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View submission: /r/philosophy Open Discussion Thread | January 20, 2020
I've got a major man-crush on Plato, and his book The Republic has been the guiding force in my life. That's enough backstory to understand where I'm coming from- I think.
We find ourselves surrounded by lies. True, it's always been that way- but we knew the lies were lies. When we saw the Doctors endorsing cigarettes- we still called them cancer sticks. When Cosmo magazine released an article about how eating only fast-food can result in a sexier waistline... we also knew it was a bunch of malarkey. But at some point, our ability to lie has surpassed our ability to detect said lies. I think, mostly, this is evident in the political sphere.
One side says there's nothing we can do about the climate, the other says we can only save the Earth if we act 4 years ago- but we can still aim for a dystopia that isn't entirely death. People on both sides of the political spectrum raise their arms and call the other side whichever dastardly name they can. All the while, this Machiavellian distraction has prevented them from the major outrages they should be possessing.
In the Platonic world, the Good is the Good is the Good. To know the Good is to do the Good. These days, the Good seems to not exist in either sales pitch- and yet we seemed forced to pick a path.
Plato says further, that when it comes to affairs of the state... you have 3 choices. You can follow the Law, you can run for government yourself, or you can leave. Disobedience is not one of the choices he proposes- probably because that would be unfair/unjust/not Good.
Now, I think a world in which multiple Ring of Gyges (a magical ring which would allow you to become invisible at will- but for my intents represents your ability to make your unjust intentions invisible) was probably beyond Plato's writing... and the book does an amazing job despite how outdated it is... but the reality is, we live in a strange time.
I've had the thought that I want to pretend I'm a racist to make money selling stuff to other racists, and in that same breath (different corporation) sell t-shirts to ANTIFA and the radical left. I could go to as many churches as possible (without tithing/donating a thing), and join every faction/group possible in order to maximize my cashflow. (Insert argument against hedonism, thus why I didn't do it.. extra points if you get the MAXIMUM FLOW reference to cashflow)
But that thought lead me down a dark rabbit hole. You see, if you have a thought- it's probably not original. In fact, many other people have probably had this thought already. I started to look at these causes... for example, I saw a comic of a man holding 2 rifles and a pistol being surrounded by a mixed race couple, a gay couple, random brown guy, and just some other people with him saying out loud, "I'm offended."
Immediately, I felt like I need to rally the brainiac-troops to Facebook keyboard and attack the heathens trying to spread such malarkey... ignoring the fact that every share advertises this guy's shitty cartoon. I don't even agree with it, and I'm helping him out. I started to think more. The people that share the cartoon gain a sense of community. They gain people they believe are friends (Gyges Ring, ahem) and they believe- a way to detect evildoers. Much like the people against it also get those same false senses. Believe it or not, your belief in the value of a cartoon doesn't tell you anything else about your fellow man.
I thought further...
This is ingrained in everything today. You can't turn on a TV show without seeing it. For the sake of argument I'm going to go to CNN.com[1] and FOXNEWS.com[2] and see what each of their top articles are at this moment (Jan 24, 2020).
" GOP thinking on impeachment: It's the defense team's to lose[3]"
3: https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/24/politics/republican-senators-reaction-impeachment/index.html
" EXCLUSIVE: Trump shares advice for defense team as Dems conclude opening Senate trial arguments[4]"
Wow, that worked out better than expected. Their top story is about an identical situation, yet the perspective guarantees an alternate story. One shows the arrogance of the Republican party thinking they can't possibly lose... the other tells the story of a courageous general, sharing his war-advice with the troops (maybe reaching a bit far, but you know what I'm saying).
And although this kind of political partisan stuff in the media is not new... it's never been regarded as blanket truths before. Back in my day, we had Jon Stewart to point out the absurdity of the News. Although it can be argued that Jon was very left-leaning... I think he still attacked the Left a fair amount. I don't think Noah is even close to his level, and although Noah is funny- it is not the same show it once was.
My whole reason for writing this big long story is to display how I believe the world no-longer makes sense in terms of accomplishing what you set out to do. Thus, sophists are running-a-muck and what they say is the true power in society... is. In our society, if you're playing to be one of the "Good Guys," you're getting it wrong. You're going to be eaten alive by Thrasymachus.
Sophistry states:
1. Justice is nothing but the advantage of the stronger
2. Justice is obedience to laws
3. Justice is nothing but the advantage of another
Strength in our society can be measured by economic power.
Obeying the laws is now grey area. We have functions like "Not Criminally Responsible" and subjective takes on the law... like people openly smoking marijuana despite what the law of the land is. But, they appear to be obedient... so they get away with it.
Finally, the advantage of others is all we seem focused on. Instagram is one giant competition. Epstein is one of the most famous/powerful pedos ever... but somehow skated by. Thus, he was viewed Justly (seen happily in pics with Bill Clinton and Trump - two "Just" figureheads).
Tell me I'm wrong about it all... please. I hate being cynical, but I am at a loss. Someone has taken away this navigator's compass.
There's nothing here!