created by BrineOfTheTimes on 02/11/2022 at 16:08 UTC
264 upvotes, 59 top-level comments (showing 25)
G’day, Reddit!
We’ve made it halfway through the week, and almost entirely through the year. Exciting stuff, eh? Speaking of exciting, we’ve got a handful of product updates below (one includes a cat photo, which you’ll probably want to keep scrolling for). With only a few more Changelog updates remaining for 2022, let’s get to it.
We’re experimenting with a new feature to help make Live Chat… livelier? This feature will show redditors how many people are hanging out in a live chat in real-time. If you saw our last Changelog[1], you may have spotted a teaser of this. And if not, see below.
In the spirit of experimentation, we’re also testing out a new “Happening Now” page, where you’ll be able to see active Live Chats[2] and Reddit Talks[3] happening in subreddits you follow, as well as popular conversations happening across Reddit. The icon we’re using as the entrypoint on home feed is also part of the test and might change based on user feedback.
This is slowly rolling out as an experiment, so not everyone will have access to this page. If you do, here’s how you can try it:
As you may have seen[4] on r/modnews, moderators can now enable communities to share neat (or adorable—proof below) photos from their desktop or camera roll directly into comments.
Existing SFW subreddits can enable this feature and newly created SFW subreddits will have this feature default on.
Are you a mod interested in enabling this? Check out the announcement post[5] and mod help center article[6] for more info.
For more mod-related news, like the recent Mod Log and Mod Queue improvements[7], head over to r/ModNews[8].
That’s a wrap! Thanks for sticking around.
Have questions about anything you just read? As always, we’ll be checking in on the comments throughout the day.
Comment by [deleted] at 02/11/2022 at 16:40 UTC
88 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I keep getting "Predictions" posts that are on my front page where the post will say it's 8 hours old but all the comments are weeks or months old. I'll hide a post but the next time they refresh it or whatever it pops back up on my homepage. I'll then report it as spam and it'll come back when they refresh it. I've even tried blocking the moderator accounts as a last resort but that too seems to not affect whether or not they can refresh the predictions poll posts and make them reappear on my homepage.
I'm not interested in prediction polls. How do I stop them coming back again and again? Also this seems like a big potential risk should a rogue mod or troll mod decide to refresh it with something very offensive and it immediately hits the top of the site because it's got the weight of all the old votes putting it at the top.
Comment by [deleted] at 02/11/2022 at 16:36 UTC
139 upvotes, 5 direct replies
Comment by Jack_12221 at 02/11/2022 at 18:11 UTC
76 upvotes, 4 direct replies
Yet another comment asking for the live chat and poll API to be publicly accessible for 3rd party apps.
Comment by enmaku at 02/11/2022 at 20:34 UTC
76 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Are you not concerned about the effect that image comments will have on moderation? Currently there are automation tools for moderators to prevent abuse by detecting keywords or even running bots with full-on sentiment analysis. If you allow users to post those same bad comments as images, you allow them to bypass that entire moderation mechanism, which is exactly how Facebook became an unmoderateable cesspool.
Comment by Empole at 02/11/2022 at 22:11 UTC
23 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Are there automated moderation tools that prevent users from posting NSFW images (sex, gore) or scams in the form of images?
As I understand it, gifs in comments benefited from the moderation of the hosting site.
What is the expectation for moderation of user uploaded images.
Additionally, I was curious what Reddit's vision was in allowing images and gifs in comments by default. Neither is generally conducive to conversation on Reddit.
Comment by 47isthenew42 at 02/11/2022 at 21:13 UTC
22 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Bring back the ability for Android users to open links externally.
Comment by fishling at 03/11/2022 at 02:56 UTC
44 upvotes, 2 direct replies
Remove the constant "try the app" prompts on mobile browser Reddit. If someone hasn't used the app after being prompted multiple times a day, it's never happening.
Don't give that "it's technically complex" lie either. It's embarrassing for you. Some of us are devs and know how easy it would be to remember if the user has rejected the prompt and to never show it again. Or, simply keep the static and unobtrusive button up top and remove all prompts completely. Deleting the prompts isn't "technically complex".
Comment by 4kVHS at 02/11/2022 at 21:55 UTC
64 upvotes, 6 direct replies
Does anyone actually care about chat? It annoys me how much development is spent on features no one cares about, yet basics like a working video player never get resolved.
Comment by MeRedditGood at 03/11/2022 at 04:25 UTC
10 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Is anyone aware of a browser extension or RES setting that allows for the removal or at least the non-autoplay of GIFs in comments (on old Reddit)?
I really struggle to read through comments when there's an animation playing on the screen. It distracts me, draws away my attention, I'll minimise the comment to get it to go away, but by then the flow of interest has waned.
There's something so... Un-Reddiquette[1] about gifs in comments. Specifically:
Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.
It's so very rare that a gif can "contribute to conversation", beyond occasionally being mildly amusing.
Comment by jereezy at 02/11/2022 at 19:22 UTC
18 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Fix. The. Video. Player.
Comment by MaybeNotTheChosenOne at 02/11/2022 at 16:38 UTC
35 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Fix the video player please
Comment by Inner-Willingness-84 at 03/11/2022 at 01:38 UTC
10 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Fix the video player please
Comment by Vuk_Silni at 02/11/2022 at 17:14 UTC
16 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Please fix video player for mobile version
Comment by N1cknamed at 02/11/2022 at 23:03 UTC
10 upvotes, 2 direct replies
Chat will never be a reliable tool until you open up the API. Right now there's a good chance you'll never get an answer if you chat someone because they use a 3rd party app. Like me. Sometimes I discover someone tried to chat with me months after the fact. That sucks for me and it sucks for the guy trying to reach me.
Comment by [deleted] at 06/11/2022 at 20:34 UTC
4 upvotes, 0 direct replies
So that "please use our app please please" banner is just a permanent part of the site now, huh? If the mobile site starts blocking me out of posts I'm not switching to your app, I'm just leaving.
Comment by [deleted] at 08/11/2022 at 01:32 UTC
6 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Why is the Happening Now button always showing a red dot on desktop?
I click it, and the red dot goes away. Then it comes back on the next page I view.
Comment by SauloJr at 02/11/2022 at 17:24 UTC
9 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Hi, I'd like to give a suggestion - it's very nice that we can list the subreddits we're in on the left side but it'd be nice if we had the option to put it on the right side instead (screenshot[1])
For me, it's because my mouse is on the right side of the screen most of the time, as that's where I can open my profile and etc.
This way I think the 'extra' stuff like 'Moderators' list, 'Other Helpful Communities', 'Rules', and 'About community' could be moved to the left side instead. Basically, an option to mirror the webpage.
Thanks in advance
Comment by liamdun at 03/11/2022 at 08:54 UTC
8 upvotes, 2 direct replies
Did anyone ever ask for this change?
Comment by [deleted] at 04/11/2022 at 13:50 UTC
4 upvotes, 1 direct replies
can you not sort comments by controversial now
Comment by MuggleoftheCoast at 05/11/2022 at 21:53 UTC
3 upvotes, 0 direct replies
We're three years into the pandemic. Why does Reddit continue to push misinformation on people searching for information about vaccines, the CDC, and masks?
Searches for vaccines should not have Conspiracy as a top recommended community. Ditto for LockdownSkepticism showing up in a search for news on the CDC.
Comment by Vatonee at 06/11/2022 at 08:15 UTC
3 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Why was the button that lets you change comment sorting options moved to the top of the app? I can no longer use the app with 1 hand.
At least let me control where it is!
Comment by desf15 at 08/11/2022 at 14:35 UTC
3 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Is it possible to disable this "happening now" stuff? Or just get rid of orange dot. I checked it, don't like, not interested in using it further, but this orange dot is constantly getting my attention when I'm browsing reddit.
Comment by LeBateleur1 at 02/11/2022 at 16:27 UTC
16 upvotes, 9 direct replies
Where's the cat?
Comment by Skriptor96 at 05/11/2022 at 03:49 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
How can i mute the shitty recap subreddit?
Comment by SorryIdonthaveaname at 05/11/2022 at 06:01 UTC
2 upvotes, 1 direct replies
where has that button gone that let you follow a post? why was it replaced by comment sort? the sort was fine where it was before and was actually more relevant being by the comments. at least give us back the button to save posts instead of going into the menu with the dots