Announcing the Community Funds Program

created by Go_JasonWaterfalls on 25/04/2022 at 17:09 UTC

1061 upvotes, 38 top-level comments (showing 25)

Whether you’re new to Reddit or have been here since the beginning, you’ve probably noticed that our community is never short on good ideas[1] that can make a big impact[2]. A little over six months ago, we started experimenting with an idea of our own called Community Funds. We wanted to find out: What happens when we pair big ideas from our communities with the funding they need to come to life?



Through our small experiment, we provided 13 communities with over $60,000 in funding and helped launch some incredibly bold projects that showcase the creative, collaborative, and generous spirit of redditors all around the world. From a comics tournament[3] to the r/askhistorians digital conference[4] to a community-designed billboard[5] in Times Square, these are just a few examples of the amazing projects you’ve cooked up so far:




So what’s next? Today, we’re excited to announce that we are pledging $1 million toward the Community Funds Program to fund even more ideas that are creative, impactful, and spark collaboration within and across communities. We will accept nominations for projects needing anywhere from $1000 to $50,000 in funding, and select grantees based on their creativity, feasibility, and community impact. Through these funds, we want to continue empowering Redditors to positively impact the world around them through the power of their communities.

The Community Fund's nomination process relaunches in June 2022, so watch this space for updates. In the meantime, we invite all of you to work with your favorite communities and mods to start dreaming up ideas that can inspire, delight, and maybe, *just maybe*, change the world.

When Redditors come together, they can be an amazing force for good and truly show the world the power of community. We want to send a huge thank you to all the communities that inspired and helped bring this program to life – we couldn’t have done it without you!

We'll be around for a bit answering your questions, drop them in the comments below.


Comment by ShiningConcepts at 25/04/2022 at 17:18 UTC

111 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I missed the previous posts and projects about this, but this is an interesting idea.

If I may ask as someone unfamiliar with this: are the admins, or the sub mods, responsible for administering these funds? Non-admin Reddit mods are (and per the TOS are required to be) unpaid, so I think this is an interesting demonstration of trust for that kind of position.

Comment by ___HeyGFY___ at 25/04/2022 at 17:15 UTC

170 upvotes, 1 direct replies

What sort of criteria will you use to determine where the money (and how much) is allocated? More specifically, I suppose, if two candidates come up with nearly identical plans, how would you choose between them?

Comment by Simco_ at 25/04/2022 at 18:27 UTC

21 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Very cool.

With the ability to affect so many people, communities and causes, the criteria for considered projects seems vague.

In this post, for example, you show projects affecting science, history, art and foster care while also funding what appears to be a "we like you" sign to a boy band.

With so many do-good opportunities, will Reddit also be reserving a portion for "fun money?"

Comment by mmmmmmmmmmmmiss at 25/04/2022 at 17:18 UTC*

34 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Glad to see this get announced

Edit: there is a trophy for the program[1] as well :)


Comment by suckmyduck29 at 25/04/2022 at 19:00 UTC

63 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Over at r/crossstitch , we're in the middle of planning to cross stitch the final canvas of this year's r/place . We have over 200 stitchers all over the world adding to this piece

Here is the discord where all the magic is happening![1][2]



Comment by itimetravelwell at 25/04/2022 at 19:07 UTC

17 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Maybe it was in the previous post announcement, but what sort of checks and balances go into checking the funding isn’t being used for a different purpose than stated or if the purpose reveals itself to be harmful to others?

Hard not to imagine this won’t be taken advantage of in ways that won’t be identifiable until it happens.

Comment by PrestonRFD at 25/04/2022 at 17:16 UTC

32 upvotes, 2 direct replies


Comment by ashamed-of-yourself at 25/04/2022 at 18:25 UTC

12 upvotes, 1 direct replies

ball pit! ball pit! ball pit!!!!

Comment by born_lever_puller at 25/04/2022 at 20:14 UTC

6 upvotes, 1 direct replies

/r/LochNessMonster would like to request about tree-fiddy to conduct research proving that it exists.

Comment by mistryishan25 at 25/04/2022 at 17:31 UTC

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I had no idea about this!!! That's just awesome!!!

Comment by i_Killed_Reddit at 26/04/2022 at 07:46 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Our sub's mod u/NirmalTyagi had previously requested[1] for the funds 4 months ago, haven't recieved any update on it yet.


Please check and update any progress regarding it.

Comment by rossisdead at 26/04/2022 at 17:44 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Could you please fix the bug with blocked user posts not being collapsed? This has been broken for two months now. There are several posts about this on /r/bugs and no one acknowledges it. Blocked user posts no longer collapse or even mention that it's from a blocked user. They appear like any other comment now.

I've curated my blocklist of the years to block out annoying, useless bots. But now I'm stuck seeing all of these useless bots again.

Comment by CaeciliusEstInPussy at 25/04/2022 at 19:44 UTC

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies

you’ve probably noticed that our community is never short on good ideas

Or bad ones

Comment by gddirytejy6rj at 26/04/2022 at 06:21 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Next give 60k to r/amongusporn

Comment by irafcummings at 26/04/2022 at 13:17 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

How are you going to ensure that funds are distributed equitably? Are there any measures in place to make sure that there is a diversity of recipients?

Comment by J0hn__w at 25/04/2022 at 17:30 UTC

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies


Comment by Ooozzyy1 at 25/04/2022 at 22:09 UTC

3 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I love Reddit, but the amount of subs that have been shut down lately is sad to me. This is our place, what the community makes of it should be allowed. Can we go back to that? Downvote me if you want, ofcourse.

Comment by Birb7789- at 25/04/2022 at 21:52 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

i think the funny orange cat comic[1] should be put up somewhere for everybody to laugh at! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what do you think thomas


Comment by ringtossflamingohat at 25/04/2022 at 17:54 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

yEah LeTS BuY an IsLADN

Comment by -Quack4321- at 25/04/2022 at 18:01 UTC

0 upvotes, 0 direct replies

that's awesome!

Comment by GGamerFuel at 25/04/2022 at 18:42 UTC

0 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Actually good stuff

Comment by Alive_Text3906 at 26/04/2022 at 08:33 UTC

0 upvotes, 0 direct replies


Comment by glitterymax at 25/04/2022 at 17:20 UTC

-4 upvotes, 0 direct replies


Comment by VarkingRunesong at 26/04/2022 at 00:05 UTC

0 upvotes, 0 direct replies

If I applied for $500 would it be upped to 1k if it were accepted?

Comment by Triq1 at 26/04/2022 at 06:42 UTC

0 upvotes, 0 direct replies

ok but reddit Island when?

(this is a joke)