Getting subreddit's list of scheduled posts

created by These_Voices on 30/05/2022 at 19:36 UTC*

3 upvotes, 1 top-level comments (showing 1)

My community, /r/RocketLeagueEsports heavily relies on scheduled posts to get our game-day threads up at the correct time.

I wrote a bot that makes sure these scheduled posts are scheduled for the correct time (and alerts if a thread hasn't been scheduled), but it's super janky. I'm basically using modlog right now to see when a post has been scheduled, which works fine for creations but it doesn't work for edits.


a scheduled post looks like this in modlog:

an edited scheduled post looks like this in modlog:


As you can see, modlog tells us the time it was scheduled, but if a user edits the scheduled post to a different time, modlog doesn't expose the new time.

From what I can see in[1], there is no scheduled post API, and no plans to add one. This means that if a mod originally creates a scheduled post at an incorrect time, editing it doesn't fix much (because modlog doesn't tell my bot what the new time is).


Is there a better way to do this? Have I missed something obvious? Thanks!


Comment by Watchful1 at 30/05/2022 at 20:38 UTC

3 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Unfortunately no, there isn't a better way to do this. Reddit just never added scheduling posts to the api.

Possibly if this post catches the eye of a reddit admin they could update the moderation log message to include the new time on edits, that sounds like it would be a really simple change on their side. But I wouldn't hold your breath for it.

The alternative is to simply have your bot do the posting itself instead of using the reddit scheduled posts. If you have the full schedule and the bot is running all the time, it can just make the post itself at the correct time. I run a bot that does this for r/CompetitiveOverwatch, which also updates scores in the post and does post match threads when a match is done. But that only works if there's a good source of data for match times you can rely on, otherwise you have the opposite problem where your human moderators struggle to schedule posts using the bot.