r/stevenuniversie       │ Now rebranded to Crying Breakfast Friends         │
│ /r/subredditdrama        │ Is now a "JebusJohnson" appreciation[78]          │
│                          │ subreddit                                         │
│ /r/subredditoftheday     │ SOTD is now "whatever you want it to be"[79]      │
│                          │ Moderators organised[80] an internet Survivor     │
│ /r/survivor              │ game with the subscribers divided into three      │
│                          │ "tribes" and a scavenger hunt                     │
│ /r/smashbros             │ The whole page is very slightly rotating          │
│ /r/squaredcircle         │ Now has an NXT[81] theme (womens' wrestling)      │
│ /r/sweden                │ TF2 Fridays changed to[82] Pinturillo 2 Fridays   │
│ /r/swordartonline        │ Moderators stickied[83] a shitpost about Season 3 │
│ /r/rocketleague          │ Comments are suffixed with messages from the game │
│ /r/runescape             │ Now has a DouyuTV theme and Chinese banner (ref.  │
│                          │ to game being bought by Chinese company)          │
│ /r/rwby                  │ Invaded[84] by the Grimm (antagonists in the      │
│                          │ series)                                           │
│                          │ Moderators announce[85] that only posts featuring │
│ /r/talesfromretail       │ positive interactions with customers will be      │
│                          │ approved                                          │
│                          │ Tarantula of the month is the "Russian Snowy      │
│ /r/tarantulas            │ Tarantula"[86], a fictional tarantula that lives  │
│                          │ in extreme arctic conditions                      │
│ /r/technology            │ Announced new monitoring regime[87] under the     │
│                          │ takeover of the subreddit by the FBI              │
│ /r/The_Donald            │ Now endorses[88] Bernie Sanders                   │
│ /r/the100                │ Now have image flair and the Church of            │
│                          │ Garbage[89]                                       │
│ /r/thedivision           │ Posts are now[90] in all caps and the banner has  │
│                          │ been scribbled over in MS Paint                   │
│ /r/thelastairbender      │ [Is now themed[91] like Avatar the movie          │
│                          │ Is now quadlingual[92]: all posts must be         │
│ /r/thenetherlands        │ translated into four official languages; now      │
│                          │ themed like /r/belgium                            │
│ /r/tifu                  │ Now about animals fucking up[93] instead of       │
│                          │ humans                                            │
│ /r/titlegore             │ All posts are now in reverse[94]                  │
│ /r/toonami               │ Theme changed to "Excalibur" animal thing         │
│ /r/totallynotrobots      │ Embraced their true nature; all usernames are     │
│                          │ `ROBOT` and the theme is "Totally Not Humans"     │
│ /r/torontobluejays       │ Added[95] in corporate branding[96] to banner and │
│                          │ sidebar                                           │
│ /r/torontoraptors        │ Has a cursor of Andrea Bagnani                    │
│ /r/trollxchromosomes     │ Theme changed to have a lot of onions because     │
│                          │ lilypop hates them[97]                            │
│ /r/trove                 │ Subreddit theme changed to CubeWorld              │
│ /r/tumblrinaction        │ Joined forces with /r/TheRedPill in a brave new   │
│                          │ direction[98]                                     │
│ /r/Turkey                │ Swapped themes[99] with /r/Greece                 │
│ /r/twitchplayspokemon    │ Theme changed to "Hitbox Plays Pokemon"           │
│ /r/undertale             │ Is now about "UpDog", a dog themed version of     │
│                          │ Undertale                                         │
│                          │ Held a flag design contest[100] with the theme:   │
│                          │ "shows the mods as they truly are, including any  │
│ /r/vexillology           │ subset of: tyrannical, despotic, fascist,         │
│                          │ communist, imperialist, statist, Austrian         │
│                          │ economist..."                                     │
│ /r/vita                  │ Now has a Nintendo Gameboy theme                  │
│ /r/warframe              │ Now rebranded[101] to "WORFRAME"                  │
│ /r/whatisthisbug         │ Taken over[102] by carpet beetles                 │
│ /r/webcomics             │ Many posters post the same comic[103] and accuse  │
│                          │ each other of plagarism                           │
│ /r/wheredidthesodago     │ Now branded "Where did the Coca-Cola(tm) go?" --  │
│                          │ you must drink a verification can to continue     │
│ /r/whowouldwin           │ Now rebranding[104] to "Who Should Win?", using   │
│                          │ popular vote instead of reasoned arguments        │
│ /r/wiiu                  │ Now themed[105] with the Cucco chickens from      │
│                          │ Zelda                                             │
│ /r/wow                   │ Added a fake "This subreddit has been banned"     │
│                          │ message                                           │
│                          │ All stories now begin with "It was a dark and     │
│                          │ stormy night..." and end with "And they lived     │
│ /r/writingprompts        │ happily ever after." The annotations was then     │
│                          │ adruptly removed, and then robots took over[106]  │
│                          │ the subreddit, reinstating the messages           │
│ /r/xboxone               │ Introduced[107] the "Xbox 1/2" and the "Xbox 1    │
│                          │ 1/2"                                              │
│ /r/youtubehaiku          │ Only Spider-Man[108] allowed                      │
│ /r/yuyuhakusho           │ Swapped themes with /r/hunterxhunter              │
│ /r/zootopia              │ Added[109] the text "You are a moderator of this  │
│                          │ subreddit" to the sidebar to trick people         │


Comment by MayerR at 01/04/2016 at 12:39 UTC

3 upvotes, 1 direct replies

The Apple subreddit has changed for the 40th anniversary of Apple not April fools

Comment by repetitionofalie at 01/04/2016 at 13:58 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Is Reddit not doing a site wide prank this year?

Comment by Pikawil at 01/04/2016 at 20:43 UTC*

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Lemme help a bit. Also tossing in screencaps for preservation.

1: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackops3/comments/4cugbu/welcome_to_rblackmarketops3_please_purchase_cod/

2: https://i.uploadly.com/axoo8aq1_orig.png

3: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/dragon-ball-super-quality-controversy

4: https://www.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/4ctura/im_really_liking_the_new_design/

5: https://i.uploadly.com/sdam50kn_orig.png

6: https://www.reddit.com/r/gallifrey/comments/4csw07/guys_looms_are_a_good_idea/

7: https://i.uploadly.com/uw43fyy8_orig.png

8: https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/4ctvbn/new_godzilla_new_rules/

9: https://i.uploadly.com/6kyedjff_orig.png

10: https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/4cxh4m/love_is_in_the_air/

11: https://i.uploadly.com/6kmz5rir_orig.png

12: https://www.reddit.com/r/Shinmai_Maou/comments/4cucpg/wait_if_rhighschooldxd_has_taken_part_of_this/

13: https://www.reddit.com/r/HighschoolDxD/comments/4cub13/friday_notsofreetalk/

14: https://i.uploadly.com/3r4xgz21_orig.png

15: https://i.imgur.com/gEOKk0P.jpg

16: https://i.uploadly.com/gxqakce1_orig.png

17: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kirby/comments/4cub3c/april_airborn_whats_your_favorite_kirby_model/

18: https://i.uploadly.com/coba7y0w_orig.png

/r/marvelstudios (~65,200 subs): Banner rethemed to Batman v Superman. Screencap

19: https://i.uploadly.com/78bobm97_orig.png

20: https://i.uploadly.com/0bq5zx3o_orig.png

21: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiibo/comments/4ctloc/good_job_mods/d1lcls2

22: https://i.uploadly.com/766lnlx1_orig.png

23: https://i.uploadly.com/4ld16u0v_orig.png

24: https://i.uploadly.com/nmauamfo_orig.png

25: https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveLive/comments/4cwnd6/welcome_to_the_new_and_improved_raqours_of_love/

26: https://i.uploadly.com/06a52p73_orig.png

27: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePunchMan/comments/4ctt63/we_are_now_a_one_themed_subreddit/

28: https://i.uploadly.com/qrc3a7ij_orig.png

/r/schoolidolfestival (~10,000 subs): Had a terrible CSS. Screencap

/r/swordartonline (~20,750 subs): Season 3 shitpost stickied by mods

29: https://www.reddit.com/r/Torontobluejays/comments/4cv435/happy_april_fools_day_heres_our_back_up_april/

30: https://i.uploadly.com/wlqvty8m_orig.png

And some clarifications and context for some already listed:

31: https://i.uploadly.com/wh4h5nkd_orig.png

32: https://i.uploadly.com/raehajvs_orig.png

/r/manga: Not just the comments, the entire sub is rebranded to /r/Ika_Musume, after the manga Squid Girl; "~de geso" is the title character's verbal tic in Japanese. Screencap

/r/naruto: To advertise the (real) rule change about meme posts and /r/dankruto, the sub has a fullscreen redirect to /r/dankruto; proper access to that sub for the day was through https://nf.reddit.com/r/Naruto

/r/ssbm: The joke for anyone who doesn't follow Smash Bros. is that Kirby is the absolute worst character in Melee. Screencap

Comment by Kishara at 01/04/2016 at 16:19 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

r/The100 has a mod gone rogue, we have image flair and The Church of Garbage.

Comment by fite_me_irl at 01/04/2016 at 16:23 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

/r/wow has a good one

Comment by PokemasterTT at 01/04/2016 at 17:52 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

/r/Diablo has some things.

Comment by [deleted] at 01/04/2016 at 19:21 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Someone needs to work out what /r/casualconversation are doing. It's driving me nuts.

Comment by Danks4theLove at 01/04/2016 at 19:21 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

r/bombing was "banned for promoting and condoning crime"

Comment by 4-jan at 01/04/2016 at 20:48 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

/r/lgbteens abondoned it rainbow theme for an all-white theme and brands itself as 'straight teens' :^)

Comment by sprankton at 01/04/2016 at 20:55 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

/r/mylittlepony has introduced Ponemon.

/r/beachcity has been rebranded as Flavor Town and is now about Guy Fieri

/r/gravityfalls has banned Gravity Falls related content

/r/stevenuniverse is now about the Crying Breakfast Friends

Comment by anomalous_cowherd at 01/04/2016 at 21:31 UTC*

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

/r/pics was changing usernames to those of famous redditors a while back.

It was very odd to see myself posting as Unidan.

All seems to be back to normal now.

Edit: wrong, it's still happening but I see it on RES and not on Reddit is Fun.

Comment by Drexlore at 01/04/2016 at 21:46 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

r/oldpeoplefacebook has made all usernames AgnesBarnes@aol.com

Comment by LivePresently at 01/04/2016 at 21:49 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Include r/engineeringstudents

Comment by [deleted] at 01/04/2016 at 23:18 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Thank you so much for this.

Comment by Drendude at 01/04/2016 at 23:32 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

/r/fuckolly has banned Olly-hating posts. The sub is now /r/fuckjon.

Comment by wonkiercoder at 01/04/2016 at 23:42 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

r/titlegore has a nice trick

Comment by Pikawil at 02/04/2016 at 01:15 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Just a few more I found:

1: https://www.reddit.com/r/kancolle/comments/4cy5sn/achievement_kancolles_strong_shinano_and_her/

2: https://www.reddit.com/r/kancolle/comments/4cvrtg/kancolles_strong_kanmusu_and_that_one_naka_pose/

3: https://www.reddit.com/r/kancolle/comments/4cv9op/media_i_am_quitting_kancolle_because_of_tanaka/

4: https://i.imgur.com/8T07K2X.png

5: https://www.reddit.com/r/kancolle/comments/4cwg6p/achievement_mods_are_aslee/

6: https://i.uploadly.com/hy2on1sz_orig.png

7: https://i.uploadly.com/fdoi2s85_orig.png

8: https://bf.reddit.com/r/mortalkombat

Comment by peropeles at 02/04/2016 at 03:17 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Add r/Iran and r/israel

Comment by Treatery at 02/04/2016 at 08:08 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

You're amazing!

Comment by Emperor_of_Orange at 01/04/2016 at 14:37 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Not only is the /r/NBA a close up of various players, it's player who angered or hurt the team logo they replace.