Schedule Posts as AutoModerator

created by AutoModerator on 29/10/2020 at 18:04 UTC

539 upvotes, 62 top-level comments (showing 25)

Greetings, Mods!

A few months ago we announced that our scheduled and recurring post features would be rolling out to all our communities[1]. Today we’re excited to announce that we’ve further developed this feature to allow you to use Automoderator to publish these scheduled and recurring posts.


It’s easy! Next time you go to schedule a game day thread (or any post you need scheduled), where you know your favorite sports team is bound to lose (I swear I’m not projecting), tap the schedule posts clock icon that is located to the right of the Post submit button.


From there you’ll notice that we’ve added a new “Post as AutoModerator” toggle that you’ll be able to turn on and off when needed.


When this appears in your Scheduled Posts queue, you’ll now see two things: 1) who scheduled the post and 2) that it’s being posted by AutoModerator.

We’ve pushed back our plans to deprecate AutoMod Scheduler until December 31, 2020. As we get closer to that new date, we will still send modmail notifications to all subreddits that use Automod Scheduler to remind them of the deprecation and share instructions[2] on how they can set up their posts in the new service.


Please drop any questions or feedback that you have below in the comments. Actual humans will be hanging around to answer them.


Comment by Emmx2039 at 29/10/2020 at 18:11 UTC

83 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Wait, if the OP of this post was AutoModerator, then have all the Admins been eliminated? Should we start embracing our new overlord now, or?

Comment by [deleted] at 29/10/2020 at 18:25 UTC*

27 upvotes, 2 direct replies

I actually played around with this this morning, and I couldn't find a way for the scheduled automod post to distinguish itself as a mod post - if I tried to do it manually, it would revert to my username instead of u/automoderator. Am I missing a step, or is this not possible?

1. Set up the scheduled post with this function enabled.

2. On the "Scheduled Posts" screen, enable "Distinguish as mod." This reverts the user from u/automod to me.

3. Edit the post and re-enable this feature.

There's got to be a better way to do this...

Comment by manyamile at 29/10/2020 at 18:12 UTC

24 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Cool. Now how do I prevent automod from automatically scheduling its own posts like the subreddit Anniversary post I was alerted to today. If I want an anniversary post, I’ll schedule it myself, thanks. I don’t need automod or the admins mucking about with the community��s celebrations.

Comment by double-you at 11/11/2020 at 11:03 UTC

11 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Is there a documentation article that includes everything? And that actually explains how to use the date/time formatting instead of referring to Python documentation. Is this made for programmers?

Does the new scheduler use the same time formatting as the old one did? E.g. "{{date %B %d}}-{{date+1 %d, %Y}}"?

Comment by OneUpPotato at 29/10/2020 at 18:12 UTC

9 upvotes, 1 direct replies

This feature looks really neat. Scheduling posts with AutoModerator will now be a lot more intuitive.

Do you have plans to introduce a new moderator permission for scheduling posts from AutoModerator, or will it use the config moderator permission?

Comment by iVarun at 01/11/2020 at 17:02 UTC

9 upvotes, 1 direct replies

This is most welcome.

On the Recurring Logic bit, what is the timeline on adding a, *X^th Day-of-Week Monthly* functionality?

Like Post something on, 4th Friday Monthly or every 2-3 Months

Comment by the_gifted_Atheist at 29/10/2020 at 18:20 UTC

7 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I feel bad for AutoMod. Before, it simply followed orders and did its job. Then it had to deal with scheduled posts. And now mods are allowed to impersonate it? This is violation of AutoMod's rights! r/botsrights

Comment by huckingfoes at 29/10/2020 at 20:48 UTC

8 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Thank you kindly. We do understand that you need to first ensure that the lights stay on and develop things like awards/avatars/low-key gambling, etc. but we (moderators) really appreciate that you're also listening our concerns and priorities it seems more than you previously were.

Great little fix, thanks for pushing it out!

Comment by MajorParadox at 29/10/2020 at 18:22 UTC

15 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Can posts scheduled as automod be edited?

Comment by Watchful1 at 29/10/2020 at 18:12 UTC

7 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Awesome to hear. Thanks again for delaying the automod deprecation to get this in.

I'm interested in writing a bot that can automatically convert an automod config into a set of scheduled posts which should save subs some time converting. But unfortunately scheduling posts is not available in the API, so this isn't possible. Is there a plan to add scheduling posts to the API?

Comment by mizmoose at 29/10/2020 at 21:18 UTC

8 upvotes, 0 direct replies


I was just about to create an account just for making automated posts, but I don't like that idea [an account that's not used regularly, even with precautions, is still ripe for problems].


Comment by qdatk at 29/10/2020 at 20:39 UTC*

6 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Is it possible to have automod unstick the previous incarnation of a scheduled post? So, for instance, if we only want the current "weekly discussion" post to be stickied, can automod unstick the old one when it posts a new one?

Edit: Looks like the "submit as first/second sticky" option should do this.

Comment by enfrozt at 24/11/2020 at 14:39 UTC

5 upvotes, 0 direct replies

You're deprecating the old automoderator way of scheduling posts, but you don't support

Mods now are forced to use new reddit to create scheduled posts.

Comment by MajorParadox at 29/10/2020 at 18:07 UTC

3 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Actual humans will be hanging around to answer them.

What about other robots?

Comment by ChuckEye at 29/10/2020 at 18:15 UTC

4 upvotes, 2 direct replies

How can I edit recurring scheduled posts, currently by me, to be from automod instead? I'm not seeing it in the edit. Do I need to cancel those and create new ones instead?

Comment by TiffanyGaming at 09/11/2020 at 23:00 UTC

4 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Can you make scheduled posts work with old reddit?

Comment by justcool393 at 29/10/2020 at 18:08 UTC

10 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Nice! This looks pretty neat! Are there any plans to sunset the old scheduler at the moment or will it be available for the forseeable future?

I'm kinda wondering so I know kinda how much time I have to switch for my subs.


Comment by Merkaartor at 29/10/2020 at 18:19 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I realized of this yesterday. As soon as we knew, we got rid of the old method, and we embraced the mod tools feature. Thanks!

Comment by redrocketinn at 29/10/2020 at 19:11 UTC

5 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Is there a way to customise the date in the title of the recurring post?

Comment by MeowPrincessSandwich at 31/10/2020 at 00:21 UTC

4 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Went to edit a previously scheduled recurring post to post as AutoMod. Set start date as Saturday, 1/2/2021, recurring weekly on Saturdays:[1][2]



Upon save (update), it changes the start date to 1/8/2021, recurring on Fridays:[3][4]



Tried to reset multiple times and it keeps going back to Fridays.

Comment by SolariaHues at 03/12/2020 at 20:37 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Just in case it's handy to anyone just hearing about this, here's a round up[1] of the updates to this feature, how to stop the old scheduler, and how to set up the new.


Comment by Redditenmo at 04/12/2020 at 01:16 UTC*

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies


We're trying to migrate our daily simple questions post from our existing automoderator config, to the new post scheduler, but it appears there's a feature missing.

There doesn't appear to be a way to configure the new scheduler to automatically customise the Post title based on the date at time of posting.

This functionality exists in our current automod config, allowing our automatic daily post titles to look like this :

Could you please let me (us) know how to enable this feature with the new scheduler.





Comment by ThePerito at 29/10/2020 at 18:18 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

This is amazing! Much needed

Comment by itskdog at 29/10/2020 at 18:36 UTC*

3 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I had this brought to my attention a few days ago after I asked you guys for updates on this over on r/ModSupport - looks good and has worked so far in my testing on a private sub, though one thing I noticed, Automod was added to the mods list but nothing showed up in the modlog.

One question as well - is it safe to then remove automod from the mods list afterwards, say we were doing a mods list reshuffle and putting bots at the bottom, would it just readd itself on the next post?

Comment by SolariaHues at 29/10/2020 at 19:51 UTC*

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

This is great, thank you! :) I am loving the new scheduler, and this makes it even better.

~~Distinguishing the scheduled posts switches the poster from AM back to me though~~ fixed, and applying a mod only flair makes it fail - alive AM flair perms to fix.